libzypp  10.5.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------\
00002 |                          ____ _   __ __ ___                          |
00003 |                         |__  / \ / / . \ . \                         |
00004 |                           / / \ V /|  _/  _/                         |
00005 |                          / /__ | | | | | |                           |
00006 |                         /_____||_| |_| |_|                           |
00007 |                                                                      |
00008 \---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00012 #include <iostream>
00013 #include <sstream>
00014 #include "zypp/repo/PackageDelta.h"
00015 #include "zypp/base/Logger.h"
00016 #include "zypp/base/Gettext.h"
00017 #include "zypp/base/UserRequestException.h"
00018 #include "zypp/repo/PackageProvider.h"
00019 #include "zypp/repo/RepoProvideFile.h"
00020 #include "zypp/repo/Applydeltarpm.h"
00021 #include "zypp/repo/PackageDelta.h"
00023 #include "zypp/TmpPath.h"
00024 #include "zypp/ZConfig.h"
00025 #include "zypp/RepoInfo.h"
00027 using std::endl;
00030 namespace zypp
00031 { 
00033   namespace repo
00034   { 
00037     //
00038     //  CLASS NAME : PackageProviderPolicy
00039     //
00042     bool PackageProviderPolicy::queryInstalled( const std::string & name_r,
00043                                                 const Edition &     ed_r,
00044                                                 const Arch &        arch_r ) const
00045     {
00046       if ( _queryInstalledCB )
00047         return _queryInstalledCB( name_r, ed_r, arch_r );
00048       return false;
00049     }
00052     //
00053     //  CLASS NAME : PackageProvider
00054     //
00058     namespace
00059     { 
00061       inline std::string defRpmFileName( const Package::constPtr & package )
00062       {
00063         std::ostringstream ret;
00064         ret << package->name() << '-' << package->edition() << '.' << package->arch() << ".rpm";
00065         return ret.str();
00066       }
00069     } // namespace source
00071     PackageProvider::PackageProvider(  RepoMediaAccess &access,
00072                                       const Package::constPtr & package,
00073                                       const DeltaCandidates & deltas,
00074                                       const PackageProviderPolicy & policy_r )
00075     : _policy( policy_r )
00076     , _package( package )
00077     , _retry(false)
00078     , _deltas(deltas)
00079     , _access(access)
00080     {}
00082     PackageProvider::~PackageProvider()
00083     {}
00085     ManagedFile PackageProvider::providePackage() const
00086     {
00087       Url url;
00088       RepoInfo info = _package->repoInfo();
00089       // FIXME we only support the first url for now.
00090       if ( info.baseUrlsEmpty() )
00091         ZYPP_THROW(Exception("No url in repository."));
00092       else
00093         url = * info.baseUrlsBegin();
00095       { // check for cache hit:
00096         OnMediaLocation loc( _package->location() );
00097         PathInfo cachepath( info.packagesPath() / loc.filename() );
00099         if ( cachepath.isFile() && ! loc.checksum().empty() ) // accept cache hit with matching checksum only!
00100              // Tempting to do a quick check for matching .rpm-filesize before computing checksum,
00101              // but real life shows that loc.downloadSize() and the .rpm-filesize frequently do not
00102              // match, even if loc.checksum() and the .rpm-files checksum do. Blame the metadata generator(s).
00103         {
00104           CheckSum cachechecksum( loc.checksum().type(), filesystem::checksum( cachepath.path(), loc.checksum().type() ) );
00105           if ( cachechecksum == loc.checksum() )
00106           {
00107             ManagedFile ret( cachepath.path() );
00108             if ( ! info.keepPackages() )
00109             {
00110               ret.setDispose( filesystem::unlink );
00111             }
00112             MIL << "provided Package from cache " << _package << " at " << ret << endl;
00113             return ret; // <-- cache hit
00114           }
00115         }
00116       }
00118       // HERE: cache misss, do download:
00119       MIL << "provide Package " << _package << endl;
00120       ScopedGuard guardReport( newReport() );
00121       ManagedFile ret;
00122       do {
00123         _retry = false;
00124         report()->start( _package, url );
00125         try  // ELIMINATE try/catch by providing a log-guard
00126           {
00127             ret = doProvidePackage();
00128           }
00129         catch ( const UserRequestException & excpt )
00130           {
00131             // UserRequestException e.g. from failOnChecksumError was already reported.
