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Zypper is a command line package manager for installing, updating and removing packages. It also manages repositories, can perform various queries, and is a command-line interface to ZYpp system management library (libzypp).

Show Definitions
Local or remote directory containing packages and various package information (package metadata).
Software package (RPM package, source package). Patches, patterns, and products are also commonly referred to as different types of packages.
Represents a package or a group of packages needed to install an update (a bug fix mostly).
Represents a group of packages. For example an Http Server pattern would have the dependencies defined so that all packages needed to run and manage an http server would have been triggered for installation when upon installing the pattern.
Represents the whole product (e.g. 'openSUSE Leap 15.3').

What is a Package Manager?⚓︎

Software is incredibly interconnected. Programming a user interface, a developer's code will specify the location on the screen of widgets, such as buttons or text, and define how these things rearrange when a window is resized. But most code depends on some other code that serves as a 'backend' (often called a library). For example, an application will rarely describe how to render a button, instead it will ask a library to do that for it. This allows for a number of benefits. Some people specialise on writing button drawing routines while others specialise on using those routines to create feature-full applications.

Apps written for Linux use this principle a lot and it opens up a lot of opportunity. If 100 apps all use the same library, we could install that library once and all 100 apps could use that single copy when running. This has the following benefits:

  1. We save space! Instead of every graphical application containing the code necessary for drawing a button, we have that code installed once!
  2. If a library used by many is found to contain insecure, buggy or slow code, you can fix and update the library and every app that uses it gains that improvement. We don't have to rely on developers tracking the libraries that they use and rebuilding their apps every time one changes.
  3. If you improve upon a library in some way, you can exchange the version on your computer with your modified version. Your improvement is then available to all applications that use that library and can adopt your changes. This is a core principle in free software.

However, there is a drawback. When installing software, we have to ensure that the libraries that it requires (known as dependencies) are also installed. When removing software, we cannot remove a dependency without checking to make sure that nothing else depends upon it -- or it will break the 'dependency-tree' of the operating system. To visualize the issue, consider the following illustration:

    lib5      lib6
   /    \    /    \
lib1     lib3      lib4
  \      /  \      /
  softwareA  softwareB
Let's assume for simplicity that no other software requires lib4. Under this assumption, if the user remove softwareB, they will want to remove lib4, but neither lib3 nor lib6, because the former is directly required by softwareA, while the latter is indirectly required by softwareA via lib3.

In addition to this issue imagine the user updates softwareB so that it ends up depending on a new version of library lib4, say lib4*. This means that we need to recast the above structure as:

    lib5      lib6
   /    \    /    \
lib1     lib3      lib4       lib4*
  \      /  \                 /
  softwareA  softwareB(updated)
This means that the system must be able to 'see through' the actual versions of each package, so as to understand the path of their dependencies and warn about required alterations.

These problems are solved with a package manager. Developers can build applications, libraries and many other things into packages that contain what you want to install and a set of references to any other packages that it depends upon. The package manager is an essential piece of software that downloads, installs, uninstalls and updates packages for you. If you tell the package manager to install Firefox, it will download a package containing the Firefox executable, as well as a number of packages that contain the dependencies of Firefox. It also holds a database of all installed packages so it knows when it can uninstall certain dependencies without breaking software on your computer. Zypper is the name of the package manager used by openSUSE and SUSE Enterprise Linux.


Zypper is a command line tool, meaning that it is used from within the terminal. Installing, updating and removing packages are operations that affect all users on the system and so many of these commands will not work unless they are run as a privileged user. Although special permissions can be granted to individual user accounts, it is simpler to run commands as the root user (the user with the most privilege). Prefixing a command with sudo (e.g. sudo zypper install firefox) will ask for the password of the root user account and then runs the command as root.


The components enclosed in brackets are not required, thus the simplest way to execute zypper is to type its name followed by a command. See zypper help for a list of general options and all commands. To get help for a specific command, type zypper help command



Whenever Zypper needs input, it lists possible answers in brackets next to the prompt text. To choose the default answer, press <Enter> (the default answer is printed in capitals, with the exception of non-ascii characters). Some prompts also have help available, in which case there is a question mark '?' listed as a possible answer.

To make Zypper use the default answers without user interaction, use the --non-interactive global option.


A single command is given to zypper (without a leading --) to instruct it on what kind of task it should do. For example zypper install instructs zypper that we want to install something and zypper search instructs zypper that we want to search for a package.


