libzypp  11.13.5
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------\
2 | ____ _ __ __ ___ |
3 | |__ / \ / / . \ . \ |
4 | / / \ V /| _/ _/ |
5 | / /__ | | | | | | |
6 | /_____||_| |_| |_| |
7 | |
8 \---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <fstream>
13 #include "zypp/base/LogTools.h"
14 #include "zypp/base/Regex.h"
16 #include "zypp/ZYppCallbacks.h"
17 #include "zypp/MediaSetAccess.h"
18 #include "zypp/PathInfo.h"
19 //#include "zypp/source/MediaSetAccessReportReceivers.h"
21 using namespace std;
24 namespace zypp
25 {
27 IMPL_PTR_TYPE(MediaSetAccess);
31  MediaSetAccess::MediaSetAccess(const Url &url,
32  const Pathname & prefered_attach_point)
33  : _url(url)
34  , _prefAttachPoint(prefered_attach_point)
35  {}
37  MediaSetAccess::MediaSetAccess(const std::string & label_r,
38  const Url &url,
39  const Pathname & prefered_attach_point)
40  : _url(url)
41  , _prefAttachPoint(prefered_attach_point)
42  , _label( label_r )
43  {}
46  {
47  try
48  {
49  release();
50  }
51  catch(...) {} // don't let exception escape a dtor.
52  }
56  {
57  if (_medias.find(media_nr) != _medias.end())
58  {
59  // the media already exists, set theverifier
60  media::MediaAccessId id = _medias[media_nr];
61  media::MediaManager media_mgr;
62  media_mgr.addVerifier( id, verifier );
63  // remove any saved verifier for this media
64  _verifiers.erase(media_nr);
65  }
66  else
67  {
68  // save the verifier in the map, and set it when
69  // the media number is first attached
70  _verifiers[media_nr] = verifier;
71  }
72  }
74  void MediaSetAccess::releaseFile( const OnMediaLocation & on_media_file )
75  {
76  releaseFile( on_media_file.filename(), on_media_file.medianr() );
77  }
79  void MediaSetAccess::releaseFile( const Pathname & file, unsigned media_nr)
80  {
81  media::MediaManager media_mgr;
84  media = getMediaAccessId( media_nr);
85  DBG << "Going to release file " << file
86  << " from media number " << media_nr << endl;
88  if ( ! media_mgr.isAttached(media) )
89  return; //disattached media is free
91  media_mgr.releaseFile (media, file);
92  }
94  void MediaSetAccess::dirInfo( filesystem::DirContent &retlist, const Pathname &dirname,
95  bool dots, unsigned media_nr )
96  {
97  media::MediaManager media_mgr;
99  media = getMediaAccessId(media_nr);
101  // try to attach the media
102  if ( ! media_mgr.isAttached(media) )
103  media_mgr.attach(media);
105  media_mgr.dirInfo(media, retlist, dirname, dots);
106  }
109  {
110  Pathname result;
111  void operator()( media::MediaAccessId media, const Pathname &file )
112  {
113  media::MediaManager media_mgr;
114  media_mgr.provideFile(media, file);
115  result = media_mgr.localPath(media, file);
116  }
117  };
120  {
121  Pathname result;
122  void operator()( media::MediaAccessId media, const Pathname &file )
123  {
124  media::MediaManager media_mgr;
125  media_mgr.provideDirTree(media, file);
126  result = media_mgr.localPath(media, file);
127  }
128  };
131  {
132  Pathname result;
133  void operator()( media::MediaAccessId media, const Pathname &file )
134  {
135  media::MediaManager media_mgr;
136  media_mgr.provideDir(media, file);
137  result = media_mgr.localPath(media, file);
138  }
139  };
142  {
143  bool result;
145  : result(false)
146  {}
148  void operator()( media::MediaAccessId media, const Pathname &file )
149  {
150  media::MediaManager media_mgr;
151  result = media_mgr.doesFileExist(media, file);
152  }
153  };
157  Pathname MediaSetAccess::provideFile( const OnMediaLocation & resource, ProvideFileOptions options, const Pathname &deltafile )
158  {
160  provide( boost::ref(op), resource, options, deltafile );
161  return op.result;
162  }
