Chapter 1. Installation in General

Table of Contents

1.1. Product Installation Control
1.2. Firstboot Configuration
1.3. Installation Features

1.1. Product Installation Control

1.1.1. Functionality

The product control enables customization of the installation makes it possible to enable and disable features during installation in the final installed product. It controls the workflow and what is really shown to the user during installation.

Beside workflow configuration, other system variables are configurable and can be predefined by the system administrator, to name a few: the software selection, environment settings such as language, time zone and keyboard can be configured and would override default variables provided with shipped products.

The idea of having a pre-defined installation workflow and pre-defined system settings provides a middle ground between manual installation and automated installation.

The product configuration file is provided as a text file on the installation media and defines various settings needed during installation. The following is a list of supported configuration options:

  • Workflow

    Replaces the static workflow list with a configurable list using the product configuration file. Entire sections of the workflow can be skipped.

    For example, it is possible to set the language variable in the configuration file if the installation language is to be forced for some reason, eg. if an IT department wants to force French installations, say in Quebec, Canada, then the entire dialogue can be skipped. If the IT department is to recommend some settings but still give the user the choice to change the default settings, the language dialogue will be shown with French preselected.

    If none of the above options is used, the default dialogue settings are shown.

  • Proposals

    As with the workflow, proposals are also configurable. For example, certain products would skip some proposals. In the proposal screen the pre-configured settings can be shown with the possibility to change them or with inactive links if the configuration is to be forced.

  • System Variables

    Let the user define system variables like language, keyboard, time zone, window manager, display manager etc. The defined variables will be used as defaults in the respective dialogues.

  • Package Selections and additional individual packages

    Define what base package selection and add-on selections should be used for the installation. Additionally provide the possibility to define a list of additional packages. All packages and selections can be selected depending on the architecture using a special architecture attribute in the configuration file.

  • Partitioning

    Integrates flexible partitioning into configuration file, instead of the separate file currently used.

  • Scripting and Hooks

    To customize installation further more, hooks and special slots can be defined where the user can execute scripts. For example, scripts can be executed at the very beginning of the installation (After processing the configuration file), in the installation system before initial boot, in the chroot-ed environment and after initial boot and before/after every step in the workflow. Scripting languages supported during installation are currently Shell, Perl.

1.1.2. Implementation

The control file is implemented in simple structured XML syntax which so far has been used for automated installation . The XML structure used can be mapped easily to YaST data structures and all data types available in YaST are supported for easy data access and manipulation.

The primary use of the control file is to configure the workflow of the installation and it offers the possibility to predefine a certain setup, but it also defines product installation features and other product related variables.


Note that the control file is not an optional tool to help customize installation, it is required during installation and without the file, installation may fail or lead to unexpected results. YaST provides a default and general control file which is always available in the system. The general and product independent control files is installed by the package yast2-installation in /usr/share/YaST2/control/control.xml.

During installation, linuxrc searches for the a file named control.xml on the installation medium (CD, NFS, FTP..) and copies the file into the installation system and makes the file available to YaST. YaST then starts and looks for the control file in 3 location before it starts with the installation workflow:

  • /control.xml

    Usually the file is in top directory after it has been copied by linuxrc and during initial installation phase.

  • /var/lib/YaST2/control.xml

    After reading the file, and before second installation phase, the control file is copies from the top directory to /var/lib/YaST2/control.xml

  • /usr/share/YaST2/control/control.xml

    This is the location where yast2-installation installs the file in all products. The file is the same on all products.

One of the main reasons for using the control is to provide non YaST developers the ability to change the installation behavior and customize various settings without the need to change and re-build YaST packages.

The control files for the various SUSE products are maintained out of the YaST development trees and include separate internal and product specific packages.

1.1.3. Configuration Workflows

Using the control file, multiple workflows can be defined for different modes and installation stages. Thus, the element workflows in the control file evaluates to a list of workflows.

Beside defining what YaST clients should be executed during installation, the workflow configuration also let you specify the wizard steps and how they should appear during graphical installation.

A workflow list element is a map with the following elements:

  • label

    The label of the workflow as it appears on the left side of the wizard. For example Base Installation

  • defaults

    The default arguments to the clients. This is a map element.

  • stage

    This options defines the stage or phase of installation.. Possible values are initial for the initial stage and continue for the workflow of the installation after reboot

  • mode

    Defines installation mode. Several modes are available, most important modes are:

    • installation

    • update

    • autoinst

  • modules

    This is the actual workflow and is a list of elements describing the order in which the installation should proceed.

    A module element is a map with the following configuration options:

    • name: The name of the module. All installation clients and modules have a unified prefix (inst_) which can be ommited here. For example, if the YaST file for the module is called inst_test, then the name in the control file is test

    • label: The label of the module in the step dialog. This is an optional element. If it is not set, the label of the previous module is used.