The most used zypper commands have shorter aliases; for example, zypper in is the same as zypper install.

zypper without any commands or arguments will print a list of commands and options.

This manual is a great starting point but it does not cover all possible ways to use zypper. If you want to see all of the options that can be given to each subcommand in zypper, type:

zypper <COMMAND> -h
and it will show all of the different ways of configuring the command specified in an easy to read way.

The Basics⚓︎

Installing packages⚓︎

To install a package type:

# zypper install packagename
# zypper in packagename

This will download the package you specified along with all of its dependencies and install them. If you want to install more than one package, you simply list them all:

# zypper in package_1 package_2 ... package_n

Searching for packages⚓︎

In order to install a package, you need to know its name. To search the repositories for a package type:

# zypper search packagename
# zypper se packagename
This will return a list of packages that contain your search string along with a summary, a type and whether they have been installed.

Example: Search for Firefox

# zypper se firefox
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                               | Summary                                      | Type
i+ | MozillaFirefox                     | Mozilla Firefox Web Browser                  | package
i+ | MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE   | openSUSE branding of MozillaFirefox          | package
   | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | Upstream branding for Firefox                | package
   | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | Breakpad buildsymbols for Firefox            | package
   | MozillaFirefox-devel               | Devel package for Firefox                    | package
   | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | Common translations for Firefox              | package
   | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | Extra translations for Firefox               | package
   | eid-mw-firefox                     | Firefox Extension for Belgium eID Middleware | package
   | firefox-esr-branding-openSUSE      | openSUSE branding of MozillaFirefox          | package
   | firefox-uget-integrator            | Integration of uGet with Firefox             | package
Note: i or i+ tell us that it is already installed. i+ means installed by request of the user and i means it was installed as a dependency

Adding a New Repository⚓︎

A repository is simply a source of packages. Zypper will already have a few added (the default for either Tumbleweed or Leap) but there are many reasons why you might want to add some more. You might need to install proprietary libraries such as cuda or non-free media codecs. To add a new repository type:

zypper addrepo name
zypper ar [optional-name]
If successful, zypper will report the settings of that repo:

  1. URI of the repository
  2. If the repository is enabled
  3. If the repository will be GPG checked
  4. The priority
Understanding The Output
If a repository is disabled, it means that zypper still knows where it is but will not use it. You can enable repositories globally or for single commands.
GPG check
If a repository has GPG checks enabled, it means that your computer will save a key, which you will be asked if you trust it the first time you use a repository. After downloading a package, zypper will use this key to make sure that the download succeeded and the package is not corrupted. It also verifies that the package is authentic. If a hacker intercepts a package download in an attempt to load malicious software onto your computer, the evil package will fail the GPG check.
If two repositories contain the same package and you ask zypper to install it, it will automatically use a repository with a higher priority (lower number).
If autorefresh is on, zypper will automatically download a fresh list of packages from the repository to ensure that it isn't going to give you out of date information or packages.
Example: Adding the cuda Leap repo
# sudo zypper ar cuda
[sudo] password for root:
Adding repository 'cuda' ..................................................................................[done]
Repository 'cuda' successfully added

URI         :
Enabled     : Yes
GPG Check   : Yes
Autorefresh : No
Priority    : 99 (default priority)

Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
Removing Repositories⚓︎

You might decide that you no longer need a repository. Maybe you broke your nvidia graphics card and feel that having the cuda repository just slows down zypper operations. You can remove a repository typing

# zypper removerepo reponame
# zypper rr reponame

Example: Removing the cuda repository
# sudo zypper rr cuda
[sudo] password for root:
Removing repository 'cuda' ...............................................[done]
Repository 'cuda' has been removed.
Listing Repositories⚓︎

To list all of the installed repositories type:

# zypper repos
# zypper lr
This will display a table containing information and names of all the added repos

Example: Listing repositories
# zypper lr
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.

# | Alias             | Name                      | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
1 | repo-debug        | Debug Repository          | No      | ----      | ----
2 | repo-debug-update | Update Repository (Debug) | No      | ----      | ----
3 | repo-oss          | Main Repository           | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes
4 | repo-source       | Source Repository         | No      | ----      | ----
5 | repo-update       | Main Update Repository    | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes


See the info box in Adding a New Repository to understand the output

Removing Packages⚓︎

Sometimes you will want to remove packages. To achieve this, type:

# zypper remove package
# zypper rm package


If your aim is to save space, you may want to add -u or --clean-deps e.g. sudo zypper rm -u firefox to remove the unneeded dependencies as well.

