►Nboost | Boost libraries. |
Nlogic | |
►Nhelix | |
►Ndetail | |
CAutoXmlFree | |
CXmlNode | |
►Ninternal | |
CMediaCurlExceptionMayRetryInternaly | Attempt to work around certain issues by autoretry in MediaCurl::getFileCopy E.g |
COptionalDownloadProgressReport | Bottleneck filtering all DownloadProgressReport issued from Media[Muli]Curl |
CProgressData | |
CProgressTracker | |
►CSharedData | |
CMediaFileCacheEntry | |
►Niobind | |
►Nparser | |
Cxml_escape_parser | |
Nstd | |
Nstr | String related utilities and Regular expression matching |
►Nyamltest | |
Ndetail | |
►Nzypp | Easy-to use interface to the ZYPP dependency resolver |
►N_detail | |
C_has_container_begin_end | |
C_has_type_const_iterator | |
►N_logtoolsdetail | |
CDumpKeys | Std::map wrapper for stream output of keys |
►CDumpMap | Std::map wrapper for stream output |
CTransformer | |
CDumpValues | Std::map wrapper for stream output of values |
CMapEntry | Std::pair wrapper for std::map output |
Napplydeltarpm | Namespace wrapping invocations of /usr/bin/applydeltarpm |
►Nbase | |
►Nlogger | |
CLogControlImpl | LogControl implementation (thread_local Singleton) |
CLoglinebuf | |
CLoglinestream | |
Nsysconfig | |
CContainerTransform | Helper managing a container of raw values with transformed representation |
►CDrunkenBishop | Random art fingerprint visualization Visualize fingerprint data on a [17x9] (SSH) or [19x11] (GPG) or custom sized board |
CImpl | DrunkenBishop implementation |
CFlags | A type-safe way of storing OR-combinations of enum values (like QTs QFlags) |
►CLogControl | Maintain logfile related options |
CLineFormater | If you want to format loglines by yourself, derive from this, and overload format |
CTmpExcessive | Turn on excessive logging for the lifetime of this object |
CTmpLineWriter | Exchange LineWriter for the lifetime of this object |
CProfilingFormater | |
CProvideNumericId | Base class for objects providing a numeric Id |
CReferenceCounted | Base class for reference counted objects |
CSetRelationMixin | Provide set relation methods based on Derived::setRelationMixinCompare A class using this mixin must provide: |
CSetTracker | Track added/removed set items based on an initial set |
CUnit | Simple handling of Units |
CValueTransform | Helper managing raw values with transformed representation |
►Nbit | |
►Nbit_detail | |
CGen1Bits | Generate constants with _size trailing '1'-bits |
CGen1Bits< TInt, 0 > | Specialization for _length 0 |
CBitField | An integral type used as BitField |
CMask | A bitmaks of _size 1-bits starting at bit _begin |
CMaxBits | Number of bits available in TInt |
CRange | Range of bits starting at bit _begin with length _size |
CRange< TInt, _begin, 0 > | Range specialisation for (illegal) zero _size |
CRangeBit | A single 1-bit within a Range |
CRangeValue | A value with in a Range |
►Ncallback | Callbacks light |
CDistributeReport | |
CReceiveReport | |
CReportBase | |
CSendReport | |
CTempConnect | Temporarily connect a ReceiveReport then restore the previous one |
CUserData | Typesafe passing of user data via callbacks |
►Ndebug | |
►CMeasure | Tool to measure elapsed real and process times |
CImpl | Measure implementation |
COsd | |
CTm | Times measured by Measure |
CTraceCAD | A simple tracer for (copy) Construction, Assignment, and Destruction |
CTraceCADBase | Base for a simple tracer |
CTraceLeave | |
►Ndetail | |
CByRepository | Functor filtering Solvable by Repository |
CDump | |
CDumpFilter | |
CfXstream | Common template to define ifgzstream/ofgzstream reading/writing compressed files |
CPoolQueryIterator | PoolQuery iterator as returned by PoolQuery::begin |
CPoolQueryMatcher | Store PoolQuery settings and assist PoolQueryIterator |
CRepositoryIterator | |
