Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------\
00002 |                          ____ _   __ __ ___                          |
00003 |                         |__  / \ / / . \ . \                         |
00004 |                           / / \ V /|  _/  _/                         |
00005 |                          / /__ | | | | | |                           |
00006 |                         /_____||_| |_| |_|                           |
00007 |                                                                      |
00008 \---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00013 #include <iostream>
00014 #include <sstream>
00016 #include "zypp/base/Logger.h"
00017 #include "zypp/base/String.h"
00018 #include "zypp/media/MediaNFS.h"
00019 #include "zypp/media/Mount.h"
00021 #include <dirent.h>
00023 using namespace std;
00025 namespace zypp {
00026   namespace media {
00029     //
00030     //  CLASS NAME : MediaNFS
00031     //
00035     //
00036     //
00037     //  METHOD NAME : MediaNFS::MediaNFS
00038     //  METHOD TYPE : Constructor
00039     //
00040     //  DESCRIPTION :
00041     //
00042     MediaNFS::MediaNFS( const Url &      url_r,
00043                         const Pathname & attach_point_hint_r )
00044       : MediaHandler( url_r, attach_point_hint_r,
00045                       "/", // urlpath at attachpoint
00046                       false ) // does_download
00047     {
00048         MIL << "MediaNFS::MediaNFS(" << url_r << ", " << attach_point_hint_r << ")" << endl;
00049     }
00052     //
00053     //
00054     //  METHOD NAME : MediaNFS::attachTo
00055     //  METHOD TYPE : PMError
00056     //
00057     //  DESCRIPTION : Asserted that not already attached, and attachPoint is a directory.
00058     //
00059     void MediaNFS::attachTo(bool next)
00060     {
00061       if(_url.getHost().empty())
00062         ZYPP_THROW(MediaBadUrlEmptyHostException(_url));
00063       if(next)
00064         ZYPP_THROW(MediaNotSupportedException(_url));
00066       string path = _url.getHost();
00067       path += ':';
00068       path += Pathname(_url.getPathName()).asString();
00070       MediaSourceRef media( new MediaSource("nfs", path));
00071       AttachedMedia  ret( findAttachedMedia( media));
00073       if( ret.mediaSource &&
00074           ret.attachPoint &&
00075           !ret.attachPoint->empty())
00076       {
00077         DBG << "Using a shared media "
00078             << ret.mediaSource->name
00079             << " attached on "
00080             << ret.attachPoint->path
00081             << endl;
00083         removeAttachPoint();
00084         setAttachPoint(ret.attachPoint);
00085         setMediaSource(ret.mediaSource);
00086         return;
00087       }
00089       std::string mountpoint( attachPoint().asString() );
00090       Mount mount;
00092       if( !isUseableAttachPoint(attachPoint()))
00093       {
00094         mountpoint = createAttachPoint().asString();
00095         if( mountpoint.empty())
00096           ZYPP_THROW( MediaBadAttachPointException(url()));
00097         setAttachPoint( mountpoint, true);
00098       }
00100       std::string filesystem( _url.getScheme() );
00101       if ( filesystem != "nfs4" && _url.getQueryParam("type") == "nfs4" )
00102       {
00103         filesystem = "nfs4";
00104       }
00106       string options = _url.getQueryParam("mountoptions");
00107       if(options.empty())
00108       {
00109         options="ro";
00110       }
00112       vector<string> optionList;
00113       str::split( options, std::back_inserter(optionList), "," );
00114       vector<string>::const_iterator it;
00115       bool contains_lock  = false, contains_soft = false,
00116            contains_timeo = false, contains_hard = false;
00118       for( it = optionList.begin(); it != optionList.end(); ++it ) {
00119         if ( *it == "lock" || *it == "nolock" ) contains_lock = true;
00120         else if ( *it == "soft") contains_soft = true;
00121         else if ( *it == "hard") contains_hard = true;
00122         else if ( it->find("timeo") != string::npos ) contains_timeo = true;
00123       }
00125       if ( !(contains_lock && contains_soft) ) {
00126         // Add option "nolock", unless option "lock" or "unlock" is already set.
00127         // This should prevent the mount command hanging when the portmapper isn't
00128         // running.