00132             ERR << "Failed to provide Package " << _package << endl;
00133             if ( ! _retry )
00134               {
00135                 ZYPP_RETHROW( excpt );
00136               }
00137           }
00138         catch ( const Exception & excpt )
00139           {
00140             ERR << "Failed to provide Package " << _package << endl;
00141             if ( ! _retry )
00142               {
00143                 // Aything else gets reported
00144                 std::string package_str = _package->name() + "-" + _package->edition().asString();
00146                 // TranslatorExplanation %s = name of the package being processed.
00147                 std::string detail_str( str::form(_("Failed to provide Package %s. Do you want to retry retrieval?"), package_str.c_str() ) );
00148                 detail_str += str::form( "\n\n%s", excpt.asUserHistory().c_str() );
00150                 switch ( report()->problem( _package, repo::DownloadResolvableReport::IO, detail_str.c_str() ) )
00151                 {
00152                       case repo::DownloadResolvableReport::RETRY:
00153                         _retry = true;
00154                         break;
00155                       case repo::DownloadResolvableReport::IGNORE:
00156                         ZYPP_THROW(SkipRequestException("User requested skip of corrupted file", excpt));
00157                         break;
00158                       case repo::DownloadResolvableReport::ABORT:
00159                         ZYPP_THROW(AbortRequestException("User requested to abort", excpt));
00160                         break;
00161                       default:
00162                         ZYPP_RETHROW( excpt );
00163                         break;
00164                 }
00165               }
00166           }
00167       } while ( _retry );
00169       report()->finish( _package, repo::DownloadResolvableReport::NO_ERROR, std::string() );
00170       MIL << "provided Package " << _package << " at " << ret << endl;
00171       return ret;
00172     }
00174     ManagedFile PackageProvider::doProvidePackage() const
00175     {
00176       Url url;
00177       RepoInfo info = _package->repoInfo();
00178       // FIXME we only support the first url for now.
00179       if ( info.baseUrlsEmpty() )
00180         ZYPP_THROW(Exception("No url in repository."));
00181       else
00182         url = * info.baseUrlsBegin();
00184       // check whether to process patch/delta rpms
00185       if ( url.schemeIsDownloading() || ZConfig::instance().download_use_deltarpm_always() )
00186         {
00187           std::list<DeltaRpm> deltaRpms;
00188           if ( ZConfig::instance().download_use_deltarpm() )
00189           {
00190             _deltas.deltaRpms( _package ).swap( deltaRpms );
00191           }
00193           if ( ! ( deltaRpms.empty() )
00194                && queryInstalled() )
00195             {
00196               if ( ! deltaRpms.empty() && applydeltarpm::haveApplydeltarpm() )
00197                 {
00198                   for( std::list<DeltaRpm>::const_iterator it = deltaRpms.begin();
00199                        it != deltaRpms.end(); ++it )
00200                     {
00201                       DBG << "tryDelta " << *it << endl;
00202                       ManagedFile ret( tryDelta( *it ) );
00203                       if ( ! ret->empty() )
00204                         return ret;
00205                     }
00206                 }
00207             }
00208         }
00210       // no patch/delta -> provide full package
00211       ManagedFile ret;
00212       OnMediaLocation loc = _package->location();
00214       ProvideFilePolicy policy;
00215       policy.progressCB( bind( &PackageProvider::progressPackageDownload, this, _1 ) );
00216       policy.failOnChecksumErrorCB( bind( &PackageProvider::failOnChecksumError, this ) );
00217       return _access.provideFile( _package->repoInfo(), loc, policy );
00218     }
00220     ManagedFile PackageProvider::tryDelta( const DeltaRpm & delta_r ) const
00221     {
00222       if ( delta_r.baseversion().edition() != Edition::noedition