CSimpleStreamBuf | |
Czckstreambufimpl | Streambuffer reading or writing zchunk files |
►Nenv | |
CScopedSet | Temporarily set/unset an environment variable |
►Nexception_detail | |
CCodeLocation | Keep FILE, FUNCTION and LINE |
►Nexternalprogram | |
CEarlyPipe | Helper providing pipe FDs for ExternalProgramWithStderr |
CExternalDataSource | Bidirectional stream to external data |
►Nfilesystem | Types and functions for filesystem operations |
CDevInoCache | Simple cache remembering device/inode to detect hardlinks |
CDirEntry | Listentry returned by readdir |
►CGlob | Find pathnames matching a pattern |
Cconst_iterator | Iterate NULL terminated char* array |
CPathInfo | Wrapper class for stat/lstat |
CPathname | Pathname |
CStatMode | Wrapper class for mode_t values as derived from ::stat |
CTmpDir | Provide a new empty temporary directory and recursively delete it when no longer needed |
CTmpFile | Provide a new empty temporary file and delete it when no longer needed |
►CTmpPath | Automaticaly deletes files or directories when no longer needed |
CImpl | Clean or delete a directory on destruction |
►Nfilter | |
CByKind | Filter solvables according to their kind |
CByLocaleSupport | Filter solvables according to their locale support |
CByStatus | Filter solvables according to their status |
CSameItemAs | Filter items with at least same NVRA, vendor |
►Nfunctor | |
CChain | Logical functor chaining TACondition AND TBCondition |
CCollector | Functor feeding values to an output_iterator |
CConstant | |
CFalse | Logical functor always false |
CGetAll | Store all results found to some output_iterator |
CGetFirst | Strore the 1st result found in the variable passed to the ctor |
CGetLast | Strore the last result found in the variable passed to the ctor |
CNot | Logical functor inverting TCondition |
COr | Logical functor chaining TACondition OR TBCondition |
CTrue | Logical functor always true |
Ngettext | |
►Ngzstream_detail | |
Cgzstreambufimpl | Streambuffer reading or writing gzip files |
CZlibError | Helper class to ship zlib errors |
►NHACK | |
CCallback | |
Nhotfix1050625 | |
►Nio | |
CTimeoutException | |
►Niomanip | |
CRangeLine | |
►Niostr | Iostream related utilities |
CEachLine | Simple lineparser: Traverse each line in a file |
►Njson | |
Ndetail | |
CArray | JSON array |
CObject | JSON object |
CString | JSON string Force representation as JSON string, mapping e.g |
CValue | JSON representation of datatypes via toJSON |
►Nkeyring | |
►CVerifyFileContext | I/O context for KeyRing::verifyFileSignatureWorkflow |
CImpl | Directly accessed by verifyFileSignatureWorkflow to set the result data |
►Nkvmap | |
►CKVMapBase | Base class for KVMaps, (key,value) pairs |
CCharSep | KVMapPolicy for KVMaps using a single char as separator (e.g |
CKVMapPolicy | KVMapPolicy for conversion of KVMaps to/from string |
►Nlog | |
CFileLineWriter | LineWriter to file |
CLineWriter | If you want to log the (formated) loglines by yourself, derive from this, and overload writeOut |
CStderrLineWriter | LineWriter to stderr |
CStdoutLineWriter | LineWriter to stdout |
CStreamLineWriter | Base class for ostream based LineWriter |
►Nmedia | |
CAttachedMedia | A simple structure containing references to a media source and its attach point |
CAttachPoint | Attach point of a media source |
CAuthData | Class for handling media authentication data |
CAuthDataComparator | |
CAuthenticationReport | |
CCDTools | |
CCredentialFileReader | Parse credentials files and catalogs |
►CCredentialManager | |
CImpl | |
CCredManagerOptions | |
CCurlAuthData | Curl HTTP authentication data |
CCurlConfig | Structure holding values of curlrc options |
CDownloadProgressReport | |
CMediaBadAttachPointException | |
CMediaBadCAException | |
