
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Novell Inc.
00003  *
00004  * This program is licensed under the BSD license, read LICENSE.BSD
00005  * for further information
00006  */
00008 /*
00009  * pool.c
00010  * 
00011  * The pool contains information about solvables
00012  * stored optimized for memory consumption and fast retrieval.
00013  */
00015 #include <stdio.h>
00016 #include <stdlib.h>
00017 #include <stdarg.h>
00018 #include <unistd.h>
00019 #include <string.h>
00021 #include "pool.h"
00022 #include "repo.h"
00023 #include "poolid.h"
00024 #include "poolid_private.h"
00025 #include "poolarch.h"
00026 #include "util.h"
00027 #include "bitmap.h"
00028 #include "evr.h"
00030 #define SOLVABLE_BLOCK  255
00033 #include "knownid.h"
00036 /* create pool */
00037 Pool *
00038 pool_create(void)
00039 {
00040   Pool *pool;
00041   Solvable *s;
00043   pool = (Pool *)sat_calloc(1, sizeof(*pool));
00045   stringpool_init (&pool->ss, initpool_data);
00047   /* alloc space for RelDep 0 */
00048   pool->rels = sat_extend_resize(0, 1, sizeof(Reldep), REL_BLOCK);
00049   pool->nrels = 1;
00050   memset(pool->rels, 0, sizeof(Reldep));
00052   /* alloc space for Solvable 0 and system solvable */
00053   pool->solvables = sat_extend_resize(0, 2, sizeof(Solvable), SOLVABLE_BLOCK);
00054   pool->nsolvables = 2;
00055   memset(pool->solvables, 0, 2 * sizeof(Solvable));
00056   s = pool->solvables + SYSTEMSOLVABLE;
00057   s->name = SYSTEM_SYSTEM;
00058   s->arch = ARCH_NOARCH;
00059   s->evr = ID_EMPTY;
00061   queue_init(&pool->vendormap);
00063   pool->debugmask = SAT_DEBUG_RESULT;   /* FIXME */
00064   return pool;
00065 }
00068 /* free all the resources of our pool */
00069 void
00070 pool_free(Pool *pool)
00071 {
00072   int i;
00074   pool_freewhatprovides(pool);
00075   pool_freeidhashes(pool);
00076   repo_freeallrepos(pool, 1);
00077   sat_free(pool->id2arch);
00078   sat_free(pool->solvables);
00079   stringpool_free(&pool->ss);
00080   sat_free(pool->rels);
00081   queue_free(&pool->vendormap);
00082   for (i = 0; i < POOL_TMPSPACEBUF; i++)
00083     sat_free(pool->tmpspacebuf[i]);
00084   for (i = 0; i < pool->nlanguages; i++)
00085     free((char *)pool->languages[i]);
00086   sat_free(pool->languages);
00087   sat_free(pool->languagecache);
00088   sat_free(pool);
00089 }
00091 #ifdef MULTI_SEMANTICS
00092 void
00093 pool_setdisttype(Pool *pool, int disttype)
00094 {
00095   pool->disttype = disttype;
00096 }
00097 #endif
00099 Id
00100 pool_add_solvable(Pool *pool)
00101 {
00102   pool->solvables = sat_extend(pool->solvables, pool->nsolvables, 1, sizeof(Solvable), SOLVABLE_BLOCK);
00103   memset(pool->solvables + pool->nsolvables, 0, sizeof(Solvable));
00104   return pool->nsolvables++;
00105 }
00107 Id
00108 pool_add_solvable_block(Pool *pool, int count)
00109 {
00110   Id nsolvables = pool->nsolvables;
00111   if (!count)
00112     return nsolvables;
00113   pool->solvables = sat_extend(pool->solvables, pool->nsolvables, count, sizeof(Solvable), SOLVABLE_BLOCK);
00114   memset(pool->solvables + nsolvables, 0, sizeof(Solvable) * count);
00115   pool->nsolvables += count;
00116   return nsolvables;
00117 }
00119 void
00120 pool_free_solvable_block(Pool *pool, Id start, int count, int reuseids)
00121 {
00122   if (!count)
00123     return;
00124   if (reuseids && start + count == pool->nsolvables)
00125     {
00126       /* might want to shrink solvable array */
00127       pool->nsolvables = start;
00128       return;
00129     }
00130   memset(pool->solvables + start, 0, sizeof(Solvable) * count);
00131 }
00134 void
00135 pool_set_installed(Pool *pool, Repo *installed)
00136 {
00137   if (pool->installed == installed)
00138     return;
00139   pool->installed = installed;
00140   pool_freewhatprovides(pool);
00141 }
00143 static int
00144 pool_shrink_whatprovides_sortcmp(const void *ap, const void *bp, void *dp)
00145 {
00146   int r;
00147   Pool *pool = dp;
00148   Id oa, ob, *da, *db;
00149   oa = pool->whatprovides[*(Id *)ap];
00150   ob = pool->whatprovides[*(Id *)bp];
00151   if (oa == ob)
00152     return *(Id *)ap - *(Id *)bp;
00153   if (!oa)
00154     return -1;
00155   if (!ob)
00156     return 1;
00157   da = pool->whatprovidesdata + oa;
00158   db = pool->whatprovidesdata + ob;
00159   while (*db)
00160     if ((r = (*da++ - *db++)) != 0)
00161       return r;
00162   if (*da)
00163     return *da;
00164   return *(Id *)ap - *(Id *)bp;
00165 }
00167 /*
00168  * pool_shrink_whatprovides  - unify whatprovides data
00169  *
00170  * whatprovides_rel must be empty for this to work!
00171  *
00172  */
00173 static void
00174 pool_shrink_whatprovides(Pool *pool)
00175 {
00176   Id i, id;
00177   Id *sorted;
00178   Id lastid, *last, *dp, *lp;
00179   Offset o;
00180   int r;
00182   if (pool->ss.nstrings < 3)
00183     return;
00184   sorted = sat_malloc2(pool->ss.nstrings, sizeof(Id));
00185   for (id = 0; id < pool->ss.nstrings; id++)
00186     sorted[id] = id;
00187   sat_sort(sorted + 1, pool->ss.nstrings - 1, sizeof(Id), pool_shrink_whatprovides_sortcmp, pool);
00188   last = 0;
00189   lastid = 0;
00190   for (i = 1; i < pool->ss.nstrings; i++)
00191     {
00192       id = sorted[i];
00193       o = pool->whatprovides[id];
00194       if (o == 0 || o == 1)
00195         continue;
00196       dp = pool->whatprovidesdata + o;
00197       if (last)
00198         {
00199           lp = last;
00200           while (*dp)   
00201             if (*dp++ != *lp++)
00202               {
00203                 last = 0;
00204                 break;
00205               }
00206           if (last && *lp)
00207             last = 0;
00208           if (last)
00209             {
00210               pool->whatprovides[id] = -lastid;
00211               continue;
00212             }
00213         }
00214       last = pool->whatprovidesdata + o;
00215       lastid = id;
00216     }
00217   sat_free(sorted);
00218   dp = pool->whatprovidesdata + 2;
00219   for (id = 1; id < pool->ss.nstrings; id++)
00220     {
00221       o = pool->whatprovides[id];
00222       if (o == 0 || o == 1)
00223         continue;
00224       if ((Id)o < 0)
00225         {
00226           i = -(Id)o;
00227           if (i >= id)
00228             abort();
00229           pool->whatprovides[id] = pool->whatprovides[i];
00230           continue;
00231         }
00232       lp = pool->whatprovidesdata + o;
00233       if (lp < dp)
00234         abort();
00235       pool->whatprovides[id] = dp - pool->whatprovidesdata;
00236       while ((*dp++ = *lp++) != 0)
00237         ;
00238     }
00239   o = dp - pool->whatprovidesdata;
00240   POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "shrunk whatprovidesdata from %d to %d\n", pool->whatprovidesdataoff, o);
00241   if (pool->whatprovidesdataoff == o)
00242     return;
00243   r = pool->whatprovidesdataoff - o;
00244   pool->whatprovidesdataoff = o;
00245   pool->whatprovidesdata = sat_realloc(pool->whatprovidesdata, (o + pool->whatprovidesdataleft) * sizeof(Id));
00246   if (r > pool->whatprovidesdataleft)
00247     r = pool->whatprovidesdataleft;
00248   memset(pool->whatprovidesdata + o, 0, r * sizeof(Id));
00249 }
00252 /*
00253  * pool_createwhatprovides()
00254  * 
00255  * create hashes over pool of solvables to ease provide lookups
00256  * 
00257  */
00258 void
00259 pool_createwhatprovides(Pool *pool)
00260 {
00261   int i, num, np, extra;
00262   Offset off;
00263   Solvable *s;
00264   Id id;
00265   Offset *idp, n;
00266   Offset *whatprovides;
00267   Id *whatprovidesdata, *d;
00268   Repo *installed = pool->installed;
00269   unsigned int now;
00271   now = sat_timems(0);
00272   POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "number of solvables: %d\n", pool->nsolvables);
00273   POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "number of ids: %d + %d\n", pool->ss.nstrings, pool->nrels);
00275   pool_freeidhashes(pool);      /* XXX: should not be here! */
00276   pool_freewhatprovides(pool);
00277   num = pool->ss.nstrings;
00278   pool->whatprovides = whatprovides = sat_calloc_block(num, sizeof(Offset), WHATPROVIDES_BLOCK);