    • arguments: The arguments for the module is a comma separated list which can accept booleans and symbols.

The following listing shows a typical installation workflow:

    <workflows config:type="list">
            <!-- 'label' is what the user will see -->
	    <label>Base Installation</label>
            <!-- default settings for all modules -->
                <!-- arguments for the clients -->
                <!-- allowed architectures "all", "i386", "i386,ia64,x86_64"  -->
            <modules  config:type="list">
	            <label>Installation Settings</label>
                    <update config:type="boolean">false</update>
	            <label>Perform Installation</label>
                    <!-- Multiple modules with the same 'label' will be
                         collapsed to one single user-visible step.
                         The step is considered finished when the last module
                         with the same 'label' is finished.  -->
	            <label>Perform Installation</label>
	            <label>Perform Installation</label>
	            <label>Perform Installation</label>
	            <label>Perform Installation</label>


Part of the installation workflows are proposal screens, which consists of group of related configuration settings. For example Network, Hardware and the initial Installation proposal.

If you with for some reason to add or modify a proposal, which is discourged because of configuration dependencies, then this would be possible using the control file.

            <proposal_modules config:type="list">


The proposal in the above listing is displayed in the so called continue mode which is the second phase of the installation. The proposal consists of different configuration options which are controled using a special API.

Currently, proposals names and captions as fixed and cant be changed. It is not possible to create a special proposal screen, instead those available should be used: network, hardware, service.

In the workflow, the proposals are called as any workflow step with an additional argument identifying the proposal screen to be started. (`net for network, `hw for hardware and `service for service proposals. The following examples shows how the network proposal is called as a workflow step:


     Installation and Product Variables

It is possible to define some installation variables (language, timezone, keyboard,.. ) and force them in the proposal. User will still be able to change them however.

The following variables can be set:

  • Timezone

  • Language

  • Keyboard

  • Auto Login (not recommended for multi-user environments and server installations)

  • IO Scheduler

    Default is as.

  • Desktop Scheduler

the following example shows all options above


        <enable_autologin config:type="boolean">true</enable_autologin>
        <use_desktop_scheduler config:type="boolean">true</use_desktop_scheduler>

     Special Installation and Product Variables

These options usually enable or disable some installation feature.

  • (boolean) enable_firewall - firewall will proposed as either enabled or disabled in the network proposal.

  • (boolean) enable_clone - clonning feature will be either enabled or disabled.

  • (boolean) skip_language_dialog - the language dialog might be skipped (if language already selected).

  • (boolean) show_online_repositories - either shows or hides the "online repositories" feature check-box.

  • (boolean) root_password_as_first_user - automatically selects or deselects the checkbox that makes Users configuration to set the password entered for a first user also for the user root. If not defined, default is false

  • (boolean) enable_autoconfiguration - enables a check box in dialog that offers to switch the automatic configuration either on or off. Default is false.

  • (boolean) autoconfiguration_default - defines a default value whether to use the automatic configuration. It works even if enable_autoconfiguration is turned off, but user would not be able to change it. Default is false.

  • (string) base_product_license_directory - directory where the base-product licenses are stored (license.txt, license.de_DE.txt, ...).

  • (boolean) rle_offer_rulevel_4 - defines whether runlevel 4 should be offered in Runlevel Editor. Defaul value is false if not set.

  • (boolean) enable_kdump - defines whether kdump is proposed as enabled in installation proposal. kdump_proposal client call has to be added into proposal otherwise this variable does not have any effect.

  • (boolean) write_hostname_to_hosts - defines whether the currently assigned hostname is written to /etc/hosts with IPv4 address Defaul value is false if not set.

  • (boolean) default_ntp_setup - NTP configuration proposes a default ntp server if set to true. Default value is false.

  • (string) polkit_default_privs - Adjusts /etc/sysconfig/security/POLKIT_DEFAULT_PRIVS to the defined value. If not set or empty, sysconfig is untouched. Installation helpers

In the globals section, there are also helper variables for the installation and debugging:

  • save_instsys_content - is a list of entries that should be copied from the installation system to the just installed system before first stage is finished and system reboots to the second stage.

    This example shows how content of the /root/ directory is copied to the /root/inst-sys/ directory on the installed system:

    	<save_instsys_content config:type="list">
  • (boolean) debug_workflow - defines whether steps with the very same name in workflow should not be collapsed. If true steps are not collapsed and a step ID is added after the step name. The default is false. This feature should be off in the production phase.