CMediaBadFilenameException | |
CMediaBadUrlEmptyDestinationException | |
CMediaBadUrlEmptyFilesystemException | |
CMediaBadUrlEmptyHostException | |
CMediaBadUrlException | |
CMediaBlock | Single block from the blocklist, consisting of an offset and a size |
CMediaBlockList | |
CMediaCD | Implementation class for CD/DVD MediaHandler |
CMediaChangeReport | |
CMediaCIFS | Implementation class for CIFS MediaHandler |
►CMediaCurl | Implementation class for FTP, HTTP and HTTPS MediaHandler |
CCallbacks | |
CMediaCurlException | |
CMediaCurlInitException | |
CMediaCurlSetOptException | |
CMediaDIR | Implementation class for DIR MediaHandler |
CMediaDISK | Implementation class for DISK MediaHandler |
CMediaException | Just inherits Exception to separate media exceptions |
CMediaFileNotFoundException | |
CMediaFileSizeExceededException | |
CMediaForbiddenException | |
CMediaHandler | Abstract base class for 'physical' MediaHandler like MediaCD, etc |
CMediaHandlerFactory | |
CMediaInvalidCredentialsException | |
CMediaISO | Implementation class for ISO MediaHandler |
CMediaIsSharedException | |
CMediaJammedException | |
CMediaManager | Manages access to the 'physical' media, e.g CDROM drives, Disk volumes, directory trees, etc, using Media Access Url's |
CMediaManager_Impl | |
CMediaMountException | |
CMediaMultiCurl | |
CMediaNetwork | Implementation class for FTP, HTTP and HTTPS MediaHandler |
CMediaNetworkCommonHandler | Common baseclass for MediaCurl and MediaNetwork |
CMediaNFS | Implementation class for NFS MediaHandler |
CMediaNotADirException | |
CMediaNotAFileException | |
CMediaNotAttachedException | |
CMediaNotDesiredException | |
CMediaNotEjectedException | |
CMediaNotOpenException | |
CMediaNotSupportedException | |
CMediaPlugin | Implementation class for plugin MediaHandler |
CMediaPriority | Derive a numeric priority from Url scheme according to zypp.conf(download.media_preference) |
CMediaRequestCancelledException | |
CMediaSource | Media source internally used by MediaManager and MediaHandler |
CMediaSystemException | |
CMediaTemporaryProblemException | For HTTP 503 and similar |
CMediaTimeoutException | |
CMediaUnauthorizedException | |
CMediaUnmountException | |
CMediaUnsupportedUrlSchemeException | |
CMediaVerifierBase | Interface to implement a media verifier |
CMediaWriteException | |
CMetalinkMirror | |
CMetaLinkParser | |
Cml_parsedata | |
CMount | Interface to the mount program |
CMountEntry | A "struct mntent" like mount entry structure, but using std::strings |
Cmultifetchrequest | |
Cmultifetchworker | |
CNoVerifier | Dummy default media verifier, which is always happy |
►CProxyInfo | |
CImpl | |
CProxyInfoLibproxy | |
CProxyInfoSysconfig | |
CScopedDisableMediaChangeReport | Temporarily disable MediaChangeReport Sometimes helpful to suppress interactive messages connected to MediaChangeReport while fallback URLs are avaialble |
CTmpUnsetEnv | |
►CTransferSettings | Holds transfer setting |
CImpl | |
Ctransition | |
►CUrlResolverPlugin | |
CImpl | UrlResolverPlugin implementation |
CZsyncParser | |
►Nmisc | |
►Ntestcase | |
CForceInstall | |
CForceInstallImpl | |
►CLoadTestcase | |
CImpl | |
CRepoData | |
CRepoDataImpl | |
CTestcaseSetup | |
CTestcaseSetupImpl | |
►CTestcaseTrial | |
CImpl | |
►CNode | |
CImpl | |
►Npackagedelta | |
►CDeltaRpm | |
CBaseVersion | |
►Nparser | |
►Nsusetags | |
►CContentFileReader | Parse repoindex part from a content file |
CImpl | ContentFileReader implementation |
CRepoIndex | Repository content data (from /content file) |
►Nyum | |
►CRepomdFileReader | Reads through a repomd.xml file and collects type, location, checksum and other data about metadata files to be processed |
CImpl | |
►CHistoryLogReader | Zypp history file parser |
CImpl | |