164  Pathname MediaSetAccess::provideFile(const Pathname & file, unsigned media_nr, ProvideFileOptions options )
165  {
166  OnMediaLocation resource;
168  resource.setLocation(file, media_nr);
169  provide( boost::ref(op), resource, options, Pathname() );
170  return op.result;
171  }
173  bool MediaSetAccess::doesFileExist(const Pathname & file, unsigned media_nr )
174  {
176  OnMediaLocation resource;
177  resource.setLocation(file, media_nr);
178  provide( boost::ref(op), resource, PROVIDE_DEFAULT, Pathname());
179  return op.result;
180  }
183  const OnMediaLocation &resource,
184  ProvideFileOptions options,
185  const Pathname &deltafile )
186  {
187  Pathname file(resource.filename());
188  unsigned media_nr(resource.medianr());
191  media::MediaManager media_mgr;
193  media::MediaAccessId media;
195  do
196  {
197  // get the mediaId, but don't try to attach it here
198  media = getMediaAccessId( media_nr);
199  bool deltafileset = false;
201  try
202  {
203  DBG << "Going to try to provide " << (resource.optional() ? "optional" : "") << " file " << file
204  << " from media number " << media_nr << endl;
205  // try to attach the media
206  if ( ! media_mgr.isAttached(media) )
207  media_mgr.attach(media);
208  media_mgr.setDeltafile(media, deltafile);
209  deltafileset = true;
210  op(media, file);
211  media_mgr.setDeltafile(media, Pathname());
212  break;
213  }
214  catch ( media::MediaException & excp )
215  {
216  ZYPP_CAUGHT(excp);
217  if (deltafileset)
218  media_mgr.setDeltafile(media, Pathname());
220  unsigned int devindex = 0;
221  vector<string> devices;
222  media_mgr.getDetectedDevices(media, devices, devindex);
224  do
225  {
226  if (user != media::MediaChangeReport::EJECT) // no use in calling this again
227  {
228  DBG << "Media couldn't provide file " << file << " , releasing." << endl;
229  try
230  {
231  media_mgr.release(media);
232  }
233  catch (const Exception & excpt_r)
234  {
235  ZYPP_CAUGHT(excpt_r);
236  MIL << "Failed to release media " << media << endl;
237  }
238  }
240  // set up the reason
243  if( typeid(excp) == typeid( media::MediaFileNotFoundException ) ||
244  typeid(excp) == typeid( media::MediaNotAFileException ) )
245  {
247  }
248  else if( typeid(excp) == typeid( media::MediaNotDesiredException) ||
249  typeid(excp) == typeid( media::MediaNotAttachedException) )
250  {
252  }
253  else if( typeid(excp) == typeid( media::MediaTimeoutException) ||
254  typeid(excp) == typeid( media::MediaTemporaryProblemException))
255  {
257  }
259  // non interactive only bother the user if wrong medium is in the drive
260  // otherwise propagate the error
261  if ( ( options & PROVIDE_NON_INTERACTIVE ) && reason != media::MediaChangeReport::WRONG)
262  {
263  MIL << "Can't provide file. Non-Interactive mode." << endl;
264  ZYPP_RETHROW(excp);
265  }
266  else
267  {
268  // release all media before requesting another (#336881)
269  media_mgr.releaseAll();
271  user = report->requestMedia (
272  _url,
273  media_nr,
274  _label,
275  reason,
276  excp.asUserString(),
277  devices,
278  devindex
279  );
280  }
282  MIL << "ProvideFile exception caught, callback answer: " << user << endl;
284  if( user == media::MediaChangeReport::ABORT )
285  {
286  DBG << "Aborting" << endl;
287  ZYPP_RETHROW ( excp );
288  }
289  else if ( user == media::MediaChangeReport::IGNORE )
290  {
291  DBG << "Skipping" << endl;
292  SkipRequestException nexcp("User-requested skipping of a file");
293  nexcp.remember(excp);
294  ZYPP_THROW(nexcp);
295  }
296  else if ( user == media::MediaChangeReport::EJECT )
297  {
298  DBG << "Eject: try to release" << endl;
299  media_mgr.releaseAll();
300  // eject
301  media_mgr.release (media,
302  devindex < devices.size() ? devices[devindex] : "");
303  }
