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Applies to openSUSE Leap 15.2

19 Authorization with PolKit Report Documentation Bug Edit source

PolKit (formerly known as PolicyKit) is an application framework that acts as a negotiator between the unprivileged user session and the privileged system context. Whenever a process from the user session tries to carry out an action in the system context, PolKit is queried. Based on its configuration—specified in a so-called policy—the answer could be yes, no, or needs authentication. Unlike classical privilege authorization programs such as sudo, PolKit does not grant root permissions to an entire session, but only to the action in question.

19.1 Conceptual Overview Report Documentation Bug Edit source

PolKit works by limiting specific actions by users, by group, or by name. It then defines how those users are allowed to perform this action.

19.1.1 Available Authentication Agents Report Documentation Bug Edit source

When a user starts a session (using the graphical environment or on the console), each session consists of the authority and an authentication agent. The authority is implemented as a service on the system message bus, whereas the authentication agent is used to authenticate the current user, which started the session. The current user needs to prove their authenticity, for example, using a passphrase.

Each desktop environment has its own authentication agent. Usually it is started automatically, whatever environment you choose.

19.1.2 Structure of PolKit Report Documentation Bug Edit source

PolKit's configuration depends on actions and authorization rules:

Actions (file extension *.policy)

Written as XML files and located in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions. Each file defines one or more actions, and each action contains descriptions and default permissions. Although a system administrator can write their own rules, PolKit's files must not be edited.

Authorization Rules (file extension *.rules)

Written as JavaScript files and located in two places: /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d is used for third party packages and /etc/polkit-1/rules.d for local configurations. Each rule file refers to the action specified in the action file. A rule determines what restrictions are allowed to a subset of users. For example, a rule file could overrule a restrictive permission and allow some users to allow it.

19.1.3 Available Commands Report Documentation Bug Edit source

PolKit contains several commands for specific tasks (see also the specific man page for further details):


Get details about a defined action. See Section 19.3, “Querying Privileges” for more information.


Checks whether a process is authorized, specified by either --process or --system-bus-name.


Allows an authorized user to execute the specific program as another user.


Starts a textual authentication agent. This agent is used if a desktop environment does not have its own authentication agent.

19.1.4 Available Policies and Supported Applications Report Documentation Bug Edit source

At the moment, not all applications requiring privileges use PolKit. Find the most important policies available on openSUSE® Leap below, sorted into the categories where they are used.

Set scheduling priorities for the PulseAudio daemon
Add, remove, edit, enable or disable printers
Backup Manager
Modify schedule
Modify system and mandatory values with GConf
Change the system time
Manage and monitor local virtualized systems
Apply and modify connections
Read and change privileges for other users
Modify defaults
Update and remove packages
Change and refresh repositories
Install local files
Import repository keys
Accepting EULAs
Setting the network proxy
Wake on LAN
Mount or unmount fixed, hotpluggable and encrypted devices
Eject and decrypt removable media
Enable or disable WLAN
Enable or disable Bluetooth
Device access
Stop, suspend, hibernate and restart the system
Undock a docking station
Change power-management settings
Register product
Change the system time and language

19.2 Authorization Types Report Documentation Bug Edit source

Every time a PolKit-enabled process carries out a privileged operation, PolKit is asked whether this process is entitled to do so. PolKit answers according to the policy defined for this process. The answers can be yes, no, or authentication needed. By default, a policy contains implicit privileges, which automatically apply to all users. It is also possible to specify explicit privileges which apply to a specific user.

19.2.1 Implicit Privileges Report Documentation Bug Edit source

Implicit privileges can be defined for any active and inactive sessions. An active session is the one in which you are currently working. It becomes inactive when you switch to another console for example. When setting implicit privileges to no, no user is authorized, whereas yes authorizes all users. However, usually it is useful to demand authentication.

A user can either authorize by authenticating as root or by authenticating as self. Both authentication methods exist in four variants:


The user always needs to authenticate.

One Shot Authentication

The authentication is bound to the instance of the program currently running. After the program is restarted, the user is required to authenticate again.

Keep Session Authentication

The authentication dialog offers a check button Remember authorization for this session. If checked, the authentication is valid until the user logs out.

Keep Indefinitely Authentication

The authentication dialog offers a check button Remember authorization. If checked, the user needs to authenticate only once.

19.2.2 Explicit Privileges Report Documentation Bug Edit source

Explicit privileges can be granted to specific users. They can either be granted without limitations, or, when using constraints, limited to an active session and/or a local console.

It is not only possible to grant privileges to a user, a user can also be blocked. Blocked users cannot carry out an action requiring authorization, even though the default implicit policy allows authorization by authentication.

19.2.3 Default Privileges Report Documentation Bug Edit source

Each application supporting PolKit comes with a default set of implicit policies defined by the application's developers. Those policies are the so-called upstream defaults. The privileges defined by the upstream defaults are not necessarily the ones that are activated by default on SUSE systems. openSUSE Leap comes with a predefined set of privileges that override the upstream defaults:


Defines privileges suitable for most desktop systems


Designed for machines administrated centrally

To switch between the two sets of default privileges, adjust the value of POLKIT_DEFAULT_PRIVS to either restrictive or standard in /etc/sysconfig/security. Then run the command set_polkit_default_privs as root.

Do not modify the two files in the list above. To define your own custom set of privileges, use /etc/polkit-default-privs.local. For details, refer to Section 19.4.3, “Modifying Configuration Files for Implicit Privileges”.

19.3 Querying Privileges Report Documentation Bug Edit source

To query privileges use the command pkaction included in PolKit.