00279   pool->whatprovides_rel = sat_calloc_block(pool->nrels, sizeof(Offset), WHATPROVIDES_BLOCK);
00281   /* count providers for each name */
00282   for (i = pool->nsolvables - 1; i > 0; i--)
00283     {
00284       Id *pp;
00285       s = pool->solvables + i;
00286       if (!s->provides || !s->repo || s->repo->disabled)
00287         continue;
00288       /* we always need the installed solvable in the whatprovides data,
00289          otherwise obsoletes/conflicts on them won't work */
00290       if (s->repo != installed && !pool_installable(pool, s))
00291         continue;
00292       pp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->provides;
00293       while ((id = *pp++) != 0)
00294         {
00295           while (ISRELDEP(id))
00296             {
00297               Reldep *rd = GETRELDEP(pool, id);
00298               id = rd->name;
00299             }
00300           whatprovides[id]++;          /* inc count of providers */
00301         }
00302     }
00304   off = 2;      /* first entry is undef, second is empty list */
00305   np = 0;                              /* number of names provided */
00306   for (i = 0, idp = whatprovides; i < num; i++, idp++)
00307     {
00308       n = *idp;
00309       if (!n)                          /* no providers */
00310         continue;
00311       off += n;                        /* make space for all providers */
00312       *idp = off++;                    /* now idp points to terminating zero */
00313       np++;                            /* inc # of provider 'slots' for stats */
00314     }
00316   POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "provide ids: %d\n", np);
00318   /* reserve some space for relation data */
00319   extra = 2 * pool->nrels;
00320   if (extra < 256)
00321     extra = 256;
00323   POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "provide space needed: %d + %d\n", off, extra);
00325   /* alloc space for all providers + extra */
00326   whatprovidesdata = sat_calloc(off + extra, sizeof(Id));
00328   /* now fill data for all provides */
00329   for (i = pool->nsolvables - 1; i > 0; i--)
00330     {
00331       Id *pp;
00332       s = pool->solvables + i;
00333       if (!s->provides || !s->repo || s->repo->disabled)
00334         continue;
00335       if (s->repo != installed && !pool_installable(pool, s))
00336         continue;
00338       /* for all provides of this solvable */
00339       pp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->provides;
00340       while ((id = *pp++) != 0)
00341         {
00342           while (ISRELDEP(id))
00343             {
00344               Reldep *rd = GETRELDEP(pool, id);
00345               id = rd->name;
00346             }
00347           d = whatprovidesdata + whatprovides[id];   /* offset into whatprovidesdata */
00348           if (*d != i)          /* don't add same solvable twice */
00349             {
00350               d[-1] = i;
00351               whatprovides[id]--;
00352             }
00353         }
00354     }
00355   pool->whatprovidesdata = whatprovidesdata;
00356   pool->whatprovidesdataoff = off;
00357   pool->whatprovidesdataleft = extra;
00358   pool_shrink_whatprovides(pool);
00359   POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "whatprovides memory used: %d K id array, %d K data\n", (pool->ss.nstrings + pool->nrels + WHATPROVIDES_BLOCK) / (int)(1024/sizeof(Id)), (pool->whatprovidesdataoff + pool->whatprovidesdataleft) / (int)(1024/sizeof(Id)));
00360   POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "createwhatprovides took %d ms\n", sat_timems(now));
00361 }
00363 /*
00364  * free all of our whatprovides data
00365  * be careful, everything internalized with pool_queuetowhatprovides is
00366  * gone, too
00367  */
00368 void
00369 pool_freewhatprovides(Pool *pool)
00370 {
00371   pool->whatprovides = sat_free(pool->whatprovides);
00372   pool->whatprovides_rel = sat_free(pool->whatprovides_rel);
00373   pool->whatprovidesdata = sat_free(pool->whatprovidesdata);
00374   pool->whatprovidesdataoff = 0;
00375   pool->whatprovidesdataleft = 0;
00376 }
00379 /******************************************************************************/
00381 /*
00382  * pool_queuetowhatprovides  - add queue contents to whatprovidesdata
00383  * 
00384  * on-demand filling of provider information
00385  * move queue data into whatprovidesdata
00386  * q: queue of Ids
00387  * returns: Offset into whatprovides
00388  *
00389  */
00390 Id
00391 pool_queuetowhatprovides(Pool *pool, Queue *q)
00392 {
00393   Offset off;
00394   int count = q->count;
00396   if (count == 0)                      /* queue empty -> 1 */
00397     return 1;
00399   /* extend whatprovidesdata if needed, +1 for ID_NULL-termination */
00400   if (pool->whatprovidesdataleft < count + 1)
00401     {
00402       POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "growing provides hash data...\n");
00403       pool->whatprovidesdata = sat_realloc(pool->whatprovidesdata, (pool->whatprovidesdataoff + count + 4096) * sizeof(Id));
00404       pool->whatprovidesdataleft = count + 4096;
00405     }
00407   /* copy queue to next free slot */
00408   off = pool->whatprovidesdataoff;
00409   memcpy(pool->whatprovidesdata + pool->whatprovidesdataoff, q->elements, count * sizeof(Id));
00411   /* adapt count and ID_NULL-terminate */
00412   pool->whatprovidesdataoff += count;
00413   pool->whatprovidesdata[pool->whatprovidesdataoff++] = ID_NULL;
00414   pool->whatprovidesdataleft -= count + 1;
00416   return (Id)off;
00417 }
00420 /*************************************************************************/
00422 #if defined(MULTI_SEMANTICS)
00424 #elif defined(DEBIAN_SEMANTICS)
00426 #else
00428 #endif
00430 /* check if a package's nevr matches a dependency */
00432 int
00433 pool_match_nevr_rel(Pool *pool, Solvable *s, Id d)
00434 {
00435   Reldep *rd = GETRELDEP(pool, d);
00436   Id name = rd->name;
00437   Id evr = rd->evr;
00438   int flags = rd->flags;
00440   if (flags > 7)
00441     {
00442       switch (flags)
00443         {
00444         case REL_ARCH:
00445           if (s->arch != evr)
00446             return 0;
00447           return pool_match_nevr(pool, s, name);
00448         case REL_OR:
00449           if (pool_match_nevr(pool, s, name))
00450             return 1;
00451           return pool_match_nevr(pool, s, evr);
00452         case REL_AND:
00453         case REL_WITH:
00454           if (!pool_match_nevr(pool, s, name))
00455             return 0;
00456           return pool_match_nevr(pool, s, evr);
00457         default:
00458           return 0;
00459         }
00460     }
00461   if (!pool_match_nevr(pool, s, name))
00462     return 0;
00463   if (evr == s->evr)
00464     return flags & 2 ? 1 : 0;
00465   if (!flags)
00466     return 0;
00467   if (flags == 7)
00468     return 1;
00469   if (flags != 2 && flags != 5)
00470     flags ^= 5;
00471   if ((flags & (1 << (1 + evrcmp(pool, s->evr, evr, EVRCMP_DEPCMP)))) != 0)
00472     return 1;
00473   return 0;
00474 }
00476 /* match two dependencies */
00478 int
00479 pool_match_dep(Pool *pool, Id d1, Id d2)
00480 {
00481   Reldep *rd1, *rd2;
00482   int pflags, flags;
00484   if (d1 == d2)
00485     return 1;
00486   if (!ISRELDEP(d1))
00487     {
00488       if (!ISRELDEP(d2))
00489         return 0;
00490       rd2 = GETRELDEP(pool, d2);
00491       return pool_match_dep(pool, d1, rd2->name);
00492     }
00493   rd1 = GETRELDEP(pool, d1);
00494   if (!ISRELDEP(d2))
00495     {
00496       return pool_match_dep(pool, rd1->name, d2);
00497     }
00498   rd2 = GETRELDEP(pool, d2);
00499   if (!pool_match_dep(pool, rd1->name, rd2->name))
00500     return 0;
00501   pflags = rd1->flags;
00502   flags = rd2->flags;
00503   if (!pflags || !flags || pflags >= 8 || flags >= 8)
00504     return 0;
00505   if (flags == 7 || pflags == 7)
00506     return 1;
00507   if ((pflags & flags & 5) != 0)
00508     return 1;
00509   if (rd1->evr == rd2->evr)
00510     {
00511       if ((pflags & flags & 2) != 0)
00512         return 1;
00513     }
00514   else
00515     {
00516       int f = flags == 5 ? 5 : flags == 2 ? pflags : (flags ^ 5) & (pflags | 5);
