libzypp  16.22.5
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------\
2 | ____ _ __ __ ___ |
3 | |__ / \ / / . \ . \ |
4 | / / \ V /| _/ _/ |
5 | / /__ | | | | | | |
6 | /_____||_| |_| |_| |
7 | |
8 \---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
16 #include <iosfwd>
17 #include <string>
19 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
20 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
21 #include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
22 #include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
25 namespace zypp
26 {
28  namespace str
29  {
30  // printing void* (prevents us from including <ostream>)
31  std::string form( const char * format, ... ) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
32  }
82  struct NullDeleter
83  {
84  void operator()( const void *const ) const
85  {}
86  };
89  using boost::scoped_ptr;
92  using boost::shared_ptr;
95  using boost::weak_ptr;
98  using boost::intrusive_ptr;
101  using boost::static_pointer_cast;
103  using boost::const_pointer_cast;
105  using boost::dynamic_pointer_cast;
108 } // namespace zypp
111 namespace std
112 {
114  // namespace sub {
115  // class Foo;
116  // typedef zypp::intrusive_ptr<Foo> Foo_Ptr; // see DEFINE_PTR_TYPE(NAME) macro below
117  // }
119  // Defined in namespace std g++ finds the output operator (König-Lookup),
120  // even if we typedef the pointer in a different namespace than ::zypp.
121  // Otherwise we had to define an output operator always in the same namespace
122  // as the typedef (else g++ will just print the pointer value).
125  template<class D>
126  inline std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const zypp::shared_ptr<D> & obj )
127  {
128  if ( obj )
129  return str << *obj;
130  return str << std::string("NULL");
131  }
133  template<>
134  inline std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const zypp::shared_ptr<void> & obj )
135  {
136  if ( obj )
137  return str << zypp::str::form( "%p", (void*)obj.get() );
138  return str << std::string("NULL");
139  }
142  template<class D>
143  inline std::ostream & dumpOn( std::ostream & str, const zypp::shared_ptr<D> & obj )
144  {
145  if ( obj )
146  return dumpOn( str, *obj );
147  return str << std::string("NULL");
148  }
150  template<>
151  inline std::ostream & dumpOn( std::ostream & str, const zypp::shared_ptr<void> & obj )
152  { return str << obj; }
155  template<class D>
156  inline std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const zypp::intrusive_ptr<D> & obj )
157  {
158  if ( obj )
159  return str << *obj;
160  return str << std::string("NULL");
161  }
163  template<class D>
164  inline std::ostream & dumpOn( std::ostream & str, const zypp::intrusive_ptr<D> & obj )
165  {
166  if ( obj )
167  return dumpOn( str, *obj );
168  return str << std::string("NULL");
169  }
171 } // namespace std
174 namespace zypp
175 {
178  //
179  // RW_pointer traits
180  //
187  namespace rw_pointer {
189  template<class D>
190  struct Shared
191  {
192  typedef shared_ptr<D> PtrType;
193  typedef shared_ptr<const D> constPtrType;
195  bool unique( const constPtrType & ptr_r )
196  { return !ptr_r || ptr_r.unique(); }
197  bool unique( const PtrType & ptr_r )
198  { return !ptr_r || ptr_r.unique(); }
200  long use_count( const constPtrType & ptr_r ) const
201  { return ptr_r.use_count(); }
202  long use_count( const PtrType & ptr_r ) const
203  { return ptr_r.use_count(); }
204  };
206  template<class D>
207  struct Intrusive
208  {
209  typedef intrusive_ptr<D> PtrType;
210  typedef intrusive_ptr<const D> constPtrType;
212  bool unique( const constPtrType & ptr_r )
213  { return !ptr_r || (ptr_r->refCount() <= 1); }
214  bool unique( const PtrType & ptr_r )
215  { return !ptr_r || (ptr_r->refCount() <= 1); }
217  long use_count( const constPtrType & ptr_r ) const
218  { return ptr_r ? ptr_r->refCount() : 0; }
219  long use_count( const PtrType & ptr_r ) const
220  { return ptr_r ? ptr_r->refCount() : 0; }
221  };
223  template<class D>
224  struct Scoped
225  {
226  typedef scoped_ptr<D> PtrType;
227  typedef scoped_ptr<const D> constPtrType;
229  bool unique( const constPtrType & ptr_r )
230  { return true; }
231  bool unique( const PtrType & ptr_r )
232  { return true; }
234  long use_count( const constPtrType & ptr_r ) const
235  { return ptr_r ? 1 : 0; }
236  long use_count( const PtrType & ptr_r ) const
237  { return ptr_r ? 1 : 0; }
238  };
240  }
244  //
245  // CLASS NAME : RW_pointer
246  //
284  template<class D, class DTraits = rw_pointer::Shared<D> >
285  struct RW_pointer
286  {
287  typedef typename DTraits::PtrType PtrType;
288  typedef typename DTraits::constPtrType constPtrType;
291  {}
293  RW_pointer( std::nullptr_t )
294  {}
296  explicit
297  RW_pointer( typename PtrType::element_type * dptr )
298  : _dptr( dptr )
299  {}
301  explicit
303  : _dptr( dptr )
304  {}
306  RW_pointer & operator=( std::nullptr_t )
307  { reset(); return *this; }
309  void reset()
310  { PtrType().swap( _dptr ); }
312  void reset( typename PtrType::element_type * dptr )
313  { PtrType( dptr ).swap( _dptr ); }
315  void swap( RW_pointer & rhs )
316  { _dptr.swap( rhs._dptr ); }
318  void swap( PtrType & rhs )
319  { _dptr.swap( rhs ); }