00223            && ! queryInstalled( delta_r.baseversion().edition() ) )
00224         return ManagedFile();
00226       if ( ! applydeltarpm::quickcheck( delta_r.baseversion().sequenceinfo() ) )
00227         return ManagedFile();
00229       report()->startDeltaDownload( delta_r.location().filename(),
00230                                     delta_r.location().downloadSize() );
00231       ManagedFile delta;
00232       try
00233         {
00234           ProvideFilePolicy policy;
00235           policy.progressCB( bind( &PackageProvider::progressDeltaDownload, this, _1 ) );
00236           delta = _access.provideFile( delta_r.repository().info(), delta_r.location(), policy );
00237         }
00238       catch ( const Exception & excpt )
00239         {
00240           report()->problemDeltaDownload( excpt.asUserHistory() );
00241           return ManagedFile();
00242         }
00243       report()->finishDeltaDownload();
00245       report()->startDeltaApply( delta );
00246       if ( ! applydeltarpm::check( delta_r.baseversion().sequenceinfo() ) )
00247         {
00248           report()->problemDeltaApply( _("applydeltarpm check failed.") );
00249           return ManagedFile();
00250         }
00252       // build the package and put it into the cache
00253       Pathname destination( _package->repoInfo().packagesPath() / _package->location().filename() );
00255       if ( ! applydeltarpm::provide( delta, destination,
00256                                      bind( &PackageProvider::progressDeltaApply, this, _1 ) ) )
00257         {
00258           report()->problemDeltaApply( _("applydeltarpm failed.") );
00259           return ManagedFile();
00260         }
00261       report()->finishDeltaApply();
00263       return ManagedFile( destination, filesystem::unlink );
00264     }
00266     PackageProvider::ScopedGuard PackageProvider::newReport() const
00267     {
00268       _report.reset( new Report );
00269       return shared_ptr<void>( static_cast<void*>(0),
00270                                // custom deleter calling _report.reset()
00271                                // (cast required as reset is overloaded)
00272                                bind( mem_fun_ref( static_cast<void (shared_ptr<Report>::*)()>(&shared_ptr<Report>::reset) ),
00273                                      ref(_report) ) );
00274     }
00276     PackageProvider::Report & PackageProvider::report() const
00277     { return *_report; }
00279     bool PackageProvider::progressDeltaDownload( int value ) const
00280     { return report()->progressDeltaDownload( value ); }
00282     void PackageProvider::progressDeltaApply( int value ) const
00283     { return report()->progressDeltaApply( value ); }
00285     bool PackageProvider::progressPackageDownload( int value ) const
00286     { return report()->progress( value, _package ); }
00288     bool PackageProvider::failOnChecksumError() const
00289     {
00290       std::string package_str = _package->name() + "-" + _package->edition().asString();
00292       // TranslatorExplanation %s = package being checked for integrity
00293       switch ( report()->problem( _package, repo::DownloadResolvableReport::INVALID, str::form(_("Package %s seems to be corrupted during transfer. Do you want to retry retrieval?"), package_str.c_str() ) ) )
00294         {
00295         case repo::DownloadResolvableReport::RETRY:
00296           _retry = true;
00297           break;
00298           case repo::DownloadResolvableReport::IGNORE:
00299           ZYPP_THROW(SkipRequestException("User requested skip of corrupted file"));
00300           break;
00301           case repo::DownloadResolvableReport::ABORT:
00302           ZYPP_THROW(AbortRequestException("User requested to abort"));
00303           break;
00304         default:
00305           break;
00306         }
00307       return true; // anyway a failure
00308     }
00310     bool PackageProvider::queryInstalled( const Edition & ed_r ) const
00311     { return _policy.queryInstalled( _package->name(), ed_r, _package->arch() ); }
00315   } // namespace repo
00318 } // namespace zypp