  • (boolean) debug_deploying - defines whether deploying should write more debug logs and some more debugging features in the workflow. The default is false. This feature should be off in the production phase. Importing Files from Previous Installation

Even if users are performing new reinstallation of their system, installation process can backup some files or directories before their disks are formatted and restore them after the installation. For instance, SSH keys are reused.

Typically, there is only one system previously installed, if there are more systems, the one with the newest access time to required files is chosen.

See the example:

        <copy_to_system config:type="list">
		<!-- Files are restored directly to "/" after installation -->

                <!-- Files that must be all present on the previous system -->
                <mandatory_files config:type="list">

                <!-- Files thay may be present and are used if exist -->
                <optional_files config:type="list">

		    Files are restored to a special directory
		    (and used by YaST later)

		    They finally appear as
			"/var/lib/YaST2/imported/userdata/etc/passwd" ...
                <mandatory_files config:type="list">


In the globals section, there is a copy_to_system list of copy_to_system_item entries.

Every copy_to_system_item entry consists of:

  • (string) copy_to_dir - files are finally stored into the mentioned directory, they additionally keep their path in the previous filesystem, e.g., file /etc/file copied to directory /var/lib/YaST2/ will be finally stored as /var/lib/YaST2/etc/file

  • (list) mandatory_files - list of (string) file_item entries, one entry for one file or directory; these files are mandatory and must all exist on the source system; if any of the files are missing, such system is skipped

  • (list) optional_files - list of (string) file_item entries, one entry for one file or directory; files are optional and are copied if they exist; missing files are skipped Automatic Configuration

This is another feature defined in globals section. Automatic Configuration is called via the script inst_automatic_configuration at the end of the second stage installation. Having the configuration in control file enables this function for another modes and makes it very well configurable.

This is an example of AC setup:

<productDefines  xmlns=""

	<!-- List of steps in AC -->
	<automatic_configuration config:type="list">

	    <!-- One step definition -->
		<ac_items config:type="list">

		<ac_items config:type="list">



	<!-- Label used during AC, uses "text_id" from "ac_step" -->
	<ac_3><label>Configuring hardware...</label><ac_3>



AC setup automatic_configuration consists of list of several ac_step definitions. On definition for one AC step. These steps can be compared to sets of scripts or sets of installation proposals, e.g., network proposal that consists of lan, modem, ... and firewall proposals which might depend on each others proposals.

Every single ac_step consists of

  • text_id - which is the very same ID as used in texts (you have to define the AC label there).

  • type - defines how the AC step items will be handled. Possible values are scripts or proposals. More types cannot be mixed within one AC step. All scripts are called only once one by one, all proposals in one AC step are called first with MakeProposal parameter then again all with Write parameter.

  • ac_items - is a list of scripts or proposals each in a separate ac_item.

    For scripts an ac_item is a name of YaST client script without inst_ prefix, e.g., firewall would call inst_firewall script.

    For proposals an ac_item is a name of YaST proposal without _proposal suffix, e.g., firewall would call firewall_proposal.

  • icon - plain icon filename (from 22x22 directory) without suffix and without any explicit directory name, e.g., yast-network. Software

In the software section you can define how is the selection of software handled during installation or update.

This is a list of supported entries in software:

  • default_desktop - defines a desktop selected by default by the installation.

Additionally, you can configure how updating of packages should be performed. The following options are available:

  • delete_old_packages

    Do not delete old RPMs when updating.

  • delete_old_packages_reverse_list

    Inverts the delete_old_packages rule for products defined as list of regular expressions matching installed product name (SuSE-release).

        <!-- Delete old packages of all products but OES, SLES 9, SLE 10 and SLD 10 -->
    	<delete_old_packages config:type="boolean">true</delete_old_packages>
    	<delete_old_packages_reverse_list config:type="list">
    	    <regexp_item>^UnitedLinux .*$</regexp_item>
    	    <regexp_item>^Novell Open Enterprise Server Linux.*</regexp_item>
    	    <regexp_item>^SUSE (LINUX|Linux) Enterprise Server 9$</regexp_item>
    	    <regexp_item>^SUSE (LINUX|Linux) Enterprise Server 9 .*$</regexp_item>
    	    <regexp_item>^SUSE (LINUX|Linux) Enterprise Server 10.*$</regexp_item>
    	    <regexp_item>^SUSE (LINUX|Linux) Enterprise Desktop 10.*$</regexp_item>
    	    <!-- Don't forget to define product itself (Service Pack) -->
    	    <regexp_item>^SUSE (LINUX|Linux) Enterprise Server 10 SP.*$</regexp_item>
    	    <regexp_item>^SUSE (LINUX|Linux) Enterprise Desktop 10 SP.*$</regexp_item>
  • silently_downgrade_packages

    Allows packager to downgrade installed packages during upgrade workflow.