Just like when installing, you can remove multiple packages at a time:

# zypper rm package_1 package_2 ... package_n

Refreshing your repositories⚓︎

Your computer stores a list of packages that each repository provides and metadata to help it work out what each package depends on. This is so that when you instruct zypper to do something, it can calculate the steps it will take without having to make many slow web requests. For some repositories, this offline list is automatically kept up to date (called autorefresh), but a lot of the time you will want to update this offline list yourself. Before updating, after adding a repository and before installing a package it is a good idea to update this list. You update it by typing:

# zypper refresh
# zypper ref

Updating Your Computer⚓︎

There are three different types of update that you can do with zypper

  1. Standard Update
  2. Patch Updates
  3. Distro Upgrade

Standard updates simply check to see if newer versions of your packages exist in the repository. If there is a newer version, it will download and install it.

Patches are groups of package updates. They are categorised so that you can see why they are being updated. For example, often, when you ask zypper to list available patches, some will be labelled as security patches. This means that they fix a certain security problem that has been discovered in some packages on your system.

Distro upgrades do not only update the packages on your system, but also change the source that you get your packages from. This is used mostly on Tumbleweed. The build server where Tumbleweed packages are built is a bit chaotic; packages are updated at an extremely high speed. A consequence of this is that incompatibilities between new packages emerge all over the place. So how does Tumbleweed stay so stable? In regular intervals, a stable snapshot of the Tumbleweed packages is found and frozen for a short amount of time.

Tumbleweed users use the distro upgrade feature of zypper to get their updates and so they change their distribution to the newest snapshot. This means that zypper changes repositories to point to the newer snapshot, and then updates all the packages with respect to the new snapshot. This means that Tumbleweed users can enjoy incredibly up to date packages without having to deal with too much instability. Distro-upgrades can be used by leap users to upgrade version (for example, upgrading Leap 15.1 to 15.2). See here for more details.

Don't be intimidated by the number of options available to you for updating. The golden rule is if you are on Tumbleweed, do distro-upgrades and if you are on leap do normal upgrades. The exception to this rule is if you are in charge of a production system, such as a web-server (or any system where the only things scarier than change are security issues) then use patches to ensure that only the minimum amount of your system is touched by updates.

Listing Updates⚓︎

To list all of packages that have updates waiting for them, type:

# zypper list-updates
# zypper lu
Zypper will print out a table that shows you the updatable packages, the repos they come from, the installed versions and the available versions.

Example: Listing updates
# zypper lu
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Repository             | Name             | Current Version      | Available Version    | Arch
v | Main Update Repository | grub2            | 2.04-lp152.7.18.2    | 2.04-lp152.7.22.7    | aarch64
v | Main Update Repository | grub2-arm64-efi  | 2.04-lp152.7.18.2    | 2.04-lp152.7.22.7    | noarch
v | Main Update Repository | hwdata           | 0.343-lp152.2.3.1    | 0.345-lp152.2.6.1    | noarch
v | Main Update Repository | libefivar1       | 37-lp152.3.6.1       | 37-lp152.3.9.1       | aarch64
v | Main Update Repository | libsolv-tools    | 0.7.16-lp152.2.13.1  | 0.7.17-lp152.2.16.1  | aarch64
v | Main Update Repository | libz1            | 1.2.11-lp152.8.6.1   | 1.2.11-lp152.8.9.1   | aarch64
v | Main Update Repository | libzypp          | 17.25.6-lp152.2.19.1 | 17.25.8-lp152.2.22.1 | aarch64
v | Main Update Repository | python3-solv     | 0.7.16-lp152.2.13.1  | 0.7.17-lp152.2.16.1  | aarch64
v | Main Update Repository | ruby-solv        | 0.7.16-lp152.2.13.1  | 0.7.17-lp152.2.16.1  | aarch64
v | Main Update Repository | tcl              | 8.6.7-lp152.7.3.1    | 8.6.7-lp152.7.6.1    | aarch64
v | Main Update Repository | tk               | 8.6.7-lp152.4.3.1    | 8.6.7-lp152.4.6.1    | aarch64
v | Main Update Repository | yast2-security   | 4.2.19-lp152.2.12.1  | 4.2.23-lp152.2.15.1  | noarch
v | Main Update Repository | yast2-storage-ng | 4.2.114-lp152.2.9.1  | 4.2.115-lp152.2.12.1 | aarch64
v | Main Update Repository | zypper           | 1.14.42-lp152.2.15.1 | 1.14.43-lp152.2.18.1 | aarch64
v | Main Update Repository | zypper-aptitude  | 1.14.42-lp152.2.15.1 | 1.14.43-lp152.2.18.1 | noarch