00517       if ((f & (1 << (1 + evrcmp(pool, rd1->evr, rd2->evr, EVRCMP_DEPCMP)))) != 0)
00518         return 1;
00519     }
00520   return 0;
00521 }
00523 /*
00524  * addrelproviders
00525  * 
00526  * add packages fulfilling the relation to whatprovides array
00527  * no exact providers, do range match
00528  * 
00529  */
00531 Id
00532 pool_addrelproviders(Pool *pool, Id d)
00533 {
00534   Reldep *rd = GETRELDEP(pool, d);
00535   Reldep *prd;
00536   Queue plist;
00537   Id buf[16];
00538   Id name = rd->name;
00539   Id evr = rd->evr;
00540   int flags = rd->flags;
00541   Id pid, *pidp;
00542   Id p, wp, *pp, *pp2, *pp3;
00544   d = GETRELID(d);
00545   queue_init_buffer(&plist, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(*buf));
00546   switch (flags)
00547     {
00548     case REL_AND:
00549     case REL_WITH:
00550       pp = pool_whatprovides_ptr(pool, name);
00551       pp2 = pool_whatprovides_ptr(pool, evr);
00552       while ((p = *pp++) != 0)
00553         {
00554           for (pp3 = pp2; *pp3;)
00555             if (*pp3++ == p)
00556               {
00557                 queue_push(&plist, p);
00558                 break;
00559               }
00560         }
00561       break;
00562     case REL_OR:
00563       pp = pool_whatprovides_ptr(pool, name);
00564       while ((p = *pp++) != 0)
00565         queue_push(&plist, p);
00566       pp = pool_whatprovides_ptr(pool, evr);
00567       while ((p = *pp++) != 0)
00568         queue_pushunique(&plist, p);
00569       break;
00570     case REL_NAMESPACE:
00571       if (name == NAMESPACE_OTHERPROVIDERS)
00572         {
00573           wp = pool_whatprovides(pool, evr);
00574           pool->whatprovides_rel[d] = wp;
00575           return wp;
00576         }
00577       if (pool->nscallback)
00578         {
00579           /* ask callback which packages provide the dependency
00580            * 0:  none
00581            * 1:  the system (aka SYSTEMSOLVABLE)
00582            * >1: a set of packages, stored as offset on whatprovidesdata
00583            */
00584           p = pool->nscallback(pool, pool->nscallbackdata, name, evr);
00585           if (p > 1)
00586             {
00587               queue_free(&plist);
00588               pool->whatprovides_rel[d] = p;
00589               return p;
00590             }
00591           if (p == 1)
00592             queue_push(&plist, SYSTEMSOLVABLE);
00593         }
00594       break;
00595     case REL_ARCH:
00596       /* small hack: make it possible to match <pkg>.src
00597        * we have to iterate over the solvables as src packages do not
00598        * provide anything, thus they are not indexed in our
00599        * whatprovides hash */
00600       if (evr == ARCH_SRC)
00601         {
00602           Solvable *s;
00603           for (p = 1, s = pool->solvables + p; p < pool->nsolvables; p++, s++)
00604             {
00605               if (s->arch != ARCH_SRC && s->arch != ARCH_NOSRC)
00606                 continue;
00607               if (pool_match_nevr(pool, s, name))
00608                 queue_push(&plist, p);
00609             }
00610           break;
00611         }
00612       wp = pool_whatprovides(pool, name);
00613       pp = pool->whatprovidesdata + wp;
00614       while ((p = *pp++) != 0)
00615         {
00616           Solvable *s = pool->solvables + p;
00617           if (s->arch == evr)
00618             queue_push(&plist, p);
00619           else
00620             wp = 0;
00621         }
00622       if (wp)
00623         {
00624           /* all solvables match, no need to create a new list */
00625           pool->whatprovides_rel[d] = wp;
00626           return wp;
00627         }
00628       break;
00629     case REL_FILECONFLICT:
00630       pp = pool_whatprovides_ptr(pool, name);
00631       while ((p = *pp++) != 0)
00632         {
00633           Id origd = MAKERELDEP(d);
00634           Solvable *s = pool->solvables + p;
00635           if (!s->provides)
00636             continue;
00637           pidp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->provides;
00638           while ((pid = *pidp++) != 0)
00639             if (pid == origd)
00640               break;
00641           if (pid)
00642             queue_push(&plist, p);
00643         }
00644       break;
00645     default:
00646       break;
00647     }
00649   /* convert to whatprovides id */
00650 #if 0
00651   POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "addrelproviders: what provides %s?\n", dep2str(pool, name));
00652 #endif
00653   if (flags && flags < 8)
00654     {
00655       pp = pool_whatprovides_ptr(pool, name);
00656       while (ISRELDEP(name))
00657         {
00658           rd = GETRELDEP(pool, name);
00659           name = rd->name;
00660         }
00661       while ((p = *pp++) != 0)
00662         {
00663           Solvable *s = pool->solvables + p;
00664 #if 0
00665           POOL_DEBUG(DEBUG_1, "addrelproviders: checking package %s\n", id2str(pool, s->name));
00666 #endif
00667           if (!s->provides)
00668             {
00669               /* no provides - check nevr */
00670               if (pool_match_nevr_rel(pool, s, MAKERELDEP(d)))
00671                 queue_push(&plist, p);
00672               continue;
00673             }
00674           /* solvable p provides name in some rels */
00675           pidp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->provides;
00676           while ((pid = *pidp++) != 0)
00677             {
00678               int pflags;
00679               Id pevr;
00681               if (pid == name)
00682                 {
00683 #if defined(MULTI_SEMANTICS)
00684                   if (pool->disttype == DISTTYPE_DEB)
00685                     continue;
00686                   else
00687                     break;
00688 #elif defined(DEBIAN_SEMANTICS)
00689                   continue;             /* unversioned provides can
00690                                          * never match versioned deps */
00691 #else
00692                   break;                /* yes, provides all versions */
00693 #endif
00694                 }
00695               if (!ISRELDEP(pid))
00696                 continue;               /* wrong provides name */
00697               prd = GETRELDEP(pool, pid);
00698               if (prd->name != name)
00699                 continue;               /* wrong provides name */
00700               /* right package, both deps are rels */
00701               pflags = prd->flags;
00702               if (!pflags)
00703                 continue;
00704               if (flags == 7 || pflags == 7)
00705                 break; /* included */
00706               if ((pflags & flags & 5) != 0)
00707                 break; /* same direction, match */
00708               pevr = prd->evr;
00709               if (pevr == evr)
00710                 {
00711                   if ((pflags & flags & 2) != 0)
00712                     break; /* both have =, match */
00713                 }
00714               else
00715                 {
00716                   int f = flags == 5 ? 5 : flags == 2 ? pflags : (flags ^ 5) & (pflags | 5);
00717                   if ((f & (1 << (1 + evrcmp(pool, pevr, evr, EVRCMP_DEPCMP)))) != 0)
00718                     break;
00719                 }
00720             }
00721           if (!pid)
00722             continue;   /* no rel match */
00723           queue_push(&plist, p);
00724         }
00725       /* make our system solvable provide all unknown rpmlib() stuff */
00726       if (plist.count == 0 && !strncmp(id2str(pool, name), "rpmlib(", 7))
00727         queue_push(&plist, SYSTEMSOLVABLE);
00728     }
00729   /* add providers to whatprovides */
00730 #if 0
00731   POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "addrelproviders: adding %d packages to %d\n", plist.count, d);
00732 #endif
00733   pool->whatprovides_rel[d] = pool_queuetowhatprovides(pool, &plist);
00734   queue_free(&plist);
00736   return pool->whatprovides_rel[d];
00737 }
00739 /*************************************************************************/
00741 void
00742 pool_debug(Pool *pool, int type, const char *format, ...)