  • silently_downgrade_packages_reverse_list

    Inverts the silently_downgrade_packages rule for products defined as list of regular expressions matching installed product name (SuSE-release).

        <!-- For SLES10, packages are not downgraded -->
    	<silently_downgrade_packages config:type="boolean">true</silently_downgrade_packages>
    	<silently_downgrade_packages_reverse_list config:type="list">
    	    <regexp_item>^SUSE (LINUX|Linux) Enterprise Server 10.*$</regexp_item>
  • only_update_selected

    One can update (only update packages already installed) or upgrade (also install new packages with new functionality). For example, SLES should do "update", not "upgrade" by default

  • only_update_selected_reverse_list

    Inverts the only_update_selected for products defined as list of regular expressions matching installed product name (SuSE-release).

    	Only update packages but install new packages
    	when upgrading any SUSE Linux or openSUSE
    	<only_update_selected config:type="boolean">true</only_update_selected>
    	<only_update_selected_reverse_list config:type="list">
    	    <regexp_item>^SUSE Linux [0-9].*</regexp_item>
    	    <regexp_item>^openSUSE [0-9].*</regexp_item>

The other option defines how product upgrading in general is defined.

  • products_supported_for_upgrade

    List of known products supported for upgrade (SuSE-release). Old releases or other distributions will report warning.

    	<products_supported_for_upgrade config:type="list">
    	    <regexp_item>^Novell LINUX Desktop 9.*</regexp_item>
    	    <regexp_item>^SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 10.*</regexp_item>
    	    <regexp_item>^SUSE LINUX Enterprise Desktop 10.*</regexp_item>
    	    <regexp_item>^openSUSE .*</regexp_item>

All products (regular expressions) are matching the string which can be found in /etc/*-release file.

Regular expressions in <regexp_item>s can contain standard regular expressions, such as

  • The circumflex ^ and the dollar sign $ as boundary characters for strings

  • asterisk *, plus + and question mark ? for repeating or existency

  • dot . for wild-card character

  • square brackets [] for list of possible characters

  • circle brackets () for listing possibilities

  • special all-locale class-expressions [:alnum:], [:alpha:], [:blank:], [:cntrl:], [:digit:], [:graph:], [:lower:], [:print:], [:punct:], [:space:], [:upper:], [:xdigit:]

These regular expressions are evaluated as YCP.

  • online_repos_preselected

    Online Repositories are pre-selected by default to be used. This item can change the default behavior. Supported Desktops

This part defines not only all the desktops for Desktop Selection dialog during installation but also the default_desktop must be defined

Example of supported desktops:

<productDefines  xmlns=""

	<supported_desktops config:type="list">

		<order config:type="integer">1</order>
		<patterns>gnome x11 base</patterns>

		<!-- Generic ID used in texts below -->
		<order config:type="integer">1</order>
		<patterns>kde x11 base</patterns>
		<!-- Generic ID used in texts below -->




	<!-- See 'desktop_kde' in 'supported_desktops' -->
	<desktop_kde><label>KDE 4.1</label></desktop_kde>

	<description_gnome><label>Some description</label></description_gnome>
	<!-- See 'description_kde' in 'supported_desktops' -->
	<description_kde><label>Some description</label></description_kde>



Section supported_desktops contains list of one or more one_supported_desktop sections.

Keys sypported in one_supported_desktop

  • (string) name

    Unique ID.

  • (string) desktop

    Desktop to start (gnome, startkde4, startkde3, startxfce4, ...).

  • (string) label_id

    Text ID used for desktop selection label.

  • (string) logon

    Logon manager to start (gdm, kdm4, kdm3, xdm, ...).

  • (string) cursor

    Cursor theme.

  • (string) packages


  • (integer) order

    Numeric order or the desktop in Desktop Selection dialog. Number 1 is reserved for major desktops that are displayed with description (description_id is required). If the very same order is used for more than one desktops, they are sorted alphabetically.

  • (string) patterns

    Patterns to select for the desktop (whitespace-separated).

  • (string) icon

    Icon used in Desktop Selection dialog, just a name of an icon from $current_theme/icons/64x64/apps/ directory, without .png suffix.

  • (string) description_id

    Text ID used for desktop selection label. System Scenarios

System scenarios contain definition of dialog inst_scenarios in the first stage installation. It offeres several base-scenarios but only one of them can be selected as the selected one.