PolKit comes with command line tools for changing privileges and executing commands as another user (see Section 19.1.3, “Available Commands” for a short overview). Each existing policy has a speaking, unique name with which it can be identified. List all available policies with the command pkaction. See man pkaction for more information.

If you want to display the needed authorization for a given policy (for example, org.freedesktop.login1.reboot) use pkaction as follows:

tux > pkaction -v --action-id=org.freedesktop.login1.reboot
  description:       Reboot the system
  message:           Authentication is required to allow rebooting the system
  vendor:            The systemd Project
  vendor_url:        http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd
  implicit any:      auth_admin_keep
  implicit inactive: auth_admin_keep
  implicit active:   yes

The keyword auth_admin_keep means that users need to enter a passphrase.

Note: Restrictions of pkaction on openSUSE Leap

pkaction always operates on the upstream defaults. Therefore it cannot be used to list or restore the defaults shipped with openSUSE Leap. To do so, refer to Section 19.5, “Restoring the Default Privileges”.

19.4 Modifying Configuration Files Report Documentation Bug Edit source

Adjusting privileges by modifying configuration files is useful when you want to deploy the same set of policies to different machines, for example to the computers of a specific team. It is possible to change implicit and explicit privileges by modifying configuration files.

19.4.1 Adding Action Rules Report Documentation Bug Edit source

The available actions depend on what additional packages you have installed on your system. For a quick overview, use pkaction to list all defined rules.

To get an idea, the following example describes how the command gparted (GNOME Partition Editor) is integrated into PolKit.

The file /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.opensuse.policykit.gparted.policy contains the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC
 "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN"
<policyconfig> 1

  <action id="org-opensuse-policykit-gparted"> 2
    <message>Authentication is required to run the GParted Partition Editor</message>
    <defaults> 3
     < allow_active>auth_admin</allow_active>
    <annotate 4
    <annotate 4



Root element of the policy file.


Contains one single action.


The defaults element contains several permissions used in remote sessions like SSH, VNC (element allow_inactive), when logged directly into the machine on a TTY or X display (element allow_active), or for both (element allow_any). The value auth_admin indicates authentication is required as an administrative user.


The annotate element contains specific information regarding how PolKit performs an action. In this case, it contains the path to the executable and states whether a GUI is allowed to open a X display.

To add your own policy, create a .policy file with the structure above, add the appropriate value into the id attribute, and define the default permissions.

19.4.2 Adding Authorization Rules Report Documentation Bug Edit source

Your own authorization rules overrule the default settings. To add your own settings, store your files under /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/.

The files in this directory start with a two-digit number, followed by a descriptive name, and end with .rules. Functions inside these files are executed in the order they have been sorted in. For example, 00-foo.rules is sorted (and hence executed) before 60-bar.rules or even 90-default-privs.rules.

Inside the file, the script checks for the specified action ID, which is defined in the .policy file. For example, if you want to allow the command gparted to be executed by any member of the admin group, check for the action ID org.opensuse.policykit.gparted:

/* Allow users in admin group to run GParted without authentication */
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
    if (action.id == "org.opensuse.policykit.gparted" &&
        subject.isInGroup("admin")) {
        return polkit.Result.YES;

Find the description of all classes and methods of the functions in the PolKit API at http://www.freedesktop.org/software/polkit/docs/latest/ref-api.html.

19.4.3 Modifying Configuration Files for Implicit Privileges Report Documentation Bug Edit source

openSUSE Leap ships with two sets of default authorizations, located in /etc/polkit-default-privs.standard and /etc/polkit-default-privs.restrictive. For more information, refer to Section 19.2.3, “Default Privileges”.

Custom privileges are defined in /etc/polkit-default-privs.local. Privileges defined here will always take precedence over the ones defined in the other configuration files. To define your custom set of privileges, do the following:

  1. Open /etc/polkit-default-privs.local. To define a privilege, add a line for each policy with the following format:

    <privilege_identifier>     <any session>:<inactive session>:<active session>

    For example:

    org.freedesktop.policykit.modify-defaults     auth_admin_keep_always

    The following values are valid for the SESSION placeholders:


    grant privilege




    user needs to authenticate with own password every time the privilege is requested


    user needs to authenticate with own password once per session, privilege is granted for the whole session


    user needs to authenticate with own password once, privilege is granted for the current and for future sessions


    user needs to authenticate with root password every time the privilege is requested


    user needs to authenticate with root password once per session, privilege is granted for the whole session


    user needs to authenticate with root password once, privilege is granted for the current and for future sessions

  2. Run as root for changes to take effect:

    # /sbin/set_polkit_default_privs
  3. Optionally check the list of all privilege identifiers with the command pkaction.

19.5 Restoring the Default Privileges Report Documentation Bug Edit source

openSUSE Leap comes with a predefined set of privileges that is activated by default and thus overrides the upstream defaults. For details, refer to Section 19.2.3, “Default Privileges”.

Since the graphical PolKit tools and the command line tools always operate on the upstream defaults, openSUSE Leap includes an additional command-line tool, set_polkit_default_privs. It resets privileges to the values defined in /etc/polkit-default-privs.*. However, the command set_polkit_default_privs will only reset policies that are set to the upstream defaults.

Procedure 19.1: Restoring the openSUSE Leap Defaults Report Documentation Bug
  1. Make sure /etc/polkit-default-privs.local does not contain any overrides of the default policies.

    Important: Custom Policy Configuration

    Policies defined in /etc/polkit-default-privs.local will be applied on top of the defaults during the next step.

  2. To reset all policies to the upstream defaults first and then apply the openSUSE Leap defaults:

    tux > sudo rm -f /var/lib/polkit/* && set_polkit_default_privs
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