CIniDict | Parses a INI file and offers its structure as a dictionary |
CIniParser | Simple INI-file parser |
CParseException | |
CParserProgress | |
►CProductFileData | Data returned by ProductFileReader |
CImpl | |
►CUpgrade | |
CImpl | |
CProductFileReader | Parser for /etc/products.d enries (just relevant entires) |
CProductNode | |
CRepoFileReader | Read repository data from a .repo file |
►CRepoindexFileReader | Reads through a repoindex.xml file and collects repositories |
CImpl | |
►CServiceFileReader | Read service data from a .service file |
CImpl | |
►Npool | |
CByIdent | Main filter selecting PoolItems by name and kind |
CByPoolItem | Pool internal filter skiping invalid/unwanted PoolItems |
CP_Select2nd | Std::_Select2nd |
CPoolImpl | |
CPoolStats | Functor counting ResObjects per Kind |
CPoolTraits | |
Nproto | |
Nrange_detail | |
►Nrepo | |
Nfactory | |
►Nsusetags | |
CDownloader | Downloader for SUSETags (YaST2) repositories Encapsulates all the knowledge of which files have to be downloaded to the local disk |
►Nyum | |
►CDownloader | Downloader for YUM (rpm-nmd) repositories Encapsulates all the knowledge of which files have to be downloaded to the local disk |
CImpl | Helper filtering the files offered by a RepomdFileReader |
►CDeltaCandidates | Candidate delta and patches for a package |
CImpl | DeltaCandidates implementation |
CDownloader | Downloader base class |
CDownloadResolvableReport | |
CExtraSignatureFileChecker | |
►CPackageProvider | Provide a package from a Repo |
CImpl | PackageProvider implementation interface |
CPackageProviderImpl | |
CPackageProviderPolicy | Policies and options for PackageProvider |
CPluginServiceRepos | |
►CPluginServices | |
CImpl | |
CProbeRepoReport | |
CRepoAlreadyExistsException | Repository already exists and some unique attribute can't be duplicated |
CRepoCreateReport | |
CRepoException | Exception for repository handling |
►CRepoInfoBase | Base class implementing common features of RepoInfo and ServiceInfo |
CImpl | RepoInfoBase data |
CRepoInvalidAliasException | Thrown when the repo alias is found to be invalid |
►CRepoMediaAccess | Provides files from different repos |
CImpl | |
CRepoMetadataException | Thrown when it was impossible to use the raw metadata for this repo |
CRepoMirrorList | |
CRepoNoAliasException | Thrown when it was impossible to determine an alias for this repo |
CRepoNotCachedException | The repository cache is not built yet so you can't create the repostories from the cache |
CRepoNotFoundException | Thrown when it was impossible to match a repository |
CRepoNoUrlException | Thrown when it was impossible to determine one url for this repo |
CRepoReport | |
CRepoType | Repository type enumeration |
CRepoUnknownTypeException | Thrown when it was impossible to determine this repo type |
CRepoVarExpand | Functor expanding repo variables in a string |
CRepoVariablesStringReplacer | Functor replacing repository variables |
CRepoVariablesUrlReplacer | Functor replacing repository variables |
CRIMServiceRepos | |
CRpmPackageProvider | RPM PackageProvider implementation (with deltarpm processing) |
CRpmSigCheckException | Exception thrown by PackageProviderImpl::rpmSigFileChecker |
CServiceAlreadyExistsException | Service already exists and some unique attribute can't be duplicated |
CServiceException | Base Exception for service handling |
CServiceInvalidAliasException | Thrown when the repo alias is found to be invalid |
CServiceNoAliasException | Service without alias was used in an operation |
CServiceNoUrlException | Service has no or invalid url defined |
CServicePluginException | PLUGIN Service related exceptions |
CServicePluginImmutableException | Service plugin is immutable |