Example of configured scenarios:

<productDefines  xmlns=""

	<!-- list of supported scenarios -->
	<system_scenarios config:type="list">

	    <!-- one scenario -->
		<!-- 'id' matches the text 'scenario_game_server' -->
		<!-- space-separated list of patterns -->
		<patterns>game_server-pattern high-load-server</patterns>
		<!--  plain icon filename (from 32x32 directory) without suffix -->




	<!-- this scenario (id) is selected by default -->



	<!-- dialog caption -->
	<scenarios_caption><label>Server Base Scenario</label></scenarios_caption>
	<!-- informative text between caption and listed scenarios -->
	<scenarios_text><label>SUSE Linux Enterprise Server offers several base scenarios.
Choose the one that matches your server the best.</label></scenarios_text>

	<!-- matches the 'id' of one 'system_scenario' -->
	<scenario_game_server><label>Game Server</label></scenario_game_server>
	<scenario_web_server><label>Web Server</label></scenario_web_server>
	<scenario_nfs_server><label>NFS Server</label></scenario_nfs_server>



System scenarios are defined inside the software section. Section system_scenarios consists of several system_scenario definitions. Every single system_scenario consists of:

  • id - unique identificator of a selection.

  • patterns - space-separated list of patterns covering the software scenario.

  • icon - plain icon filename (from 32x32 theme directory) without suffix.

Selection labels must be defined in texts section. Scenarios ids are used as link identificators.


	<scenario_id><label>Some Label</label></scenario_id>


Section software also contains optional default_system_scenario that defines id of the default scenario.

There are some important texts that has to be defined for the dialog layout

  • scenarios_caption - used as a dialog caption for the Scenarios dialog.

  • scenarios_text - used as an informative text describing the available selections below. Partitioning

If present, the partition proposal will be based on the data provided in the control file. Algorithm for space allocation

Space allocation on a disk happens in the following order. First all partition get the size allocated that is determined by the size parameter of the partition description. If a disk cannot hold the sum of these sizes this disk is not considered for installation. If all demands by the size parameter are fulfilled and there is still space available on the disk, the partitions which have a parameter "percent" specified are increased until the size demanded by by "percent" is fulfilled. If there is still available space on the disk (this normally only can happen if the sum of all percent values are below 100), all partitions that are specified with a size of zero are enlarged as far as possible. If a "maxsize" is specified for a partition, all enlargement are only done up to the specified maxsize.

If more than one of the available disks is eligible to hold a certain partition set, the disk is selected as follows. If there is a partition allocated on that disk that has its size specified by keywords "percent" or by "size=0" and does not have a "maxsize" value set then the desired size for this partition is considered to be unlimited. If a partition group contains a partition which an unlimited desired size, the disk that maximizes the partition size for the unlimited partitions is selected. If all partitions in a partition group are limited in size then the smallest disk that can hold the desired sizes of all partitions is selected for that partition group.

If there are multiple partition groups the the partition group with the lowest number (means highest priority) get assigned its disk first. Afterward the partition group with the next priority gets assigned a the optimal disk from the so far unassigned disks. Configuration Options

The following elements are global to all disks and partitions:


Possible values


Default value



If set to false the partition suggestion tries to use gaps on the disks or to re-use existing partitions. If set to true then the partition suggestion prefers removal of existing partitions.


Possible values


Default value



If set to false YaST2 will not remove some special partitions (e.g. 0x12 Compaq diagnostics, 0xde Dell Utility) if they exists on the disk even if prefer_remove is set to true. If set to true YaST2 will remove even those special partitions.


Caution: Since some machines are not even bootable any more when these partitions are removed one should really know what he does when setting this to true


Possible values

comma separated list of reiser, xfs, fat, vfat, ext2, ext3, jfs, ntfs, swap

Default value

Empty list


Partitions that contain filesystems in that list are not deleted even if prefer_remove is set to true.


Possible values

comma separated list of possible partition ids

Default value

Empty list


Partitions that have a partition id that is contained in the list are not deleted even if prefer_remove is set to true.


Possible values

comma separated list of possible partition numbers

Default value

Empty list


Partitions that have a partition number that is contained in the list are not deleted even if prefer_remove is set to true.

To configure individual partitions and disks, a list element is used with its items describing how should the partitions be created and configured

The attributes of such a partition are determined by several elements. These elements are described in more detail later.

[Note]General remarks to all option values

If there is a blank or a equal sign (=) contained in an option value, the values has to be surrounded by double quotes ("). Values that describe sizes can be followed by the letters K, M, G. (K means Kilobytes, M Megabytes and G Gigabytes).





This entry describes the mount point of the partition. For a swap partition the special value "swap" has to be used.





This entry describes the filesystem type created on this partition. Possible Filesystem types are: reiser, ext2, ext3, xfs, vfat, jfs, swap If no filesystem type is given for a partition, reiserfs is used.





This entry describes the options given to the format command. Multiple options have to be separated by blanks. There must not be a blank between option letter and option value. This entry is optional.