00129         if ( !contains_lock ) {
00130           optionList.push_back( "nolock" );
00131         }
00132         // Add options "soft,timeo=NFS_MOUNT_TIMEOUT", unless they are set
00133         // already or "hard" option is explicitly specified. This prevent
00134         // the mount command from hanging when the nfs server is not responding
00135         // and file transactions from an unresponsive to throw an error after
00136         // a short time instead of hanging forever
00137         if ( !(contains_soft || contains_hard) ) {
00138           optionList.push_back( "soft" );
00139           if ( !contains_timeo ) {
00140             ostringstream s;
00141             s << "timeo=" << NFS_MOUNT_TIMEOUT;
00142             optionList.push_back( s.str() );
00143           }
00144         }
00145         options = str::join( optionList, "," );
00146       }
00148       mount.mount(path,mountpoint,filesystem,options);
00150       setMediaSource(media);
00152       // wait for /etc/mtab update ...
00153       // (shouldn't be needed)
00154       int limit = 3;
00155       bool mountsucceeded;
00156       while( !(mountsucceeded=isAttached()) && --limit)
00157       {
00158         sleep(1);
00159       }
00161       if( !mountsucceeded)
00162       {
00163         setMediaSource(MediaSourceRef());
00164         try
00165         {
00166           mount.umount(attachPoint().asString());
00167         }
00168         catch (const MediaException & excpt_r)
00169         {
00170           ZYPP_CAUGHT(excpt_r);
00171         }
00172         ZYPP_THROW(MediaMountException(
00173           "Unable to verify that the media was mounted",
00174           path, mountpoint
00175         ));
00176       }
00177     }
00180     //
00181     //  METHOD NAME : MediaNFS::isAttached
00182     //  METHOD TYPE : bool
00183     //
00184     //  DESCRIPTION : Override check if media is attached.
00185     //
00186     bool
00187     MediaNFS::isAttached() const
00188     {
00189       return checkAttached(true);
00190     }
00193     //
00194     //
00195     //  METHOD NAME : MediaNFS::releaseFrom
00196     //  METHOD TYPE : void
00197     //
00198     //  DESCRIPTION : Asserted that media is attached.
00199     //
00200     void MediaNFS::releaseFrom( const std::string & ejectDev )
00201     {
00202       Mount mount;
00203       mount.umount(attachPoint().asString());
00204     }
00207     //
00208     //  METHOD NAME : MediaNFS::getFile
00209     //  METHOD TYPE : PMError
00210     //
00211     //  DESCRIPTION : Asserted that media is attached.
00212     //
00213     void MediaNFS::getFile (const Pathname & filename) const
00214     {
00215       MediaHandler::getFile( filename );;
00216     }
00219     //
00220     //  METHOD NAME : MediaNFS::getDir
00221     //  METHOD TYPE : PMError
00222     //
00223     //  DESCRIPTION : Asserted that media is attached.
00224     //
00225     void MediaNFS::getDir( const Pathname & dirname, bool recurse_r ) const
00226     {
00227       MediaHandler::getDir( dirname, recurse_r );
00228     }
00231     //
00232     //
00233     //  METHOD NAME : MediaNFS::getDirInfo
00234     //  METHOD TYPE : PMError
00235     //
00236     //  DESCRIPTION : Asserted that media is attached and retlist is empty.
00237     //
00238     void MediaNFS::getDirInfo( std::list<std::string> & retlist,
00239                               const Pathname & dirname, bool dots ) const
00240     {
00241       MediaHandler::getDirInfo( retlist, dirname, dots );
00242     }
00245     //
00246     //
00247     //  METHOD NAME : MediaNFS::getDirInfo
00248     //  METHOD TYPE : PMError
00249     //
00250     //  DESCRIPTION : Asserted that media is attached and retlist is empty.
00251     //
00252     void MediaNFS::getDirInfo( filesystem::DirContent & retlist,
00253                            const Pathname & dirname, bool dots ) const
00254     {
00255       MediaHandler::getDirInfo( retlist, dirname, dots );
00256     }
00258     bool MediaNFS::getDoesFileExist( const Pathname & filename ) const
00259     {
00260       return MediaHandler::getDoesFileExist( filename );
00261     }
00264   } // namespace media
00265 } // namespace zypp
Generated on Fri Mar 2 09:45:52 2012 for libzypp by  doxygen 1.6.3