321  explicit operator bool() const
322  { return _dptr.get() != nullptr; }
324  const D & operator*() const
325  { return *_dptr; };
327  const D * operator->() const
328  { return _dptr.operator->(); }
330  const D * get() const
331  { return _dptr.get(); }
333  D & operator*()
334  { return *_dptr; }
337  { return _dptr.operator->(); }
339  D * get()
340  { return _dptr.get(); }
342  public:
343  bool unique() const
344  { return DTraits().unique( _dptr ); }
346  long use_count() const
347  { return DTraits().use_count( _dptr ); }
350  { return _dptr; }
353  { return _dptr; }
356  { return _dptr; }
358  private:
360  };
368  template<class D, class DPtr>
369  inline std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & obj )
370  {
371  if ( obj.get() )
372  return str << *obj.get();
373  return str << std::string("NULL");
374  }
377  template<class D, class DPtr>
378  inline bool operator==( const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
379  { return( lhs.get() == rhs.get() ); }
381  template<class D, class DPtr>
382  inline bool operator==( const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const typename DPtr::PtrType & rhs )
383  { return( lhs.get() == rhs.get() ); }
385  template<class D, class DPtr>
386  inline bool operator==( const typename DPtr::PtrType & lhs, const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
387  { return( lhs.get() == rhs.get() ); }
389  template<class D, class DPtr>
390  inline bool operator==( const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const typename DPtr::constPtrType & rhs )
391  { return( lhs.get() == rhs.get() ); }
393  template<class D, class DPtr>
394  inline bool operator==( const typename DPtr::constPtrType & lhs, const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
395  { return( lhs.get() == rhs.get() ); }
397  template<class D, class DPtr>
398  inline bool operator==( const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, std::nullptr_t )
399  { return( lhs.get() == nullptr ); }
401  template<class D, class DPtr>
402  inline bool operator==( std::nullptr_t, const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
403  { return( nullptr == rhs.get() ); }
407  template<class D, class DPtr>
408  inline bool operator!=( const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
409  { return ! ( lhs == rhs ); }
411  template<class D, class DPtr>
412  inline bool operator!=( const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const typename DPtr::PtrType & rhs )
413  { return ! ( lhs == rhs ); }
415  template<class D, class DPtr>
416  inline bool operator!=( const typename DPtr::PtrType & lhs, const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
417  { return ! ( lhs == rhs ); }
419  template<class D, class DPtr>
420  inline bool operator!=( const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const typename DPtr::constPtrType & rhs )
421  { return ! ( lhs == rhs ); }
423  template<class D, class DPtr>
424  inline bool operator!=( const typename DPtr::constPtrType & lhs, const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
425  { return ! ( lhs == rhs ); }
427  template<class D, class DPtr>
428  inline bool operator!=( const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, std::nullptr_t )
429  { return( lhs.get() != nullptr ); }
431  template<class D, class DPtr>
432  inline bool operator!=( std::nullptr_t, const RW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
433  { return( nullptr != rhs.get() ); }
442  template<class D>
443  inline D * rwcowClone( const D * rhs )
444  { return rhs->clone(); }
447  //
448  // CLASS NAME : RWCOW_pointer
449  //
457  template<class D, class DTraits = rw_pointer::Shared<D> >
459  {
460  typedef typename DTraits::PtrType PtrType;
461  typedef typename DTraits::constPtrType constPtrType;
464  {}
466  RWCOW_pointer( std::nullptr_t )
467  {}
469  explicit
470  RWCOW_pointer( typename PtrType::element_type * dptr )
471  : _dptr( dptr )
472  {}
474  explicit
476  : _dptr( dptr )
477  {}
479  RWCOW_pointer & operator=( std::nullptr_t )
480  { reset(); return *this; }
482  void reset()
483  { PtrType().swap( _dptr ); }
485  void reset( typename PtrType::element_type * dptr )
486  { PtrType( dptr ).swap( _dptr ); }
488  void swap( RWCOW_pointer & rhs )
489  { _dptr.swap( rhs._dptr ); }
491  void swap( PtrType & rhs )
492  { _dptr.swap( rhs ); }
494  explicit operator bool() const
495  { return _dptr.get() != nullptr; }
497  const D & operator*() const
498  { return *_dptr; };
500  const D * operator->() const
501  { return _dptr.operator->(); }
503  const D * get() const
504  { return _dptr.get(); }
506  D & operator*()
507  { assertUnshared(); return *_dptr; }
510  { assertUnshared(); return _dptr.operator->(); }
512  D * get()
513  { assertUnshared(); return _dptr.get(); }
515  public:
516  bool unique() const
517  { return DTraits().unique( _dptr ); }
519  long use_count() const
520  { return DTraits().use_count( _dptr ); }
523  { return _dptr; }
526  { assertUnshared(); return _dptr; }
529  { return _dptr; }
531  private:
534  {
535  if ( !unique() )
536  PtrType( rwcowClone( _dptr.get() ) ).swap( _dptr );
537  }
539  private:
541  };
549  template<class D, class DPtr>
550  inline std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & obj )