In order to install all necessary updates, you can simply type:

# zypper update
# zypper up
You also have the option to update just a select few packages. And this is done, just like with installing and removing, by listing the packages you want to update after the command:
# zypper up package_1 package_2 ... package_n

Checking for patches⚓︎

To check for available patches, type:

# zypper patch-check
# zypper pchk
This will print out a table that shows the number of patches available for your system and how important they are

Example: Checking for patches
# sudo zypper pchk
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

Found 8 applicable patches:
Category    | Updatestack | Patches
security    | -           | 1
recommended | 1           | 5
optional    | -           | 1

1 patch optional                                 (use '--with-optional' to include optional patches)
7 patches needed (1 security patch)
Listing patches⚓︎

If you looked at the example in the section above, you may have noticed that very little information is given about the patches. To see much better information about the patches themselves, type:

# zypper list-patches
# zypper lp
This will output at least one table showing you the name, id, priority and a little note about each set of patches.

Example: Listing patches
# zypper lp
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

Needed software management updates will be installed first:

Repository             | Name              | Category    | Severity | Interactive | Status | Summary
Main Update Repository | openSUSE-2021-456 | recommended | moderate | restart     | needed | Recommended update for libsolv, libzypp, zypper

The following updates are also available:

Repository             | Name              | Category    | Severity  | Interactive | Status   | Summary
Main Update Repository | openSUSE-2021-361 | optional    | low       | ---         | optional | Optional update for tk and tcl
Main Update Repository | openSUSE-2021-433 | recommended | moderate  | ---         | needed   | Recommended update for yast2-storage-ng
Main Update Repository | openSUSE-2021-434 | recommended | moderate  | ---         | needed   | Recommended update for yast2-security
Main Update Repository | openSUSE-2021-438 | recommended | moderate  | ---         | needed   | Recommended update for efivar
Main Update Repository | openSUSE-2021-439 | recommended | moderate  | ---         | needed   | Recommended update for zlib
Main Update Repository | openSUSE-2021-462 | security    | important | ---         | needed   | Security update for grub2
Main Update Repository | openSUSE-2021-463 | recommended | low       | ---         | needed   | Recommended update for hwdata

Found 8 applicable patches:
1 patch optional                                                                          (use '--with-optional' to include optional patches)
7 patches needed (1 security patch)
Installing a patch⚓︎

To install all available patches type:

# zypper patch
If you want to specify a specific category of patches, type:
# zypper patch -g CATEGORY

Example: Applying only security patches
# sudo zypper patch -g security
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Patch 'openSUSE-2021-456-1' is not in the specified category.
Patch 'openSUSE-2021-463-1' is not in the specified category.
Patch 'openSUSE-2021-456-1' is not in the specified category.
Patch 'openSUSE-2021-439-1' is not in the specified category.
Patch 'openSUSE-2021-438-1' is not in the specified category.
Patch 'openSUSE-2021-434-1' is not in the specified category.
Patch 'openSUSE-2021-433-1' is not in the specified category.
Patch 'openSUSE-2021-361-1' is optional. Use 'zypper in patch:openSUSE-2021-361' to install it, or '--with-optional' to include all optional patches.
Resolving package dependencies...

The following 3 NEW packages are going to be installed:
  dmraid grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin os-prober

The following NEW patch is going to be installed:

The following 2 packages are going to be upgraded:
  grub2 grub2-arm64-efi

2 packages to upgrade, 3 new.
Overall download size: 3.7 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 706.9 KiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
Retrieving package dmraid-1.0.0.rc16-lp152.5.3.aarch64                                                 (1/5), 133.8 KiB (528.0 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: dmraid-1.0.0.rc16-lp152.5.3.aarch64.rpm ..................................................................................[done]
Retrieving package os-prober-1.76-lp152.3.2.aarch64                                                    (2/5),  51.6 KiB (188.4 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: os-prober-1.76-lp152.3.2.aarch64.rpm .....................................................................................[done]
Retrieving package grub2-2.04-lp152.7.22.7.aarch64                                                     (3/5),   2.6 MiB ( 23.9 MiB unpacked)
Retrieving: grub2-2.04-lp152.7.22.7.aarch64.rpm ..........................................................................[done (1.7 MiB/s)]
Retrieving package grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin-2.04-lp152.7.22.7.noarch                                 (4/5),  64.6 KiB (  7.1 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin-2.04-lp152.7.22.7.noarch.rpm ..................................................................[done]
Retrieving package grub2-arm64-efi-2.04-lp152.7.22.7.noarch                                            (5/5), 885.3 KiB (  5.1 MiB unpacked)
Retrieving: grub2-arm64-efi-2.04-lp152.7.22.7.noarch.rpm .................................................................[done (2.2 MiB/s)]

Checking for file conflicts: .........................................................................................................[done]
(1/5) Installing: dmraid-1.0.0.rc16-lp152.5.3.aarch64 ................................................................................[done]
(2/5) Installing: os-prober-1.76-lp152.3.2.aarch64 ...................................................................................[done]
(3/5) Installing: grub2-2.04-lp152.7.22.7.aarch64 ....................................................................................[done]
(4/5) Installing: grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin-2.04-lp152.7.22.7.noarch ................................................................[done]
(5/5) Installing: grub2-arm64-efi-2.04-lp152.7.22.7.noarch ...........................................................................[done]
Distro upgrading⚓︎

To do a distro upgrade, type:

# zypper dist-upgrade
# zypper dup

More advanced commands⚓︎

If you are digging into these commands, then I think we can safely assume that you know what you are doing. All zypper commands have a plethora of options, which can be discovered in the man pages, or by adding -h to the end a subcommand invocation. This section is more to introduce you to things zypper can do!

Rename specified repository⚓︎
  • renamerepo or nr
Modify specified repository⚓︎
  • modifyrepo or mr
Clean local caches⚓︎
  • clean or cc
Verify integrity of package dependencies⚓︎
  • verify or ve
Install source packages and their build dependencies⚓︎
  • source-install or si
  • install-new-recommends or inr
Show full information for specified packages⚓︎
  • info or if


$ sudo zypper if [package]

Show full information for specified patches⚓︎
  • patch-info
Show full information for specified patterns⚓︎
  • pattern-info
Show full information for specified products⚓︎
  • product-info
List all available patches⚓︎
  • patches or pch
List all available packages⚓︎
  • packages or pa
List all manually installed packages as a single history⚓︎

For the entire list:

sudo cut -d "|" -f 1-4 -s --output-delimiter " | " /var/log/zypp/history | grep -v " radd "

For a specific package:

sudo cut -d "|" -f 1-4 -s --output-delimiter " | " /var/log/zypp/history | grep -v " radd " | grep "<package name>"

List all available patterns⚓︎
  • patterns or pt
List all available products⚓︎
  • products or pd
# zypper pd
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S  | Repository                  | Internal Name         | Name                  | Version    | Arch   | Is Base
i+ | @System                     | openSUSE              | openSUSE Tumbleweed   | 20201216-0 | x86_64 | Yes
   | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Non-Oss | openSUSE-Addon-NonOss | openSUSE NonOSS Addon | 20201218-0 | x86_64 | No
   | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Non-Oss | openSUSE-Addon-NonOss | openSUSE NonOSS Addon | 20201218-0 | i586   | No
v  | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss     | openSUSE              | openSUSE Tumbleweed   | 20201218-0 | x86_64 | No
v  | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss     | openSUSE              | openSUSE Tumbleweed   | 20201218-0 | i586   | No
   | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss     | MicroOS               | openSUSE MicroOS      | 20201218-0 | x86_64 | No
   | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss     | MicroOS               | openSUSE MicroOS      | 20201218-0 | i586   | No
List packages providing specified capability⚓︎
  • what-provides or wp


The subcommand what-provides is deprecated. It is replaced by search --provides --match-exact.