00743 {
00744   va_list args;
00745   char buf[1024];
00747   if ((type & (SAT_FATAL|SAT_ERROR)) == 0)
00748     {
00749       if ((pool->debugmask & type) == 0)
00750         return;
00751     }
00752   va_start(args, format);
00753   if (!pool->debugcallback)
00754     {
00755       if ((type & (SAT_FATAL|SAT_ERROR)) == 0 && !(pool->debugmask & SAT_DEBUG_TO_STDERR))
00756         vprintf(format, args);
00757       else
00758         vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
00759       return;
00760     }
00761   vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, args);
00762   pool->debugcallback(pool, pool->debugcallbackdata, type, buf);
00763 }
00765 void
00766 pool_setdebuglevel(Pool *pool, int level)
00767 {
00768   int mask = SAT_DEBUG_RESULT;
00769   if (level > 0)
00771   if (level > 1)
00773   if (level > 2)
00774     mask |= SAT_DEBUG_PROPAGATE;
00775   if (level > 3)
00776     mask |= SAT_DEBUG_RULE_CREATION;
00777   if (level > 4)
00778     mask |= SAT_DEBUG_SCHUBI;
00779   mask |= pool->debugmask & SAT_DEBUG_TO_STDERR;        /* keep bit */
00780   pool->debugmask = mask;
00781 }
00783 /*************************************************************************/
00785 struct searchfiles {
00786   Id *ids;
00787   char **dirs;
00788   char **names;
00789   int nfiles;
00790   Map seen;
00791 };
00793 #define SEARCHFILES_BLOCK 127
00795 static void
00796 pool_addfileprovides_dep(Pool *pool, Id *ida, struct searchfiles *sf, struct searchfiles *isf)
00797 {
00798   Id dep, sid;
00799   const char *s, *sr;
00800   struct searchfiles *csf;
00802   while ((dep = *ida++) != 0)
00803     {
00804       csf = sf;
00805       while (ISRELDEP(dep))
00806         {
00807           Reldep *rd;
00808           sid = pool->ss.nstrings + GETRELID(dep);
00809           if (MAPTST(&csf->seen, sid))
00810             {
00811               dep = 0;
00812               break;
00813             }
00814           MAPSET(&csf->seen, sid);
00815           rd = GETRELDEP(pool, dep);
00816           if (rd->flags < 8)
00817             dep = rd->name;
00818           else if (rd->flags == REL_NAMESPACE)
00819             {
00820               if (rd->name == NAMESPACE_INSTALLED || rd->name == NAMESPACE_SPLITPROVIDES)
00821                 {
00822                   csf = isf;
00823                   if (!csf || MAPTST(&csf->seen, sid))
00824                     {
00825                       dep = 0;
00826                       break;
00827                     }
00828                   MAPSET(&csf->seen, sid);
00829                 }
00830               dep = rd->evr;
00831             }
00832           else if (rd->flags == REL_FILECONFLICT)
00833             {
00834               dep = 0;
00835               break;
00836             }
00837           else
00838             {
00839               Id ids[2];
00840               ids[0] = rd->name;
00841               ids[1] = 0;
00842               pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, ids, csf, isf);
00843               dep = rd->evr;
00844             }
00845         }
00846       if (!dep)
00847         continue;
00848       if (MAPTST(&csf->seen, dep))
00849         continue;
00850       MAPSET(&csf->seen, dep);
00851       s = id2str(pool, dep);
00852       if (*s != '/')
00853         continue;
00854       csf->ids = sat_extend(csf->ids, csf->nfiles, 1, sizeof(Id), SEARCHFILES_BLOCK);
00855       csf->dirs = sat_extend(csf->dirs, csf->nfiles, 1, sizeof(const char *), SEARCHFILES_BLOCK);
00856       csf->names = sat_extend(csf->names, csf->nfiles, 1, sizeof(const char *), SEARCHFILES_BLOCK);
00857       csf->ids[csf->nfiles] = dep;
00858       sr = strrchr(s, '/');
00859       csf->names[csf->nfiles] = strdup(sr + 1);
00860       csf->dirs[csf->nfiles] = sat_malloc(sr - s + 1);
00861       if (sr != s)
00862         strncpy(csf->dirs[csf->nfiles], s, sr - s);
00863       csf->dirs[csf->nfiles][sr - s] = 0;
00864       csf->nfiles++;
00865     }
00866 }
00868 struct addfileprovides_cbdata {
00869   int nfiles;
00870   Id *ids;
00871   char **dirs;
00872   char **names;
00874   Id *dids;
00876   Map providedids;
00878   Map useddirs;
00879 };
00881 static int
00882 addfileprovides_cb(void *cbdata, Solvable *s, Repodata *data, Repokey *key, KeyValue *value)
00883 {
00884   struct addfileprovides_cbdata *cbd = cbdata;
00885   int i;
00887   if (!cbd->useddirs.size)
00888     {
00889       map_init(&cbd->useddirs, data->dirpool.ndirs + 1);
00890       for (i = 0; i < cbd->nfiles; i++)
00891         {
00892           Id did;
00893           if (MAPTST(&cbd->providedids, cbd->ids[i]))
00894             {
00895               cbd->dids[i] = 0;
00896               continue;
00897             }
00898           did = repodata_str2dir(data, cbd->dirs[i], 0);
00899           cbd->dids[i] = did;
00900           if (did)
00901             MAPSET(&cbd->useddirs, did);
00902         }
00903     }
00904   if (value->id >= data->dirpool.ndirs || !MAPTST(&cbd->useddirs, value->id))
00905     return 0;
00906   for (i = 0; i < cbd->nfiles; i++)
00907     {
00908       if (cbd->dids[i] != value->id)
00909         continue;
00910       if (!strcmp(cbd->names[i], value->str))
00911         break;
00912     }
00913   if (i == cbd->nfiles)
00914     return 0;
00915   s->provides = repo_addid_dep(s->repo, s->provides, cbd->ids[i], SOLVABLE_FILEMARKER);
00916   return 0;
00917 }
00919 static void
00920 pool_addfileprovides_search(Pool *pool, struct addfileprovides_cbdata *cbd, struct searchfiles *sf, Repo *repoonly)
00921 {
00922   Id p;
00923   Repodata *data;
00924   Repo *repo;
00925   Queue fileprovidesq;
00926   int i, j, repoid, repodataid;
00927   int provstart, provend;
00928   Map donemap;
00929   int ndone, incomplete;
00931   if (!pool->nrepos)
00932     return;
00934   cbd->nfiles = sf->nfiles;
00935   cbd->ids = sf->ids;
00936   cbd->dirs = sf->dirs;
00937   cbd->names = sf->names;
00938   cbd->dids = sat_realloc2(cbd->dids, sf->nfiles, sizeof(Id));
00939   map_init(&cbd->providedids, pool->ss.nstrings);
00941   repoid = 0;
00942   repo = repoonly ? repoonly : pool->repos[0];
00943   map_init(&donemap, pool->nsolvables);
00944   queue_init(&fileprovidesq);
00945   provstart = provend = 0;
00946   for (;;)
00947     {
00948       if (repo->disabled)
00949         {
00950           if (repoonly || ++repoid == pool->nrepos)
00951             break;
00952           repo = pool->repos[repoid];
00953           continue;
00954         }
00955       ndone = 0;
00956       for (data = repo->repodata, repodataid = 0; repodataid < repo->nrepodata; repodataid++, data++)
00957         {
00958           if (ndone >= repo->nsolvables)
00959             break;
00961           if (repodata_lookup_idarray(data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_ADDEDFILEPROVIDES, &fileprovidesq))
00962             {
00963               map_empty(&cbd->providedids);