551  {
552  if ( obj.get() )
553  return str << *obj.get();
554  return str << std::string("NULL");
555  }
558  template<class D, class DPtr>
559  inline bool operator==( const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
560  { return( lhs.get() == rhs.get() ); }
562  template<class D, class DPtr>
563  inline bool operator==( const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const typename DPtr::PtrType & rhs )
564  { return( lhs.get() == rhs.get() ); }
566  template<class D, class DPtr>
567  inline bool operator==( const typename DPtr::PtrType & lhs, const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
568  { return( lhs.get() == rhs.get() ); }
570  template<class D, class DPtr>
571  inline bool operator==( const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const typename DPtr::constPtrType & rhs )
572  { return( lhs.get() == rhs.get() ); }
574  template<class D, class DPtr>
575  inline bool operator==( const typename DPtr::constPtrType & lhs, const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
576  { return( lhs.get() == rhs.get() ); }
578  template<class D, class DPtr>
579  inline bool operator==( const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, std::nullptr_t )
580  { return( lhs.get() == nullptr ); }
582  template<class D, class DPtr>
583  inline bool operator==( std::nullptr_t, const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
584  { return( nullptr == rhs.get() ); }
587  template<class D, class DPtr>
588  inline bool operator!=( const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
589  { return ! ( lhs == rhs ); }
591  template<class D, class DPtr>
592  inline bool operator!=( const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const typename DPtr::PtrType & rhs )
593  { return ! ( lhs == rhs ); }
595  template<class D, class DPtr>
596  inline bool operator!=( const typename DPtr::PtrType & lhs, const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
597  { return ! ( lhs == rhs ); }
599  template<class D, class DPtr>
600  inline bool operator!=( const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, const typename DPtr::constPtrType & rhs )
601  { return ! ( lhs == rhs ); }
603  template<class D, class DPtr>
604  inline bool operator!=( const typename DPtr::constPtrType & lhs, const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
605  { return ! ( lhs == rhs ); }
607  template<class D, class DPtr>
608  inline bool operator!=( const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & lhs, std::nullptr_t )
609  { return( lhs.get() != nullptr ); }
611  template<class D, class DPtr>
612  inline bool operator!=( std::nullptr_t, const RWCOW_pointer<D, DPtr> & rhs )
613  { return( nullptr != rhs.get() ); }
618 } // namespace zypp
623 #define DEFINE_PTR_TYPE(NAME) \
624 class NAME; \
625 extern void intrusive_ptr_add_ref( const NAME * ); \
626 extern void intrusive_ptr_release( const NAME * ); \
627 typedef zypp::intrusive_ptr<NAME> NAME##_Ptr; \
628 typedef zypp::intrusive_ptr<const NAME> NAME##_constPtr;
631 #endif // ZYPP_BASE_PTRTYPES_H
const D * get() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:330
scoped_ptr< D > PtrType
Definition: PtrTypes.h:226
void assertUnshared()
Definition: PtrTypes.h:533
bool unique() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:343
const D & operator*() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:324
RWCOW_pointer(PtrType dptr)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:475
bool operator!=(const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, std::nullptr_t)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:608
RWCOW_pointer & operator=(std::nullptr_t)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:479
scoped_ptr< const D > constPtrType
Definition: PtrTypes.h:227
bool operator==(const typename DPtr::PtrType &lhs, const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:386
PtrType getPtr()
Definition: PtrTypes.h:352
bool operator!=(const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const typename DPtr::constPtrType &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:420
bool operator!=(const typename DPtr::PtrType &lhs, const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:596
std::ostream & dumpOn(std::ostream &str, const zypp::shared_ptr< void > &obj)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:151
PtrType getPtr()
Definition: PtrTypes.h:525
bool operator==(const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const typename DPtr::constPtrType &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:571
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:583
bool operator!=(const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const typename DPtr::PtrType &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:412
bool unique() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:516
void reset(typename PtrType::element_type *dptr)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:485
PtrType _dptr
Definition: PtrTypes.h:359
bool unique(const PtrType &ptr_r)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:231
std::string form(const char *format,...) __attribute__((format(printf
Printf style construction of std::string.
