19#include <zypp/ManagedFile.h>
47 const Arch & arch_r )
Edition represents [epoch:]version[-release]
TraitsType::constPtrType constPtr
Combining sat::Solvable and ResStatus.
Candidate delta and patches for a package.
Policies and options for PackageProvider.
bool queryInstalled(const std::string &name_r, const Edition &ed_r, const Arch &arch_r) const
Evaluate callback.
function< bool(const std::string &, const Edition &, const Arch &)> QueryInstalledCB
Get installed Editions callback signature.
QueryInstalledCB _queryInstalledCB
PackageProviderPolicy & queryInstalledCB(QueryInstalledCB queryInstalledCB_r)
Set callback.
Provide a package from a Repo.
RW_pointer< Impl > _pimpl
Implementation class.
ManagedFile providePackage() const
Provide the package.
bool isCached() const
Whether the package is cached.
ManagedFile providePackageFromCache() const
Provide the package if it is cached.
Easy-to use interface to the ZYPP dependency resolver.
Wrapper for const correct access via Smart pointer types.
PackageProvider implementation interface.