This entry describes the options written to /etc/fstab. Multiple options have to be separated by comma. This entry is optional.





If the filesystem can have a label, the value of the label is set to this value.





This keyword makes it possible to create partitions with partition ide other than 0x83 (for normal filesystem partitions) or 0x82 (for swap partitions). This make it possible to create LVM or MD partitions on a disk.





This keyword determines the size that is at least needed for a partition. A size value of zero means that YaST2 should try to make the partition as large as possible after all other demands regarding partition size are fulfilled. The special value of "auto" can be given for the /boot and swap partition. If auto is set for a /boot or swap partition YaST2 computes a suitable partition size by itself.





This keyword determines that a partition should be allocated a certain percentage of the available space for installation on a disk.





This keyword limits the maximal amount of space that is allocated to a certain partition. This keyword is only useful in conjunction with a size specification by keyword "percent" or by an entry of "size=0".



<increasable config:type="boolean">true<increasable>




After determining the optimal disk usage the partition may be increased if there is unallocated space in the same gap available. If this keyword is set, the partition may grow larger than specified by the maxsize and percent parameter. This keyword is intended to avoid having unallocated space on a disk after partitioning if possible.





This keyword specifies which partitions should be placed on which disks if multiple disks are present in the system. All partitions with the same disk value will be placed on the same disk. The value after the keyword determines the priority of the partition group. Lower numbers mean higher priority. If there are not enough disks in the system a partition group with lower priority is assigned a separate disks before a partition group with higher priority. A partition without disk keyword is implicitly assigned the highest priority 0.

Example 1.1. Flexible Partitioning

If in the example below the machine has three disks then each of the partition groups gets on a separate disk. So one disk will hold /var, another disk will hold /home and another disk will hold /, /usr and /opt. If in the above example the machine has only two disks then /home will still be on a separate disk (since it has lower priority than the other partition groups) and /, /usr, /opt and /var will share the other disk.

If there is only one disk in the system of course all partitions will be on that disk. To make the flexible partitioning possible, use_flexible_partitioning option must be se to true and partitions must be surrounded with flexible_partitioning tag.

    <use_flexible_partitioning config:type="boolean">true</use_flexible_partitioning>

        <partitions config:type="list">
                <disk config:type="integer">3</disk>
                <percent config:type="integer">100</percent>               
                <disk config:type="integer">2</disk>                                
                <disk config:type="integer">2</disk>                                
                <disk config:type="integer">2</disk>                                
                <disk config:type="integer">1</disk>
                <percent config:type="integer">100</percent>               


A more complete example with other options is shown below:

    <use_flexible_partitioning config:type="boolean">true</use_flexible_partitioning>

        <partitions config:type="list">
                <disk config:type="integer">2</disk>
                <disk config:type="integer">1</disk>
                <increasable config:type="boolean">true</increasable>
                <disk config:type="integer">2</disk>
                <increasable config:type="boolean">true</increasable>
                <percent config:type="integer">100</percent>

    <prefer_remove config:type="boolean">true</prefer_remove>
    <remove_special_partitions config:type="boolean">false</remove_special_partitions>


It is possible to add hooks before and after any workflow step for further customization of the installed system and to to perform non-standard tasks during installation.

Two additional elements define custom script hooks:

  • prescript: Executed before the module is called.

  • postscript: Executed after the module is called.

Both script types accept two elements, the interpreter used (shell or perl) and the source of the scripts which is embedded in the XML file using CDATA sections to avoid confusion with the XML syntax. The following example shows how scripts can be embedded in the control file:

touch /tmp/anas
echo anas > /tmp/anas


Some kind of texts can be, of course, placed in several parts of the control file but they wouldn't be translated. This control file section makes it possible to mark some texts for translation.

The structure is rather easy:

    <!-- Unique tag that identifies the text -->
	<label>Some XML-escaped text: &lt;b&gt;bold &lt;/b&gt;.</label>



Translated texts can be got using ProductControl::GetTranslatedText (text_id) call.

1.1.4. Add-on Product Installation Workflow Specification Introduction Product dependency

Everywhere, product B depends on product A, there is no dependency related to product C. A, B and C are add-on products. Order of updates of the workflow/wizard

If there are two add-on products which want to insert their steps into the same location of the installation workflow (or proposal), they are inserted in the same order as the products are added. A must be added before B (otherwise adding B fails), steps of A are always prior to steps of B. Steps/Proposal Items Naming

In order to avoid collisions of internal names of proposal items or sequence steps, all items should have its internal name prefixed by the add-on product name. Update possibilities Insert an item into proposal

Item is always added at the end of the proposal. Multiple items are possible. Remove an item from proposal