bool operator==(const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, std::nullptr_t)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:398
bool operator!=(const typename DPtr::PtrType &lhs, const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:416
RW_pointer(PtrType dptr)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:302
bool operator!=(const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, std::nullptr_t)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:428
bool operator==(const typename DPtr::constPtrType &lhs, const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:575
bool unique(const constPtrType &ptr_r)
Check whether pointer is not shared.
Definition: PtrTypes.h:195
constPtrType getPtr() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:349
bool unique(const PtrType &ptr_r)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:197
long use_count(const PtrType &ptr_r) const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:236
RWCOW_pointer(typename PtrType::element_type *dptr)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:470
constPtrType getPtr() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:522
bool operator==(const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const typename DPtr::PtrType &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:563
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:432
bool operator!=(const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:408
DTraits::constPtrType constPtrType
Definition: PtrTypes.h:288
long use_count() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:346
Definition: PtrTypes.h:293
void swap(PtrType &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:491
long use_count(const PtrType &ptr_r) const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:219
DTraits::PtrType PtrType
Definition: PtrTypes.h:460
constPtrType cgetPtr()
Definition: PtrTypes.h:355
bool operator==(const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:378
bool operator!=(const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:588
#define nullptr
Definition: Easy.h:54
D * rwcowClone(const D *rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:443
bool operator==(const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const typename DPtr::constPtrType &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:390
long use_count(const constPtrType &ptr_r) const
Return number of references.
Definition: PtrTypes.h:200
const D * operator->() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:327
bool operator!=(const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const typename DPtr::constPtrType &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:600
shared_ptr< const D > constPtrType
Definition: PtrTypes.h:193
D * operator->()
Definition: PtrTypes.h:336
DTraits::constPtrType constPtrType
Definition: PtrTypes.h:461
long use_count(const constPtrType &ptr_r) const
Return number of references.
Definition: PtrTypes.h:234
const D & operator*() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:497
constPtrType cgetPtr()
Definition: PtrTypes.h:528
bool unique(const constPtrType &ptr_r)
Check whether pointer is not shared.
Definition: PtrTypes.h:229
RW_pointer(typename PtrType::element_type *dptr)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:297
long use_count(const PtrType &ptr_r) const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:202
void reset(typename PtrType::element_type *dptr)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:312
shared_ptr custom deleter doing nothing.
Definition: PtrTypes.h:82
const D * get() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:503
void swap(RW_pointer &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:315
intrusive_ptr< D > PtrType
Definition: PtrTypes.h:209
intrusive_ptr< const D > constPtrType
Definition: PtrTypes.h:210
bool operator==(const typename DPtr::constPtrType &lhs, const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:394
bool operator==(const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:559
Wrapper for const correct access via Smart pointer types.
Definition: PtrTypes.h:285
bool unique(const constPtrType &ptr_r)
Check whether pointer is not shared.
Definition: PtrTypes.h:212
Definition: PtrTypes.h:466
void swap(PtrType &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:318
shared_ptr< D > PtrType
Definition: PtrTypes.h:192
bool operator==(const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, std::nullptr_t)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:579
bool operator!=(const typename DPtr::constPtrType &lhs, const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:604
const D * operator->() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:500
bool unique(const PtrType &ptr_r)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:214
DTraits::PtrType PtrType
Definition: PtrTypes.h:287
void swap(RWCOW_pointer &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:488
long use_count(const constPtrType &ptr_r) const
Return number of references.
Definition: PtrTypes.h:217
bool operator==(const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const typename DPtr::PtrType &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:382
long use_count() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:519
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:612
bool operator!=(const typename DPtr::constPtrType &lhs, const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:424
bool operator!=(const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &lhs, const typename DPtr::PtrType &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:592
RW_pointer supporting 'copy on write' functionality.
Definition: PtrTypes.h:458
RW_pointer & operator=(std::nullptr_t)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:306
bool operator==(const typename DPtr::PtrType &lhs, const RWCOW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:567
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const RW_pointer< D, DPtr > &rhs)
Definition: PtrTypes.h:402
void operator()(const void *const ) const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:84