00964               for (i = 0; i < fileprovidesq.count; i++)
00965                 MAPSET(&cbd->providedids, fileprovidesq.elements[i]);
00966               provstart = data->start;
00967               provend = data->end;
00968               for (i = 0; i < cbd->nfiles; i++)
00969                 if (!MAPTST(&cbd->providedids, cbd->ids[i]))
00970                   break;
00971               if (i == cbd->nfiles)
00972                 {
00973                   /* great! no need to search files */
00974                   for (p = data->start; p < data->end; p++)
00975                     if (pool->solvables[p].repo == repo)
00976                       {
00977                         if (MAPTST(&donemap, p))
00978                           continue;
00979                         MAPSET(&donemap, p);
00980                         ndone++;
00981                       }
00982                   continue;
00983                 }
00984             }
00986           if (!repodata_has_keyname(data, SOLVABLE_FILELIST))
00987             continue;
00989           if (data->start < provstart || data->end > provend)
00990             {
00991               map_empty(&cbd->providedids);
00992               provstart = provend = 0;
00993             }
00995           /* check if the data is incomplete */
00996           incomplete = 0;
00997           if (data->state == REPODATA_AVAILABLE)
00998             {
00999               for (j = 1; j < data->nkeys; j++)
01000                 if (data->keys[j].name != REPOSITORY_SOLVABLES && data->keys[j].name != SOLVABLE_FILELIST)
01001                   break;
01002               if (j < data->nkeys)
01003                 {
01004 #if 0
01005                   for (i = 0; i < cbd->nfiles; i++)
01006                     if (!MAPTST(&cbd->providedids, cbd->ids[i]) && !repodata_filelistfilter_matches(data, id2str(pool, cbd->ids[i])))
01007                       printf("need complete filelist because of %s\n", id2str(pool, cbd->ids[i]));
01008 #endif
01009                   for (i = 0; i < cbd->nfiles; i++)
01010                     if (!MAPTST(&cbd->providedids, cbd->ids[i]) && !repodata_filelistfilter_matches(data, id2str(pool, cbd->ids[i])))
01011                       break;
01012                   if (i < cbd->nfiles)
01013                     incomplete = 1;
01014                 }
01015             }
01017           /* do the search */
01018           map_init(&cbd->useddirs, 0);
01019           for (p = data->start; p < data->end; p++)
01020             if (pool->solvables[p].repo == repo)
01021               {
01022                 if (MAPTST(&donemap, p))
01023                   continue;
01024                 repodata_search(data, p, SOLVABLE_FILELIST, 0, addfileprovides_cb, cbd);
01025                 if (!incomplete)
01026                   {
01027                     MAPSET(&donemap, p);
01028                     ndone++;
01029                   }
01030               }
01031           map_free(&cbd->useddirs);
01032         }
01034       if (repoonly || ++repoid == pool->nrepos)
01035         break;
01036       repo = pool->repos[repoid];
01037     }
01038   map_free(&donemap);
01039   queue_free(&fileprovidesq);
01040   map_free(&cbd->providedids);
01041 }
01043 void
01044 pool_addfileprovides_ids(Pool *pool, Repo *installed, Id **idp)
01045 {
01046   Solvable *s;
01047   Repo *repo;
01048   struct searchfiles sf, isf, *isfp;
01049   struct addfileprovides_cbdata cbd;
01050   int i;
01051   unsigned int now;
01053   now = sat_timems(0);
01054   memset(&sf, 0, sizeof(sf));
01055   map_init(&sf.seen, pool->ss.nstrings + pool->nrels);
01056   memset(&isf, 0, sizeof(isf));
01057   map_init(&isf.seen, pool->ss.nstrings + pool->nrels);
01059   isfp = installed ? &isf : 0;
01060   for (i = 1, s = pool->solvables + i; i < pool->nsolvables; i++, s++)
01061     {
01062       repo = s->repo;
01063       if (!repo)
01064         continue;
01065       if (s->obsoletes)
01066         pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->obsoletes, &sf, isfp);
01067       if (s->conflicts)
01068         pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->conflicts, &sf, isfp);
01069       if (s->requires)
01070         pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->requires, &sf, isfp);
01071       if (s->recommends)
01072         pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->recommends, &sf, isfp);
01073       if (s->suggests)
01074         pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->suggests, &sf, isfp);
01075       if (s->supplements)
01076         pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->supplements, &sf, isfp);
01077       if (s->enhances)
01078         pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->enhances, &sf, isfp);
01079     }
01080   map_free(&sf.seen);
01081   map_free(&isf.seen);
01082   POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "found %d file dependencies, %d installed file dependencies\n", sf.nfiles, isf.nfiles);
01083   cbd.dids = 0;
01084   if (idp)
01085     *idp = 0;
01086   if (sf.nfiles)
01087     {
01088 #if 0
01089       for (i = 0; i < sf.nfiles; i++)
01090         POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "looking up %s in filelist\n", id2str(pool, sf.ids[i]));
01091 #endif
01092       pool_addfileprovides_search(pool, &cbd, &sf, 0);
01093       if (idp)
01094         {
01095           sf.ids = sat_extend(sf.ids, sf.nfiles, 1, sizeof(Id), SEARCHFILES_BLOCK);
01096           sf.ids[sf.nfiles] = 0;
01097           *idp = sf.ids;
01098           sf.ids = 0;
01099         }
01100       sat_free(sf.ids);
01101       for (i = 0; i < sf.nfiles; i++)
01102         {
01103           sat_free(sf.dirs[i]);
01104           sat_free(sf.names[i]);
01105         }
01106       sat_free(sf.dirs);
01107       sat_free(sf.names);
01108     }
01109   if (isf.nfiles)
01110     {
01111 #if 0
01112       for (i = 0; i < isf.nfiles; i++)
01113         POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "looking up %s in installed filelist\n", id2str(pool, isf.ids[i]));
01114 #endif
01115       if (installed)
01116         pool_addfileprovides_search(pool, &cbd, &isf, installed);
01117       sat_free(isf.ids);
01118       for (i = 0; i < isf.nfiles; i++)
01119         {
01120           sat_free(isf.dirs[i]);
01121           sat_free(isf.names[i]);
01122         }
01123       sat_free(isf.dirs);
01124       sat_free(isf.names);
01125     }
01126   sat_free(cbd.dids);
01127   pool_freewhatprovides(pool);  /* as we have added provides */
01128   POOL_DEBUG(SAT_DEBUG_STATS, "addfileprovides took %d ms\n", sat_timems(now));
01129 }
01131 void
01132 pool_addfileprovides(Pool *pool)
01133 {
01134   pool_addfileprovides_ids(pool, pool->installed, 0);
01135 }
01137 void
01138 pool_search(Pool *pool, Id p, Id key, const char *match, int flags, int (*callback)(void *cbdata, Solvable *s, struct _Repodata *data, struct _Repokey *key, struct _KeyValue *kv), void *cbdata)
