libzypp  12.16.5
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <fstream>
5 #include "zypp/base/LogTools.h"
6 #include "zypp/base/String.h"
7 #include "zypp/base/Regex.h"
8 #include "zypp/OnMediaLocation.h"
9 #include "zypp/MediaSetAccess.h"
10 #include "zypp/Fetcher.h"
11 #include "zypp/Locale.h"
12 #include "zypp/ZConfig.h"
18 #include "zypp/KeyContext.h" // for SignatureFileChecker
20 using namespace std;
21 using namespace zypp::parser;
22 using namespace zypp::parser::susetags;
24 namespace zypp
25 {
26 namespace repo
27 {
28 namespace susetags
29 {
31 Downloader::Downloader( const RepoInfo &repoinfo, const Pathname &delta_dir )
32  : repo::Downloader(repoinfo), _delta_dir(delta_dir)
33 {
34 }
37 {
38  Pathname content = media.provideFile( repoInfo().path() + "/content");
39  // the media.1 is always in the root of the media, not like the content
40  // file which is in the path() location
41  Pathname mediafile = media.provideFile( "/media.1/media" );
43  return RepoStatus(content) && RepoStatus(mediafile);
44 }
46 // search old repository file file to run the delta algorithm on
47 static Pathname search_deltafile( const Pathname &dir, const Pathname &file )
48 {
49  Pathname deltafile(dir + file.basename());
50  if (PathInfo(deltafile).isExist())
51  return deltafile;
52  return Pathname();
53 }
56  const Pathname &dest_dir,
57  const ProgressData::ReceiverFnc & progress )
58 {
59  downloadMediaInfo( dest_dir, media );
61  SignatureFileChecker sigchecker/*(repoInfo().name())*/;
63  Pathname sig = repoInfo().path() + "/content.asc";
65  enqueue( OnMediaLocation( sig, 1 ).setOptional(true) );
66  start( dest_dir, media );
67  // only if there is a signature in the destination directory
68  if ( PathInfo(dest_dir / sig ).isExist() )
69  sigchecker = SignatureFileChecker( dest_dir + sig/*, repoInfo().name() */);
70  reset();
72  Pathname key = repoInfo().path() + "/content.key";
74  enqueue( OnMediaLocation( key, 1 ).setOptional(true) );
75  start( dest_dir, media );
77  KeyContext context;
78  context.setRepoInfo(repoInfo());
79  // only if there is a key in the destination directory
80  if ( PathInfo(dest_dir / key).isExist() )
81  sigchecker.addPublicKey(dest_dir + key, context);
82  // set the checker context even if the key is not known (unsigned repo, key
83  // file missing; bnc #495977)
84  else
85  sigchecker.setKeyContext(context);
87  reset();
89  if ( ! repoInfo().gpgCheck() )
90  {
91  WAR << "Signature checking disabled in config of repository " << repoInfo().alias() << endl;
92  }
93  enqueue( OnMediaLocation( repoInfo().path() + "/content", 1 ),
94  repoInfo().gpgCheck() ? FileChecker(sigchecker) : FileChecker(NullFileChecker()) );
95  start( dest_dir, media );
96  reset();
98  Pathname descr_dir;
100  // Content file first to get the repoindex
101  {
102  Pathname inputfile( dest_dir + repoInfo().path() + "/content" );
103  ContentFileReader content;
104  content.setRepoIndexConsumer( bind( &Downloader::consumeIndex, this, _1 ) );
105  content.parse( inputfile );
106  }
107  if ( ! _repoindex )
108  {
109  ZYPP_THROW( ParseException( (dest_dir+repoInfo().path()).asString() + ": " + "No repository index in content file." ) );
110  }
111  MIL << "RepoIndex: " << _repoindex << endl;
112  if ( _repoindex->metaFileChecksums.empty() )
113  {
114  ZYPP_THROW( ParseException( (dest_dir+repoInfo().path()).asString() + ": " + "No metadata checksums in content file." ) );
115  }
116  if ( _repoindex->signingKeys.empty() )
117  {
118  WAR << "No signing keys defined." << endl;
119  }
121  // Prepare parsing
122  descr_dir = _repoindex->descrdir; // path below reporoot
123  //_datadir = _repoIndex->datadir; // path below reporoot
125  std::map<std::string,RepoIndex::FileChecksumMap::const_iterator> availablePackageTranslations;
127  for_( it, _repoindex->metaFileChecksums.begin(), _repoindex->metaFileChecksums.end() )
128  {
129  // omit unwanted translations
130  if ( str::hasPrefix( it->first, "packages" ) )
131  {
132  static const str::regex rx_packages( "^packages((.gz)?|(.([^.]*))(.gz)?)$" );
133  str::smatch what;
134  if ( str::regex_match( it->first, what, rx_packages ) )
135  {
136  if ( what[4].empty() // packages(.gz)?