CServicePluginInformalException | Service plugin has trouble providing the metadata but this should not be treated as error |
►CServiceRepos | Retrieval of repository list for a service |
CImpl | |
CServiceType | Service type enumeration |
CSMVData | Data parsed from a media.1/media file |
CSrcPackageProvider | |
►CSUSEMediaVerifier | Implementation of the traditional SUSE media verifier |
CImpl | SUSEMediaVerifier::Impl |
►Nresfilter | |
CByArch | Select ResObject by Arch using TCompare functor |
CByEdition | Select ResObject by Edition using TCompare functor |
CByInstalled | Select PoolItem by installed |
CByKeep | Select PoolItem by keep |
CByLock | Select PoolItem by lock |
CByName | Select ResObject by name |
CByRecommended | PoolItem which is recommended |
CByRepository | Select ResObject by repository or repository alias |
CBySuggested | PoolItem which is suggested |
CByTransact | Select PoolItem by transact |
CByUninstalled | Select PoolItem by uninstalled |
►Nresstatus | |
CStatusBackup | |
CUserLockQueryManip | Manipulator for ResStatus::UserLockQueryField |
►Nrw_pointer | Don't forgett to provide versions for PtrType and constPtrType, esp |
CIntrusive | |
CScoped | |
CShared | |
►Nsat | Libsolv interface |
►Ndetail | |
CDIWrap | Wrapper around sat detail::CDataiterator |
CPoolImpl | |
CPoolMember | Backlink to the associated PoolImpl |
CSolvableIterator | Iterate over valid Solvables in the pool |
CTransaction_const_iterator | Transaction const_iterator |
CTransaction_iterator | Transaction iterator |
CWhatProvidesIterator | WhatProvides iterator |
►Nsolvitermixin_detail | |
CUnifyByIdent | Unify by ident (kind:name) |
CAllPTFs | Container of packages providing ptf() |
CArrayAttr | LookupAttr::TransformIterator based container to retrieve list attributes |
CasSolvable | To Solvable transform functor |
►CFileConflicts | Libsolv queue representing file conflicts |
CConflict | A file conflict |
CLocaleSupport | Convenience methods to manage support for a specific Locale |
►CLookupAttr | Lightweight attribute value lookup |
CImpl | LookupAttr implememtation |
Citerator | Result iterator |
CTransformIterator | TransformIterator returning an iterator vaue of type TResult |
CLookupRepoAttr | Lightweight repository attribute value lookup |
►CMap | Libsolv (bit)Map wrapper |
CPoolSizeType | Type to indicate the bitmap should match the current pools capacity |
CPool | Global sat-pool |
CQueue | Libsolv Id queue wrapper |
►CSolvable | A Solvable object within the sat Pool |
CSplitIdent | Helper that splits an identifier into kind and name or vice versa |
CSolvableSet | Solvable set wrapper to allow adding additional convenience iterators |
►CSolvableSpec | Define a set of Solvables by ident and provides |
CImpl | SolvableSpec implementation |
CSolvableType | Base class for creating Solvable based types |
CSolvAttr | Solvable attribute keys |
CSolvIterMixin | Base class providing common iterator types based on a Solvable iterator |
►CTransaction | Libsolv transaction wrapper |
CFilterAction | |
►CImpl | Transaction implementation |
CPostMortem | |
CLoadFromPoolType | Ctor arg type |
CStep | A single step within a Transaction |
CWhatObsoletes | Container of installed Solvable which would be obsoleted by the Solvable passed to the ctor |
►CWhatProvides | Container of Solvable providing a Capability (read only) |
CImpl | WhatProvides implementation date |
►Nsighandler | |
CSigBacktraceHandler | Signal handler logging a stack trace |
►Nsolver | |
►Ndetail | |
CCheckIfUpdate | |
CDoTransact | |
CFindPackage | |
CHelixControl | Creates a file in helix format which contains all controll action of a testcase ( file is known as *-test.xml) |
CHelixResolvable | Creates a file in helix format which includes all available or installed packages,patches,selections... |