01139 {
01140   if (p)
01141     {
01142       if (pool->solvables[p].repo)
01143         repo_search(pool->solvables[p].repo, p, key, match, flags, callback, cbdata);
01144       return;
01145     }
01146   /* FIXME: obey callback return value! */
01147   for (p = 1; p < pool->nsolvables; p++)
01148     if (pool->solvables[p].repo)
01149       repo_search(pool->solvables[p].repo, p, key, match, flags, callback, cbdata);
01150 }
01152 void
01153 pool_clear_pos(Pool *pool)
01154 {
01155   memset(&pool->pos, 0, sizeof(pool->pos));
01156 }
01159 void
01160 pool_set_languages(Pool *pool, const char **languages, int nlanguages)
01161 {
01162   int i;
01164   pool->languagecache = sat_free(pool->languagecache);
01165   pool->languagecacheother = 0;
01166   if (pool->nlanguages)
01167     {
01168       for (i = 0; i < pool->nlanguages; i++)
01169         free((char *)pool->languages[i]);
01170       free(pool->languages);
01171     }
01172   pool->nlanguages = nlanguages;
01173   if (!nlanguages)
01174     return;
01175   pool->languages = sat_calloc(nlanguages, sizeof(const char **));
01176   for (i = 0; i < pool->nlanguages; i++)
01177     pool->languages[i] = strdup(languages[i]);
01178 }
01180 Id
01181 pool_id2langid(Pool *pool, Id id, const char *lang, int create)
01182 {
01183   const char *n;
01184   char buf[256], *p;
01185   int l;
01187   if (!lang)
01188     return id;
01189   n = id2str(pool, id);
01190   l = strlen(n) + strlen(lang) + 2;
01191   if (l > sizeof(buf))
01192     p = sat_malloc(strlen(n) + strlen(lang) + 2);
01193   else
01194     p = buf;
01195   sprintf(p, "%s:%s", n, lang);
01196   id = str2id(pool, p, create);
01197   if (p != buf)
01198     free(p);
01199   return id;
01200 }
01202 char *
01203 pool_alloctmpspace(Pool *pool, int len)
01204 {
01205   int n = pool->tmpspacen;
01206   if (!len)
01207     return 0;
01208   if (len > pool->tmpspacelen[n])
01209     {
01210       pool->tmpspacebuf[n] = sat_realloc(pool->tmpspacebuf[n], len + 32);
01211       pool->tmpspacelen[n] = len + 32;
01212     }
01213   pool->tmpspacen = (n + 1) % POOL_TMPSPACEBUF;
01214   return pool->tmpspacebuf[n];
01215 }
01217 char *
01218 pool_tmpjoin(Pool *pool, const char *str1, const char *str2, const char *str3)
01219 {
01220   int l1, l2, l3;
01221   char *s, *str;
01222   l1 = str1 ? strlen(str1) : 0;
01223   l2 = str2 ? strlen(str2) : 0;
01224   l3 = str3 ? strlen(str3) : 0;
01225   s = str = pool_alloctmpspace(pool, l1 + l2 + l3 + 1);
01226   if (l1)
01227     {
01228       strcpy(s, str1);
01229       s += l1;
01230     }
01231   if (l2)
01232     {
01233       strcpy(s, str2);
01234       s += l2;
01235     }
01236   if (l3)
01237     {
01238       strcpy(s, str3);
01239       s += l3;
01240     }
01241   *s = 0;
01242   return str;
01243 }
01246 /*******************************************************************/
01248 struct mptree {
01249   Id sibling;
01250   Id child;
01251   const char *comp;
01252   int compl;
01253   Id mountpoint;
01254 };
01256 struct ducbdata {
01257   DUChanges *mps;
01258   struct mptree *mptree;
01259   int addsub;
01260   int hasdu;
01262   Id *dirmap;
01263   int nmap;
01264   Repodata *olddata;
01265 };
01268 static int
01269 solver_fill_DU_cb(void *cbdata, Solvable *s, Repodata *data, Repokey *key, KeyValue *value)
01270 {
01271   struct ducbdata *cbd = cbdata;
01272   Id mp;
01274   if (data != cbd->olddata)
01275     {
01276       Id dn, mp, comp, *dirmap, *dirs;
01277       int i, compl;
01278       const char *compstr;
01279       struct mptree *mptree;
01281       /* create map from dir to mptree */
01282       cbd->dirmap = sat_free(cbd->dirmap);
01283       cbd->nmap = 0;
01284       dirmap = sat_calloc(data->dirpool.ndirs, sizeof(Id));
01285       mptree = cbd->mptree;
01286       mp = 0;
01287       for (dn = 2, dirs = data->dirpool.dirs + dn; dn < data->dirpool.ndirs; dn++)
01288         {
01289           comp = *dirs++;
01290           if (comp <= 0)
01291             {
01292               mp = dirmap[-comp];
01293               continue;
01294             }
01295           if (mp < 0)
01296             {
01297               /* unconnected */
01298               dirmap[dn] = mp;
01299               continue;
01300             }
01301           if (!mptree[mp].child)
01302             {
01303               dirmap[dn] = -mp;
01304               continue;
01305             }
01306           if (data->localpool)
01307             compstr = stringpool_id2str(&data->spool, comp);
01308           else
01309             compstr = id2str(data->repo->pool, comp);
01310           compl = strlen(compstr);
01311           for (i = mptree[mp].child; i; i = mptree[i].sibling)
01312             if (mptree[i].compl == compl && !strncmp(mptree[i].comp, compstr, compl))
01313               break;
01314           dirmap[dn] = i ? i : -mp;
01315         }
01316       /* change dirmap to point to mountpoint instead of mptree */
01317       for (dn = 0; dn < data->dirpool.ndirs; dn++)
01318         {
01319           mp = dirmap[dn];
01320           dirmap[dn] = mptree[mp > 0 ? mp : -mp].mountpoint;
01321         }
01322       cbd->dirmap = dirmap;
01323       cbd->nmap = data->dirpool.ndirs;
01324       cbd->olddata = data;
01325     }
01326   cbd->hasdu = 1;
01327   if (value->id < 0 || value->id >= cbd->nmap)
01328     return 0;
01329   mp = cbd->dirmap[value->id];
01330   if (mp < 0)
01331     return 0;
01332   if (cbd->addsub > 0)
01333     {
01334       cbd->mps[mp].kbytes += value->num;
01335       cbd->mps[mp].files += value->num2;
01336     }
01337   else
01338     {
01339       cbd->mps[mp].kbytes -= value->num;
01340       cbd->mps[mp].files -= value->num2;
01341     }
01342   return 0;
01343 }
01345 static void
01346 propagate_mountpoints(struct mptree *mptree, int pos, Id mountpoint)
01347 {
01348   int i;
01349   if (mptree[pos].mountpoint == -1)
01350     mptree[pos].mountpoint = mountpoint;
01351   else
01352     mountpoint = mptree[pos].mountpoint;
01353   for (i = mptree[pos].child; i; i = mptree[i].sibling)
01354     propagate_mountpoints(mptree, i, mountpoint);
01355 }
01357 #define MPTREE_BLOCK 15
01359 void
01360 pool_calc_duchanges(Pool *pool, Map *installedmap, DUChanges *mps, int nmps)
01361 {
01362   char *p;
01363   const char *path, *compstr;
01364   struct mptree *mptree;
01365   int i, nmptree;
01366   int pos, compl;
01367   int mp;
01368   struct ducbdata cbd;
01369   Solvable *s;
01370   Id sp;
01371   Map ignoredu;
01372   Repo *oldinstalled = pool->installed;
01374   memset(&ignoredu, 0, sizeof(ignoredu));
01375   cbd.mps = mps;
01376   cbd.addsub = 0;
01377   cbd.dirmap = 0;
01378   cbd.nmap = 0;
01379   cbd.olddata = 0;
01381   mptree = sat_extend_resize(0, 1, sizeof(struct mptree), MPTREE_BLOCK);
01383   /* our root node */
01384   mptree[0].sibling = 0;
01385   mptree[0].child = 0;
01386   mptree[0].comp = 0;