Add a package lock⚓︎
  • locks or ll
Remove a package lock⚓︎
  • addlock or al
List current package locks⚓︎
  • removelock or rl
Remove useless locks⚓︎
  • cleanlocks or cl
List requested locales (languages codes)⚓︎
  • locales or lloc
Add locale(s) to requested locales⚓︎
  • addlocale or aloc
Remove locale(s) from requested locales⚓︎
  • removelocale or rloc
Get command-specific help⚓︎
  • help


$ zypper help in

Compare two version strings⚓︎
  • versioncmp or vcmp
  • targetos or tos
  • licenses
Download rpms specified on the commandline to a local directory⚓︎
  • download
Download source rpms for all installed packages to a local directory⚓︎
  • source-download
Check if the needs-reboot flag was set⚓︎
  • needs-rebooting
List running processes which might still use files and libraries deleted by recent upgrades⚓︎
  • ps


# zypper ps

$ sudo zypper ps

Remove old kernels⚓︎
  • purge-kernels

Global Options⚓︎

Show Options
Option Description Alias
--color Use colors in output
--config <FILE> Use specified config file instead of the default -c <FILE>
--help Help -h
--ignore-unknown Ignore unknown packages -i
--no-abbrev Do not abbreviate text in tables -A
--no-color Do no use colors in output
--non-interactive Do not ask anything, use default answers automatically -n
--promptids Output a list of zypper's user prompts
--quiet Suppress normal output, print only error messages -q
--table-style <INTEGER> Table style (0-11) -s <INTEGER>
--terse Terse output for machine consumption -t
--userdata <STRING> User defined transaction id used in history and plugins
--verbose Increase verbosity -v
--version Output the version number -V
--xmlout Switch to XML output -x

Repository Options⚓︎

Show Options
Option Description Alias
--disable-repositories Do not read meta-data from repositories
--gpg-auto-import-keys Automatically trust and import new repository signing keys
--no-gpg-checks Ingore GPG check failures
--no-cd Ignore CD/DVD repositories
--no-refresh Do not refresh the repositories
--no-remote Ignore remote repositories
--plus-content <TAG> Additionally use disabled repositories providing a specific keyword
--plus-repo <URI> Use an additional repository -p <URI>
--releasever Set the value of $releasever in all .repo files

Command Options⚓︎


Command-specific options can be obtained using # zypper help <COMMAND>

# zypper help in

Install packages with specified capabilities or RPM files with specified location. A capability is
NAME[.ARCH][OP<VERSION>], where OP is one of <, <=, =, >=, >.

Command options:

-t, --type <TYPE>           Type of package (package, patch, pattern, product).
-n, --name                  Select packages by plain name, not by capability. Default: false
-C, --capability            Select packages solely by capability. Default: false
    --details               Show the detailed installation summary. Default: false
    --from <ALIAS|#|URI>    Select packages from the specified repository.
    --oldpackage            Allow to replace a newer item with an older one. Handy if you are doing
                            a rollback. Unlike --force it will not enforce a reinstall. Default:
    --allow-unsigned-rpm    Silently install unsigned rpm packages given as commandline parameters.
                            Default: false
-f, --force                 Install even if the item is already installed (reinstall), downgraded or
                            changes vendor or architecture. Default: false
-r, --repo <ALIAS|#|URI>    Work only with the specified repository.
-y, --no-confirm            Don't require user interaction. Alias for the --non-interactive global
                            option. Default: false
-D, --dry-run               Don't change anything, just report what would be done. A meaningful file
                            conflict check can only be performed if used together with
                            '--download-only'. Default: false
    --replacefiles          Install the packages even if they replace files from other, already
                            installed, packages. Default is to treat file conflicts as an error.
                            --download-as-needed disables the fileconflict check. Default: false
-l, --auto-agree-with-licenses
                            Automatically say 'yes' to third party license confirmation prompt. See
                            'man zypper' for more details. Default: false
    --download <MODE>       Set the download-install mode. Available modes: only, in-advance,
                            in-heaps, as-needed Default: DownloadDefault
-d, --download-only         Only download the packages, do not install.

Solver options

    --debug-solver          Create a solver test case for debugging.
    --force-resolution      Force the solver to find a solution (even an aggressive one) rather than
-R, --no-force-resolution   Do not force the solver to find a solution, let it ask.
    --solver-focus <MODE>   Set the solvers general attitude when resolving a job.
    --recommends            Install also recommended packages in addition to the required ones.
    --no-recommends         Do not install recommended packages, only required ones.

Expert options

    --no-allow-downgrade    Whether to allow downgrading installed resolvables.
    --no-allow-name-change  Whether to allow changing the names of installed resolvables.
    --no-allow-arch-change  Whether to allow changing the architecture of installed resolvables.
                            Whether to allow changing the vendor of installed resolvables.

Last update: 2022-06-14