CSATCollectTransact | Commit helper functor distributing PoolItem by status into lists |
CSolverQueueItemDelete | |
CSolverQueueItemInstall | |
CSolverQueueItemInstallOneOf | |
CSolverQueueItemLock | |
CSolverQueueItemUpdate | |
CUndoTransact | |
►Nstr | String related utilities and Regular expression matching |
CFormat | Convenient building of std::string with boost::format |
Cregex | Regular expression |
CSafeBuf | Assert free called for allocated char * |
Csmatch | Regular expression match result |
CStr | Convenient building of std::string via std::ostringstream Basically a std::ostringstream autoconvertible to std::string for building string arguments |
►Nstrv | |
Ndetail | |
►Nsyscontent | |
►CReader | Retrieve ResObject data serialized by Writer |
CEntry | Restored ResObject data |
►CWriter | Collect and serialize a set of ResObject |
CImpl | |
►Ntarget | |
►Nrpm | |
►CBinHeader | |
CintList | |
CstringList | |
CCleanupPackageReportSA | |
CCommitScriptReportSA | |
CFileInfo | |
CGlobalRpmInitException | |
CHeaderEntryGetter | Helper for header data retieval |
CInstallResolvableReport | |
CInstallResolvableReportSA | |
CKeyRingSignalReceiver | |
CKeyRingSignals | Internal connection to rpm database |
►ClibrpmDb | Manage access to librpm database |
CD | LibrpmDb internal database handle |
►Cdb_const_iterator | Subclass to retrieve database content |
CD | |
CRebuildDBReport | |
CRemoveResolvableReport | |
CRemoveResolvableReportSA | |
CRpmAccessBlockedException | |
►CRpmDb | Interface to the rpm program |
CCheckPackageDetail | Detailed rpm signature check log messages A single multiline message if CHK_OK |
CRpmDbAlreadyOpenException | |
CRpmDbConvertException | |
CRpmDbNotOpenException | |
CRpmDbOpenException | |
CRpmException | Just inherits Exception to separate media exceptions |
CRpmHeader | Wrapper class for rpm header struct |
CRpmInitException | |
CRpmInstallReport | |
CRpmInvalidRootException | |
CRpmNullDatabaseException | |
CRpmRemoveReport | |
CRpmSubprocessException | |
CRpmTransactionFailedException | |
CSingleTransReport | Report active throughout the whole rpm transaction |
CTransactionReportSA | |
►CCommitPackageCache | Target::commit helper optimizing package provision |
CImpl | Base for CommitPackageCache implementations (implements no chache) |
CCommitPackageCacheReadAhead | |
CFindFileConflictstReport | Check for package file conflicts in commit (after download) |
CHardLocksFile | Save and restore hardlocks |
CIMediaKey | Helper storing a source id and media number |
►CModalias | Hardware abstaction layer singleton |
CImpl | Modalias implementation |
CPatchMessageReport | Request to display the pre commit message of a patch |
CPatchScriptReport | Indicate execution of a patch script |
►CRepoProvidePackage | Default PackageProvider for CommitPackageCache |
CImpl | |
CRequestedLocalesFile | Save and restore locale set from file |
CRpmInstallPackageReceiver | |
►CRpmPostTransCollector | Extract and remember posttrans scripts for later execution |
►CImpl | RpmPostTransCollector implementation |
CDumpfile | Data regarding the dumpfile used if rpm --runposttrans is supported |
CRpmRemovePackageReceiver | |
CSendSingleTransReport | Convenience SendReport<rpm::SingleTransReport> wrapper |
CSolvIdentFile | Save and restore a list of solvable names (ident IdString) |
CTargetAbortedException | |
CTargetException | Just inherits Exception to separate target exceptions |
CTargetImpl | Base class for concrete Target implementations |
Ntraits | |
►Nui | |
►Nselfilter | |
CByHasCandidateObj | |
CByHasInstalledObj | |
CByKind | |
CByName | |
CByStatus | |
CasSelectable | Solvable to Selectable transform functor |
►CSelectable | Collects PoolItems of same kind and name |