01387   mptree[0].compl = 0;
01388   mptree[0].mountpoint = -1;
01389   nmptree = 1;
01391   /* create component tree */
01392   for (mp = 0; mp < nmps; mp++)
01393     {
01394       mps[mp].kbytes = 0;
01395       mps[mp].files = 0;
01396       pos = 0;
01397       path = mps[mp].path;
01398       while(*path == '/')
01399         path++;
01400       while (*path)
01401         {
01402           if ((p = strchr(path, '/')) == 0)
01403             {
01404               compstr = path;
01405               compl = strlen(compstr);
01406               path += compl;
01407             }
01408           else
01409             {
01410               compstr = path;
01411               compl = p - path;
01412               path = p + 1;
01413               while(*path == '/')
01414                 path++;
01415             }
01416           for (i = mptree[pos].child; i; i = mptree[i].sibling)
01417             if (mptree[i].compl == compl && !strncmp(mptree[i].comp, compstr, compl))
01418               break;
01419           if (!i)
01420             {
01421               /* create new node */
01422               mptree = sat_extend(mptree, nmptree, 1, sizeof(struct mptree), MPTREE_BLOCK);
01423               i = nmptree++;
01424               mptree[i].sibling = mptree[pos].child;
01425               mptree[i].child = 0;
01426               mptree[i].comp = compstr;
01427               mptree[i].compl = compl;
01428               mptree[i].mountpoint = -1;
01429               mptree[pos].child = i;
01430             }
01431           pos = i;
01432         }
01433       mptree[pos].mountpoint = mp;
01434     }
01436   propagate_mountpoints(mptree, 0, mptree[0].mountpoint);
01438 #if 0
01439   for (i = 0; i < nmptree; i++)
01440     {
01441       printf("#%d sibling: %d\n", i, mptree[i].sibling);
01442       printf("#%d child: %d\n", i, mptree[i].child);
01443       printf("#%d comp: %s\n", i, mptree[i].comp);
01444       printf("#%d compl: %d\n", i, mptree[i].compl);
01445       printf("#%d mountpont: %d\n", i, mptree[i].mountpoint);
01446     }
01447 #endif
01449   cbd.mptree = mptree;
01450   cbd.addsub = 1;
01451   for (sp = 1, s = pool->solvables + sp; sp < pool->nsolvables; sp++, s++)
01452     {
01453       if (!s->repo || (oldinstalled && s->repo == oldinstalled))
01454         continue;
01455       if (!MAPTST(installedmap, sp))
01456         continue;
01457       cbd.hasdu = 0;
01458       repo_search(s->repo, sp, SOLVABLE_DISKUSAGE, 0, 0, solver_fill_DU_cb, &cbd);
01459       if (!cbd.hasdu && oldinstalled)
01460         {
01461           Id op, opp;
01462           /* no du data available, ignore data of all installed solvables we obsolete */
01463           if (!ignoredu.map)
01464             map_init(&ignoredu, oldinstalled->end - oldinstalled->start);
01465           if (s->obsoletes)
01466             {
01467               Id obs, *obsp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->obsoletes;
01468               while ((obs = *obsp++) != 0)
01469                 FOR_PROVIDES(op, opp, obs)
01470                   if (op >= oldinstalled->start && op < oldinstalled->end)
01471                     MAPSET(&ignoredu, op - oldinstalled->start);
01472             }
01473           FOR_PROVIDES(op, opp, s->name)
01474             if (pool->solvables[op].name == s->name)
01475               if (op >= oldinstalled->start && op < oldinstalled->end)
01476                 MAPSET(&ignoredu, op - oldinstalled->start);
01477         }
01478     }
01479   cbd.addsub = -1;
01480   if (oldinstalled)
01481     {
01482       /* assumes we allways have du data for installed solvables */
01483       FOR_REPO_SOLVABLES(oldinstalled, sp, s)
01484         {
01485           if (MAPTST(installedmap, sp))
01486             continue;
01487           if (ignoredu.map && MAPTST(&ignoredu, sp - oldinstalled->start))
01488             continue;
01489           repo_search(oldinstalled, sp, SOLVABLE_DISKUSAGE, 0, 0, solver_fill_DU_cb, &cbd);
01490         }
01491     }
01492   if (ignoredu.map)
01493     map_free(&ignoredu);
01494   sat_free(cbd.dirmap);
01495   sat_free(mptree);
01496 }
01498 int
01499 pool_calc_installsizechange(Pool *pool, Map *installedmap)
01500 {
01501   Id sp;
01502   Solvable *s;
01503   int change = 0;
01504   Repo *oldinstalled = pool->installed;
01506   for (sp = 1, s = pool->solvables + sp; sp < pool->nsolvables; sp++, s++)
01507     {
01508       if (!s->repo || (oldinstalled && s->repo == oldinstalled))
01509         continue;
01510       if (!MAPTST(installedmap, sp))
01511         continue;
01512       change += solvable_lookup_num(s, SOLVABLE_INSTALLSIZE, 0);
01513     }
01514   if (oldinstalled)
01515     {
01516       FOR_REPO_SOLVABLES(oldinstalled, sp, s)
01517         {
01518           if (MAPTST(installedmap, sp))
01519             continue;
01520           change -= solvable_lookup_num(s, SOLVABLE_INSTALLSIZE, 0);
01521         }
01522     }
01523   return change;
01524 }
01526 /* map:
01527  *  1: installed
01528  *  2: conflicts with installed
01529  *  8: interesting (only true if installed)
01530  * 16: undecided
01531  */
01533 static inline Id dep2name(Pool *pool, Id dep)
01534 {
01535   while (ISRELDEP(dep))
01536     {
01537       Reldep *rd = rd = GETRELDEP(pool, dep);
01538       dep = rd->name;
01539     }
01540   return dep;
01541 }
01543 static int providedbyinstalled_multiversion(Pool *pool, unsigned char *map, Id n, Id con) 
01544 {
01545   Id p, pp;
01546   Solvable *sn = pool->solvables + n; 
01548   FOR_PROVIDES(p, pp, sn->name)
01549     {    
01550       Solvable *s = pool->solvables + p; 
01551       if (s->name != sn->name || s->arch != sn->arch)
01552         continue;
01553       if ((map[p] & 9) != 9)
01554         continue;
01555       if (pool_match_nevr(pool, pool->solvables + p, con))
01556         continue;
01557       return 1;         /* found installed package that doesn't conflict */
01558     }
01559   return 0;
01560 }
01562 static inline int providedbyinstalled(Pool *pool, unsigned char *map, Id dep, int ispatch, Map *noobsoletesmap)
01563 {
01564   Id p, pp;
01565   int r = 0;
01566   FOR_PROVIDES(p, pp, dep)
01567     {
01568       if (p == SYSTEMSOLVABLE)
01569         return 1;       /* always boring, as never constraining */
01570       if (ispatch && !pool_match_nevr(pool, pool->solvables + p, dep))
01571         continue;
01572       if (ispatch && noobsoletesmap && noobsoletesmap->size && MAPTST(noobsoletesmap, p) && ISRELDEP(dep))
01573         if (providedbyinstalled_multiversion(pool, map, p, dep))
01574           continue;
01575       if ((map[p] & 9) == 9)
01576         return 9;
01577       r |= map[p] & 17;
01578     }
01579   return r;
01580 }
01582 /*
01583  * pool_trivial_installable - calculate if a set of solvables is
01584  * trivial installable without any other installs/deinstalls of
01585  * packages not belonging to the set.