Specified item(s) are removed from proposal. Useful when add-on product extends functionality of the base product. If product B wants to remove an item of product A, must specify the name of the product as well. Product C cannot remove items of products A or B (and vice versa), product A cannot remove items of product B. Replace an item in proposal

Usable in the same cases as the case above. If an item has been replaced by another item(s) of product A before applying changes of product B, the item(s) of product A will be replaced by item(s) of product B. Items of product C cannot be replaced by items of product A or B (and vice versa), such combination of products cannot be installed at the same time. Insert steps to installation sequence

Before each step of base product installation, additional step can be inserted (eg. another proposal). For the order of additionally added steps, the same rules as for items of proposal will be applied. Append steps to installation sequence

The steps can be appended at the end of installation sequence. Remove and replace steps in installation sequence

The same rules for removing and replacing steps of the installation workflow as for proposal items will be applied. Add, remove, replace items in inst_finish.ycp

The same rules as for steps of the installation workflow are valid here. There will be some points in the inst_finish where performing additional actions makes sense (at least one before moving SCR to chroot and one after). Replace whole second-stage workflow

Add-on product may replace whole second stage of installation. It should be used only in rare cases, as there is no possibility to merge two workflows completely written from scratch. If a product replaces the workflow, all changes of all products which replaced it before (in case of installation of multiple products) are gone. Add-on products selected after this product update the new workflow (which may not work, as the steps usually have different naming). This is perfectly OK if there are dependencies between add-on products.

The workflow can be replaced only for specified installation mode. If it is replaced, it must be replaced for all architectures. Adding a new proposal

New proposal can be added, as the proposal handling routines are generic. The information which is for current product in control.xml file has to be provided, and the proposal must be added as a step into the installation workflow. Basically, adding proposal has two steps:

  • defining the proposal (name, items,...)

  • adding a new step to the workflow referring to the new added proposal Replace or remove whole proposal

Is possible as replacing or removing a step of the installation workflow. File layout Add-on Product CD

There will be following files in the root directory of the add-on product's CD:

  • servicepack.tar.gz – tarball with files which are needed for the installation, both together with base product and separatelly. Special files inside this tarball:

    • installation.xml – the control file of the add-on product

    • the whole tarball or installation.xml can be missing if add-on product doesn't provide any custom installer, in this case, only its packages are added to the package manager dialog, and packages/patterns/... required by the product are selected by the solver

  • (optional) – script which starts the installation automatically once the CD is in the drive

  • (optional) files needed to make the CD bootable (kernel, initrd, isolinux,...) Workflow Adaptation

There is only a single control file to describe both an add-on and standalone product installation. It is called installation.xml. In principle, it contains a diff description containing the changes to be applied to the installation workflow plus a workflow, which is used for standalone product installation. The reason why both installation methods are stored in a single file is that the product features has to be shared as well as some proposals and clients can be reused.

The proposals which are defined for standalone installation are also available for the installation together with the base product. They don't have to be defined twice.

The files are located in the top directory of the add-on product installation source. Diff File Format

Because there are no really usable open source XML diff tools (the existing ones are typically written in Java), we define a special purpose file format aimed to cover the cases as described in the previous chapter.

In principle, the format is a list of directives to be applied to the existing control.xml. In principle, the file is a control file defining its own proposals, workflows etc. The control file has a special section, which defines changes to the existing workflow and proposals.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<productDefines  xmlns=""
  <!-- .mo-file must be in installation tarball -->
  <!-- these options override base product's ones -->
    <selection_type config:type="symbol">auto</selection_type>
    <evms_config config:type="boolean">false</evms_config>
    <force_static_ip config:type="boolean">false</force_static_ip>
  <!-- base product's list is preserved, these are appended -->
  <clone_modules config:type="list">
  <proposals config:type="list">
<!-- put proposals for standalone product installation here -->
<!-- workflow for standalone product installation -->
  <workflows config:type="list">
      <!-- mode and stage must be set this way -->
      <modules config:type="list">
           <label>License Agreement</label>
  <!-- stuff for installation together with base products -->
    <proposals config:type="list">
        <label>OES Installation Settings</label>
        <append_modules config:type="list">
        <remove_modules config:type="list">
        <replace_modules config:type="list">
            <new_modules config:type="list">
    <workflows config:type="list">
        <append_modules config:type="list">
            <label>OES configuration</label>
            <label>Perform Installation</label>
            <label>Perform Installation</label>
        <remove_modules config:type="list">
        <insert_modules config:type="list">
            <modules config:type="list">
               <label>Perform Installation</label>
        <replace_modules config:type="list">
            <modules config:type="list">
               <label>Perform Installation</label>
      <before_chroot config:type=”list”>
      <after_chroot config:type=”list”>
      <before_umount config:type=”list”>
</productDefines> Setting a text domain

Text domain is important for YaST to handle translations properly. The appropriate set of .mo-files must be present to have the texts related to the control file translated.