CImpl | Selectable implementation |
►CSelectableTraits | |
CAVOrder | Oder on AvailableItemSet |
CIOrder | Oder on InstalledItemSet |
CStatusBackup | Simple ResStatus backup stack |
CStatusHelper | |
►Nurl | Url details namespace |
CSafeQuerystr | Hide passwords embedded in a querystr, |
CUrlBadComponentException | Thrown if a url component is invalid |
CUrlBase | Generic Url base class |
CUrlBaseData | Internal data used by UrlBase |
CUrlDecodingException | Thrown if the encoded string contains a NUL byte (%00) |
CUrlException | Base class for all URL exceptions |
CUrlNotAllowedException | Thrown if scheme does not allow a component |
CUrlNotSupportedException | Thrown if a feature e.g |
CUrlParsingException | Thrown if the url or a component can't be parsed at all |
CViewOption | Url::asString() view options |
►Nxml | |
►Ndetail | |
CEscapedString | |
►Nparse_def_assign | parseDefAssign exposed details |
CAssigner | Assigner assigns text to types constructible from char* |
CAssigner< void > | Common interface to all Assigner types |
CBuilder | Helper class to build a Consumer |
CConsumer | ParseDef consumer assigning Node text and attribues values to variables |
CNode | XmlTextReader based interface to Reader's current node |
►CParseDef | Define a xml node structure to parse |
CImpl | ParseDef implementation |
CParseDefBuildException | Exceptions when building a ParseDef tree |
CParseDefConsume | Base class for ParseDef consumer |
CParseDefConsumeCallback | ParseDef consumer that invokes callbacks |
CParseDefConsumeRedirect | ParseDef consumer redirecting all events to another consumer |
CParseDefDataException | Parse exceptions related to the nodes content |
CParseDefException | Common base class for ParseDef exceptions |
CParseDefImplConsume | |
CParseDefTraits | |
CParseDefValidateException | Parse exceptions related to the documents node structure |
CReader | XmlTextReader based interface to iterate xml streams |
CValidate | XmlTextReader document validation |
►CXmlString | xmlChar * wrapper |
CDeleter | Shared_ptr custom deleter calling xmlFree |
►Nxmlout | |
►CNode | RAII writing a nodes start/end tag |
CHasContentException | Exception type thrown if attributes are added to a closed start node |
COptionalContentType | Ctor arg type |
CNodeAttr | (Key, Value) string pair of XML node attributes |
►Nzypp_detail | |
CZYppImpl | |
Nzypp_readonly_hack | |
CApplication | Class representing an application (appdata.xml) |
CApplyLock | |
►CArch | Architecture |
CCompatEntry | Holds an architecture ID and its compatible relation |
CArchCompatibleWith | Functor finding compatible architectures |
CasPoolItem | Solvable to PoolItem transform functor |
►CAutoDispose | Reference counted access to a Tp object calling a custom Dispose function when the last AutoDispose handle to it is destroyed or reset |
CImpl | |
►CAutoDispose< void > | |
CImpl | |
CAutoFD | AutoDispose<int> calling ::close |
CAutoFILE | AutoDispose<FILE*> calling ::fclose |
CAutoFREE | |
CAutoFREE< void > | |
CBadKeyException | Exception thrown when the supplied key is not a valid gpg key |
CByteArray | |
CByteCount | Store and operate with byte count |
CC_Str | Convenience char* constructible from std::string and char* , it maps (char*)0 to an empty string |
►CCapabilities | Container of Capability (currently read only) |
Cconst_iterator | Capabilities iterator |
►CCapability | A sat capability |
CMatches | matches functor |
CCapDetail | Helper providing more detailed information about a Capability |
CCapMatch | Tri state Capability match result |
CChangelogEntry | Single entry in a change log |
►CCheckAccessDeleted | Check for running processes which access deleted executables or libraries |
CImpl | |