304  else if ( user == media::MediaChangeReport::RETRY ||
306  {
307  // retry
308  DBG << "Going to try again" << endl;
309  // invalidate current media access id
310  media_mgr.close(media);
311  _medias.erase(media_nr);
313  // not attaching, media set will do that for us
314  // this could generate uncaught exception (#158620)
315  break;
316  }
317  else
318  {
319  DBG << "Don't know, let's ABORT" << endl;
320  ZYPP_RETHROW ( excp );
321  }
322  } while( user == media::MediaChangeReport::EJECT );
323  }
325  // retry or change URL
326  } while( true );
327  }
329  Pathname MediaSetAccess::provideDir(const Pathname & dir,
330  bool recursive,
331  unsigned media_nr,
332  ProvideFileOptions options )
333  {
334  OnMediaLocation resource;
335  resource.setLocation(dir, media_nr);
336  if ( recursive )
337  {
339  provide( boost::ref(op), resource, options, Pathname());
340  return op.result;
341  }
343  provide( boost::ref(op), resource, options, Pathname());
344  return op.result;
345  }
348  {
349  media::MediaManager media_mgr;
351  if (_medias.find(medianr) != _medias.end())
352  {
353  media::MediaAccessId id = _medias[medianr];
354  return id;
355  }
356  Url url;
357  url = rewriteUrl (_url, medianr);
358  media::MediaAccessId id =, _prefAttachPoint);
359  _medias[medianr] = id;
361  try
362  {
363  if (_verifiers.find(medianr) != _verifiers.end())
364  {
365  // a verifier is set for this media
366  // FIXME check the case where the verifier exists
367  // but we have no access id for the media
368  media::MediaAccessId id = _medias[medianr];
369  media::MediaManager media_mgr;
370  media_mgr.delVerifier(id);
371  media_mgr.addVerifier( id, _verifiers[medianr] );
372  // remove any saved verifier for this media
373  _verifiers.erase(medianr);
374  }
375  }
376  catch ( const Exception &e )
377  {
378  ZYPP_CAUGHT(e);
379  WAR << "Verifier not found" << endl;
380  }
382  return id;
383  }
386  Url MediaSetAccess::rewriteUrl (const Url & url_r, const media::MediaNr medianr)
387  {
388  std::string scheme = url_r.getScheme();
389  if (scheme == "cd" || scheme == "dvd")
390  return url_r;
392  DBG << "Rewriting url " << url_r << endl;
394  if( scheme == "iso")
395  {
396  // TODO the iso parameter will not be required in the future, this
397  // code has to be adapted together with the MediaISO change.
398  // maybe some MediaISOURL interface should be used.
399  std::string isofile = url_r.getQueryParam("iso");
400  str::regex e("^(.*)(cd|dvd|media)[0-9]+\\.iso$", str::regex::icase);
402  str::smatch what;
403  if(str::regex_match(isofile, what, e))
404  {
405  Url url( url_r);
406  isofile = what[1] + what[2] + str::numstring(medianr) + ".iso";
407  url.setQueryParam("iso", isofile);
408  DBG << "Url rewrite result: " << url << endl;
409  return url;
410  }
411  }
412  else
413  {
414  std::string pathname = url_r.getPathName();
415  str::regex e("^(.*)(cd|dvd|media)[0-9]+(/)?$", str::regex::icase);
416  str::smatch what;
417  if(str::regex_match(pathname, what, e))
418  {
419  Url url( url_r);
420  pathname = what[1] + what[2] + str::numstring(medianr) + what[3];
421  url.setPathName(pathname);
422  DBG << "Url rewrite result: " << url << endl;
423  return url;
424  }
425  }
426  return url_r;
427  }
430  {
431  DBG << "Releasing all media IDs held by this MediaSetAccess" << endl;
432  media::MediaManager manager;
433  for (MediaMap::const_iterator m = _medias.begin(); m != _medias.end(); ++m)
434  manager.release(m->second, "");
435  }
437  std::ostream & MediaSetAccess::dumpOn( std::ostream & str ) const
438  {
439  str << "MediaSetAccess (URL='" << _url << "', attach_point_hint='" << _prefAttachPoint << "')";
440  return str;
441  }
444 } // namespace zypp