		<textdomain>OES</textdomain> Defining proposals and workflow for standalone installation

The proposals are defined the same way as for the base product. The workflow for the standalone installation must have the mode and stage set

		<stage>normal</stage> Proposal modification

The label of the proposal can be modified. The mode, stage, and proposal name has to be specified, other options (enable_skip, architecture) are optional. The modes, stages, and architectures do not

		    <label>OES Installation Settings</label>
		</proposal> Appending an item at the end of proposal

Adding an item to a proposal is possible at the end only. If the proposal has tabs, the items are added to a new created tab.

		<append_modules config:type="list">
		</append_modules> Removing an item from a proposal
		<remove_modules config:type="list">
		</remove_modules> Replacing an item of a proposal

The replacement is available in 1:N mode – one client is to be replaced by one or more new clients. If you need M:N use remove and replace together.

		<replace_modules config:type="list">
			<new_modules config:type="list">
		</replace_modules> Workflow updates

The workflow to update is identified the same way as other workflows. The archs, modes, and installation don't need tobe alligned to the same groups as in the base product workflows.

		</workflow> Append steps to the end of installation sequence
		<append_modules config:type="list">
			<label>OES configuration</label>
			<label>Perform Installation</label>
			<label>Perform Installation</label>
		</append_modules> Insert steps to installation sequence
		<insert_modules config:type="list">
			<modules config:type="list">
				<label>Perform Installation</label>
		</insert_modules> Remove steps from installation sequence
		<remove_modules config:type="list">
		</remove_modules> Replace steps in installation sequence
		<replace_modules config:type="list">
			<modules config:type="list">
				<label>Perform Installation</label>
		</replace_modules> Add items in inst_finish.ycp

In CODE 10, the last step of an installation commonly known as inst_finish has been modularized, so it's possible to control the clients started at the end of the 1st stage. In principle, this phase runs in a chroot environment – all system access is done via chrooted process.

There are 3 cases that an add-on product can modify the workflow... Before chroot
		    <inst_finish_stages config:type="list">
			    <label>Copy Theme</label>
			    <steps config:type="list">
		    </inst_finish_stages> Running in chroot
		    <inst_finish_stages config:type="list">
			    <label>Update Configuration</label>
			    <steps config:type="list">
		    </inst_finish_stages> Before unmounting the system
		    <inst_finish_stages config:type="list">
			    <label>Disconnect Network Disks</label>
			    <steps config:type="list">

All new steps are added at the end of the current list in the particular inst_finish workflow. It is not possible to remove any other inst_finish clients or replace them. Replace whole second-stage workflow

To replace a workflow, just create workflows as in base product control file. The important is that the stage of the workflow is set to


and the mode is set for the specified mode. Algorith for Adapting Workflow

The algorithm is rather straightforward. Every time, remove is applied first, then replace and the last step is add. This is done per product, so first the changes by product A are applied, then by product B etc. Product Features

One of the most important data stored in the control.xml file are the values to influence the behavior of YaST code, like proposals etc. The idea is the same as for workflow/proposal adaptation: by redefining a value, the resulting values are changed. Within YaST, the options are accessible via ProductFeatures module. No new option groups can be defined. Options which are defined by the base product, but not by the add-on product, are kept unchanged (base product's value is used).

		    <selection_type config:type="symbol">auto</selection_type>
		</software> AutoYaST profile generation

At the end of the installation, a profile for AutoYaST can be generated. The profile will be generated using modules from the base product and modules specified in the add-on product control file.

		<clone_modules config:type="list">
		</clone_modules> Example of OES 1.0

The network code is instructed to force a static IP address.

The control file contains steps for both standalone installation and installation together with the base product. In the standalone installation workflow, selecting and installing packages is missing, these steps need to be prepended to the workflow.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<productDefines  xmlns=""
  <force_static_ip config:type="boolean">true</force_static_ip>
  <network_manager_is_default config:type="boolean">false</network_manager_is_default>
<proposals config:type="list">
    <proposal_modules config:type="list">
<workflows config:type="list">
    <modules config:type="list">
        <label>License Agreement</label>
        <label>OES Configuration</label>
        <label>OES Configuration</label>
        <label>OES Configuration</label>
        <label>OES Configuration</label>
  <workflows config:type="list">
        <append_modules config:type="list">
            <label>OES Configuration</label>
        <insert_modules config:type="list">
            <modules config:type="list">
                <label>OES Configuration</label>
                <label>OES Configuration</label>
                <label>OES Configuration</label>
                <label>OES Configuration</label>