137  || what[4] == "DU"
138  || what[4] == "en" )
139  { ; /* always downloaded */ }
140  else if ( what[4] == "FL" )
141  { continue; /* never downloaded */ }
142  else
143  {
144  // remember and decide later
145  availablePackageTranslations[what[4]] = it;
146  continue;
147  }
148  }
149  else
150  continue; // discard
151  }
152  else if ( it->first == "patterns.pat"
153  || it->first == "patterns.pat.gz" )
154  {
155  // take all patterns in one go
156  }
157  else if ( str::endsWith( it->first, ".pat" )
158  || str::endsWith( it->first, ".pat.gz" ) )
159  {
161  // *** see also zypp/parser/susetags/ ***
163  // omit unwanted patterns, see
164  // expect "<name>.<arch>.pat[.gz]", <name> might contain additional dots
165  // split at dots, take .pat or .pat.gz into account
167  std::vector<std::string> patparts;
168  unsigned archpos = 2;
169  // expect "<name>.<arch>.pat[.gz]", <name> might contain additional dots
170  unsigned count = str::split( it->first, std::back_inserter(patparts), "." );
171  if ( patparts[count-1] == "gz" )
172  archpos++;
174  if ( count > archpos )
175  {
176  try // might by an invalid architecture
177  {
178  Arch patarch( patparts[count-archpos] );
180  {
181  // discard, if not compatible
182  MIL << "Discarding pattern " << it->first << endl;
183  continue;
184  }
185  }
186  catch ( const Exception & excpt )
187  {
188  WAR << "Pattern file name does not contain recognizable architecture: " << it->first << endl;
189  // keep .pat file if it doesn't contain an recognizable arch
190  }
191  }
192  }
193  MIL << "adding job " << it->first << endl;
194  OnMediaLocation location( repoInfo().path() + descr_dir + it->first, 1 );
195  location.setChecksum( it->second );
196  enqueueDigested(location, FileChecker(), search_deltafile(_delta_dir + descr_dir, it->first));
197  }
199  // check whether to download more package translations:
200  {
201  auto fnc_checkTransaltions( [&]( const Locale & locale_r ) {
202  for ( Locale toGet( locale_r ); toGet != Locale::noCode; toGet = toGet.fallback() )
203  {
204  auto it( availablePackageTranslations.find( toGet.code() ) );
205  if ( it != availablePackageTranslations.end() )
206  {
207  auto mit( it->second );
208  MIL << "adding job " << mit->first << endl;
209  OnMediaLocation location( repoInfo().path() + descr_dir + mit->first, 1 );
210  location.setChecksum( mit->second );
211  enqueueDigested(location, FileChecker(), search_deltafile(_delta_dir + descr_dir, mit->first));
212  break;
213  }
214  }
215  });
216  for ( const Locale & it : ZConfig::instance().repoRefreshLocales() )
217  {
218  fnc_checkTransaltions( it );
219  }
220  fnc_checkTransaltions( ZConfig::instance().textLocale() );
221  }
223  for_( it, _repoindex->mediaFileChecksums.begin(), _repoindex->mediaFileChecksums.end() )
224  {
225  // Repo adopts license files listed in HASH
226  if ( it->first != "license.tar.gz" )
227  continue;
229  MIL << "adding job " << it->first << endl;
230  OnMediaLocation location( repoInfo().path() + it->first, 1 );
231  location.setChecksum( it->second );
232  enqueueDigested(location, FileChecker(), search_deltafile(_delta_dir, it->first));
233  }
235  for_( it, _repoindex->signingKeys.begin(),_repoindex->signingKeys.end() )
236  {
237  MIL << "adding job " << it->first << endl;
238  OnMediaLocation location( repoInfo().path() + it->first, 1 );
239  location.setChecksum( it->second );
240  enqueueDigested(location);
241  }
243  start( dest_dir, media );
244 }
246 void Downloader::consumeIndex( const RepoIndex_Ptr & data_r )
247 {
248  MIL << "Consuming repo index" << endl;
249  _repoindex = data_r;
250 }
252 }// ns susetags
253 }// ns source
254 } // ns zypp