
Automatic Linux Installation and Configuration with YaST2

SUSE Linux Products GmbH

Anas Nashif

Concepts, Development and Documentation

Uwe Gansert

Server Technologies

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Availability
1.2. Motivation
1.3. Overview and Concept
2. The Control File
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Format
2.3. Structure
2.3.1. Resources and Properties
2.3.2. Nested Resources
2.3.3. Attributes
2.4. RELAX NG - a schema language for XML
2.4.1. Introduction
3. Creating A Control File
3.1. Collect information
3.2. Using the Configuration Management System
3.2.1. Creating a new Profile
3.3. Creating/Editing a Control File Manually
3.4. Creating a Profile (control file) via Script with XSLT
4. Configuration and Installation Options
4.1. General Options
4.2. Reporting
4.3. The Boot loader
4.3.1. Device map
4.3.2. Globals
4.3.3. Initrd modules
4.3.4. Loader Type
4.3.5. Sections
4.3.6. Options Options for section type: image and xen Options for section type: other (chainloader) Options for section type: menu (configfile)
4.4. Partitioning
4.4.1. drive configuration
4.4.2. partition configuration
4.4.3. raid options
4.4.4. Automated Partitioning
4.4.5. Advanced Partitioning features Wipe out partition table Mount Options Keeping Specific Partitions
4.4.6. Using existing mount table (fstab)
4.4.7. Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
4.4.8. Enterprise Volume Management System (EVMS) - SLES10 only!
4.4.9. Software RAID
4.5. Software
4.5.1. Package Selections with patterns
4.5.2. Deploying Images
4.5.3. Installing additional and customized Packages
4.5.4. Kernel packages
4.5.5. Removing automatically selected packages
4.5.6. Installing packages during stage 2
4.5.8. Online update in stage2
4.6. Services and Run-levels
4.7. Network configuration
4.7.1. Network devices, DNS and Routing.
4.7.2. Proxy
4.7.3. (X)Inetd
4.8. NIS
4.9. LDAP client
4.10. NFS Client and Server
4.11. NTP Client
4.12. Mail Configuration (Sendmail or Postfix)
4.13. Security settings
4.13.1. Password Settings Options
4.13.2. Boot Settings
4.13.3. Login Settings
4.13.4. New user settings (useradd settings)
4.14. Monitor and X11 Configuration
4.15. Users
4.16. Custom user scripts
4.16.1. Pre-Install Scripts
4.16.2. Postpartitioning Scripts
4.16.3. Chroot environment scripts
4.16.4. Post-Install Scripts
4.16.5. Init Scripts
4.16.6. Script example
4.17. System variables (Sysconfig)
4.18. Adding complete configurations
4.19. Miscellaneous hardware and system components
4.19.1. Printer
4.19.2. Sound devices
4.19.3. Kernel dumps Memory Reservation Dump Saving Target Filtering and Compression Summary Email Notification Kdump kernel settings Expert settings
4.19.4. Ask the user for values during installation
5. Network Based Installation
5.1. Configuration Server
5.1.1. HTTP Repository
5.1.2. NFS Repository
5.1.3. TFTP Repository
6. Rules and Classes
6.1. Rule based auto-installation
6.1.1. Rules File explained
6.1.2. Custom Rules
6.1.3. Match Types for rules
6.1.4. Combine Attributes
6.1.5. Rules file structure
6.1.6. Predefined System Attributes
6.1.7. Rules with Dialogs
6.2. Classes
6.3. Mixing Rules and Classes
6.4. The merging process of Rules and Classes
7. The Auto-Installation Process
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. X11 Interface
7.1.2. Serial console
7.1.3. Text based YaST2-Installation
7.2. Choosing the right Boot Medium
7.2.1. Booting from a floppy
7.2.2. Booting from CD-ROM
7.2.3. Booting via PXE over the network
7.3. Invoking the Auto-Installation process
7.3.1. Command line Options
7.3.2. Auto-installing a Single System
7.3.3. Combining linuxrc info file with YaST2 control file
7.4. System Configuration
7.4.1. Post-Install and System Configuration
7.4.2. System Customization
A. Handling Rules
B. Advanced Linuxrc Options
B.1. Passing parameters to Linuxrc
B.2. 'info' file format
B.3. Advanced Network Setup

List of Figures

1.1. Auto-installation process
3.1. Configuration System
3.2. Editing the control file with kxmledit
4.1. Keeping partitions
6.1. Rules
6.2. Defining Classes
A.1. Rules Retrieval Process

List of Tables

4.11. pre script XML representation
4.12. postpartitioning script XML representation
4.13. chroot script XML representation
4.14. post script XML representation
4.15. init script XML representation
4.16. Recommended values for the reserved memory amount
4.17. XML representation of the memory reservation settings
4.18. XML representation of the dump target settings
4.19. XML representation of the email notification settings
4.20. XML representation of the kernel settings
4.21. XML representation of the expert settings
4.22. XML representation
4.23. XML representation
4.24. XML representation
6.1. System Attributes
7.1. Keywords for linuxrc
7.2. Command line variables for AutoYaST
B.1. Advanced linuxrc keywords

List of Examples

2.1. XML Control File (Profile)
2.2. Control file container
2.3. Nested Resources
2.4. Nested Resources with type attributes
3.1. Example file for replacing hostname/domain by script
4.1. General Options
4.2. Reporting Behavior
4.3. Automated partitioning
4.4. Detailed automated partitioning
4.5. Mount Options
4.6. Keeping partitions
4.7. Auto-detection of partitions to be kept.
4.8. Reading existing /etc/fstab
4.9. Create LVM Physical Volume
4.10. LVM Logical Volumes (New syntax)
4.11. EVMS Logical Volumes
4.12. RAID1 configuration
4.13. Package selection in control file with patterns
4.14. Activating images deployment
4.15. Creating package database
4.16. Package selection in control file
4.17. Package selection in control file
4.18. Run-level Configuration
4.19. Network configuration
4.20. Netwrok configuration: Proxy
4.21. Inetd Example
4.22. Network configuration: NIS
4.23. Network configuration: LDAP client
4.24. Network configuration: NFS client
4.25. Network configuration: NFS client - new style (openSUSE 11.3 and newer)
4.26. Network configuration: NFS Server
4.27. Network configuration: NTP Client
4.28. Mail Configuration
4.29. Security configuration
4.30. X11 and Monitor configuration (deprecated since openSUSE 11.2)
4.31. User configuration
4.32. Post script configuration
4.33. Sysconfig Configuration
4.34. Dumping files into the installed system
4.35. Dumping files into the installed system
4.36. Printer configuration
4.37. Sound configuration
4.38. Kdump configuration
6.1. Simple rules file
6.2. Simple rules file
7.1. Determine HEX code for an IP address
7.2. Linxurc options in the control file