01586  *
01587  * the state is returned in the result queue:
01588  * 1:  solvable is installable without any other package changes
01589  * 0:  solvable is not installable
01590  * -1: solvable is installable, but doesn't constrain any installed packages
01591  */
01593 void
01594 pool_trivial_installable_noobsoletesmap(Pool *pool, Map *installedmap, Queue *pkgs, Queue *res, Map *noobsoletesmap)
01595 {
01596   int i, r, m, did;
01597   Id p, *dp, con, *conp, req, *reqp;
01598   unsigned char *map;
01599   Solvable *s;
01601   map = sat_calloc(pool->nsolvables, 1);
01602   for (p = 1; p < pool->nsolvables; p++)
01603     {
01604       if (!MAPTST(installedmap, p))
01605         continue;
01606       map[p] |= 9;
01607       s = pool->solvables + p;
01608       if (!s->conflicts)
01609         continue;
01610       conp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->conflicts;
01611       while ((con = *conp++) != 0)
01612         {
01613           dp = pool_whatprovides_ptr(pool, con);
01614           for (; *dp; dp++)
01615             map[p] |= 2;        /* XXX: self conflict ? */
01616         }
01617     }
01618   for (i = 0; i < pkgs->count; i++)
01619     map[pkgs->elements[i]] = 16;
01621   for (i = 0, did = 0; did < pkgs->count; i++, did++)
01622     {
01623       if (i == pkgs->count)
01624         i = 0;
01625       p = pkgs->elements[i];
01626       if ((map[p] & 16) == 0)
01627         continue;
01628       if ((map[p] & 2) != 0)
01629         {
01630           map[p] = 2;
01631           continue;
01632         }
01633       s = pool->solvables + p;
01634       m = 1;
01635       if (s->requires)
01636         {
01637           reqp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->requires;
01638           while ((req = *reqp++) != 0)
01639             {
01640               if (req == SOLVABLE_PREREQMARKER)
01641                 continue;
01642               r = providedbyinstalled(pool, map, req, 0, 0);
01643               if (!r)
01644                 {
01645                   /* decided and miss */
01646                   map[p] = 2;
01647                   break;
01648                 }
01649               m |= r;   /* 1 | 9 | 16 | 17 */
01650             }
01651           if (req)
01652             continue;
01653           if ((m & 9) == 9)
01654             m = 9;
01655         }
01656       if (s->conflicts)
01657         {
01658           int ispatch = 0;      /* see solver.c patch handling */
01660           if (!strncmp("patch:", id2str(pool, s->name), 6))
01661             ispatch = 1;
01662           conp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->conflicts;
01663           while ((con = *conp++) != 0)
01664             {
01665               if ((providedbyinstalled(pool, map, con, ispatch, noobsoletesmap) & 1) != 0)
01666                 {
01667                   map[p] = 2;
01668                   break;
01669                 }
01670               if ((m == 1 || m == 17) && ISRELDEP(con))
01671                 {
01672                   con = dep2name(pool, con);
01673                   if ((providedbyinstalled(pool, map, con, ispatch, noobsoletesmap) & 1) != 0)
01674                     m = 9;
01675                 }
01676             }
01677           if (con)
01678             continue;   /* found a conflict */
01679         }
01680 #if 0
01681       if (s->repo && s->repo != oldinstalled)
01682         {
01683           Id p2, obs, *obsp, *pp;
01684           Solvable *s2;
01685           if (s->obsoletes)
01686             {
01687               obsp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->obsoletes;
01688               while ((obs = *obsp++) != 0)
01689                 {
01690                   if ((providedbyinstalled(pool, map, obs, 0, 0) & 1) != 0)
01691                     {
01692                       map[p] = 2;
01693                       break;
01694                     }
01695                 }
01696               if (obs)
01697                 continue;
01698             }
01699           FOR_PROVIDES(p2, pp, s->name)
01700             {
01701               s2 = pool->solvables + p2;
01702               if (s2->name == s->name && (map[p2] & 1) != 0)
01703                 {
01704                   map[p] = 2;
01705                   break;
01706                 }
01707             }
01708           if (p2)
01709             continue;
01710         }
01711 #endif
01712       if (m != map[p])
01713         {
01714           map[p] = m;
01715           did = 0;
01716         }
01717     }
01718   queue_free(res);
01719   queue_init_clone(res, pkgs);
01720   for (i = 0; i < pkgs->count; i++)
01721     {
01722       m = map[pkgs->elements[i]];
01723       if ((m & 9) == 9)
01724         r = 1;
01725       else if (m & 1)
01726         r = -1;
01727       else
01728         r = 0;
01729       res->elements[i] = r;
01730     }
01731   free(map);
01732 }
01734 void
01735 pool_trivial_installable(Pool *pool, Map *installedmap, Queue *pkgs, Queue *res)
01736 {
01737   pool_trivial_installable_noobsoletesmap(pool, installedmap, pkgs, res, 0);
01738 }
01740 const char *
01741 pool_lookup_str(Pool *pool, Id entry, Id keyname)
01742 {
01743   if (entry == SOLVID_POS && pool->pos.repo)
01744     return repodata_lookup_str(pool->pos.repo->repodata + pool->pos.repodataid, SOLVID_POS, keyname);
01745   if (entry <= 0)
01746     return 0;
01747   return solvable_lookup_str(pool->solvables + entry, keyname);
01748 }
01750 Id
01751 pool_lookup_id(Pool *pool, Id entry, Id keyname)
01752 {
01753   if (entry == SOLVID_POS && pool->pos.repo)
01754     {
01755       Repodata *data = pool->pos.repo->repodata + pool->pos.repodataid;
01756       Id id = repodata_lookup_id(data, SOLVID_POS, keyname);
01757       return data->localpool ? repodata_globalize_id(data, id, 1) : id;
01758     }
01759   if (entry <= 0)
01760     return 0;
01761   return solvable_lookup_id(pool->solvables + entry, keyname);
01762 }
01764 unsigned int
01765 pool_lookup_num(Pool *pool, Id entry, Id keyname, unsigned int notfound)
01766 {
01767   if (entry == SOLVID_POS && pool->pos.repo)
01768     {
01769       unsigned int value;
01770       if (repodata_lookup_num(pool->pos.repo->repodata + pool->pos.repodataid, SOLVID_POS, keyname, &value))
01771         return value;
01772       return notfound;
01773     }
01774   if (entry <= 0)
01775     return notfound;
01776   return solvable_lookup_num(pool->solvables + entry, keyname, notfound);
01777 }
01779 int
01780 pool_lookup_void(Pool *pool, Id entry, Id keyname)
01781 {
01782   if (entry == SOLVID_POS && pool->pos.repo)
01783     return repodata_lookup_void(pool->pos.repo->repodata + pool->pos.repodataid, SOLVID_POS, keyname);
01784   if (entry <= 0)
01785     return 0;
01786   return solvable_lookup_void(pool->solvables + entry, keyname);
01787 }
01789 const unsigned char *
01790 pool_lookup_bin_checksum(Pool *pool, Id entry, Id keyname, Id *typep)
01791 {
01792   if (entry == SOLVID_POS && pool->pos.repo)
01793     return repodata_lookup_bin_checksum(pool->pos.repo->repodata + pool->pos.repodataid, SOLVID_POS, keyname, typep);
01794   if (entry <= 0)
01795     return 0;
01796   return solvable_lookup_bin_checksum(pool->solvables + entry, keyname, typep);
01797 }
01799 const char *
01800 pool_lookup_checksum(Pool *pool, Id entry, Id keyname, Id *typep)
01801 {
01802   if (entry == SOLVID_POS && pool->pos.repo)
01803     {
01804       const unsigned char *chk = repodata_lookup_bin_checksum(pool->pos.repo->repodata + pool->pos.repodataid, SOLVID_POS, keyname, typep);
01805       return chk ? repodata_chk2str(pool->pos.repo->repodata + pool->pos.repodataid, *typep, chk) : 0;
01806     }
01807   if (entry <= 0)
01808     return 0;
01809   return solvable_lookup_checksum(pool->solvables + entry, keyname, typep);
01810 }
01812 void
01813 pool_add_fileconflicts_deps(Pool *pool, Queue *conflicts)
01814 {
01815   int hadhashes = pool->relhashtbl ? 1 : 0;
01816   Solvable *s;
01817   Id fn, p, q, md5;
01818   Id id;
01819   int i;
01821   if (!conflicts->count)
01822     return;
01823   pool_freewhatprovides(pool);
01824   for (i = 0; i < conflicts->count; i += 5)
01825     {
01826       fn = conflicts->elements[i];
01827       p = conflicts->elements[i + 1];
01828       md5 = conflicts->elements[i + 2];
01829       q = conflicts->elements[i + 3];
01830       id = rel2id(pool, fn, md5, REL_FILECONFLICT, 1);
01831       s = pool->solvables + p;
01832       if (!s->repo)
01833         continue;
01834       s->provides = repo_addid_dep(s->repo, s->provides, id, SOLVABLE_FILEMARKER);
01835       s = pool->solvables + q;
01836       if (!s->repo)
01837         continue;
01838       s->conflicts = repo_addid_dep(s->repo, s->conflicts, id, 0);
01839     }
01840   if (!hadhashes)
01841     pool_freeidhashes(pool);
01842 }
01844 /* EOF */