CProcInfo | Data about one running process accessing deleted files |
CCheckSum | |
CCheckSumCheckException | |
CCheckSumException | |
CChecksumFileChecker | Built in file checkers |
CCleanEmptyLocksReport | Callback for cleaning locks which doesn't lock anything in pool |
CCleanerThread | |
CCodeMaps | Wrap static codemap data |
CCombinedProgressData | Progress callback from another progress |
CCompare | General compare functor returning -1, 0, 1 |
CCompareBy | Functor to compare two elements by Rel based on a general TCompare functor |
CCompareByANY | |
CCompareByEQ | |
CCompareByGE | |
CCompareByGT | |
CCompareByLE | |
CCompareByLT | |
CCompareByNE | |
CCompareByNONE | |
CCompositeFileChecker | Checker composed of more checkers |
CContentReaderHelper | |
CContentType | Mime type like 'type/subtype' classification of content |
CCounter | Integral type with initial value 0 |
CCountryCode | Country codes (iso3166-1-alpha-2) |
►CCpeId | Common Platform Enumearation (2.3) See http://cpe.mitre.org/ for more information on the Common Platform Enumearation |
CEAttributeDef | WFN attributes (use like 'enum class Attribute') |
CImpl | CpeId implementation |
CNoThrowType | Indicator type for non-trowing ctor |
►CValue | WFN attribute value |
CETypeDef | Classification of Value types mostly for match (use like 'enum class Type') |
CFsFormatType | Indicator type for ctor arg in FS format |
CUriFormatType | Indicator type for ctor arg in URI format |
►CDate | Store and operate on date (time_t) |
CEDateFormatDef | Date formats for printing (use like 'enum class DateFormat') |
CETimeFormatDef | Time formats for printing (use like 'enum class TimeFormat') |
CETimeZoneFormatDef | Timezone indicator for printing (use like 'enum class TimeZoneFormat') |
CDateFormatException | |
CDefaultIntegral | Integral type with defined initial value when default constructed |
CDefaultOption | Mutable option with initial value also remembering a config value |
CDep | Enumeration class of dependency types |
►CDigest | Compute Message Digests (MD5, SHA1 etc) |
CP | |
CDigestReport | |
►CDiskUsageCounter | Compute disk space occupied by packages across partitions/directories |
CMountPoint | Mount point description If block_size is set DiskUsageCoutner will assume half a block_size is wasted per file, in case a package provides detailed isk usage information |
►CDtorReset | Assign a vaiable a certain value when going out of scope |
CImpl | Requires TVal being copy constructible, and assignment TVar = TVal defined |
►CEdition | Edition represents [epoch:]version[-release] |
CMatch | match functor |
CEmptyFilter | |
CErrno | Convenience errno wrapper |
CESetCompareDef | Result of set comparison (use like 'enum class SetCompare') This is the type a compare function should return |
CESetRelationDef | Set Relation based on SetCompare (use like 'enum class SetRelation') Comparison ( == !=) between SetRelation and SetCompare is defined to let SetRelation::subset match SetCompare::equal as well as SetCompare::properSubset |
CException | Base class for Exception |
CExternalProgram | Execute a program and give access to its io An object of this class encapsulates the execution of an external program |
CExternalProgramWithSeperatePgid | ExternalProgram extended to change the progress group ID after forking |
CExternalProgramWithStderr | ExternalProgram extended to offer reading programs stderr |
►CFetcher | This class allows to retrieve a group of files in a confortable way, providing some smartness that does not belong to the media layer like: |
CImpl | Fetcher implementation |
CFetcherIndex | Class that represents indexes which add metadata to fetcher jobs and therefore need to be retrieved in advance |
CFetcherJob | Class to encapsulate the OnMediaLocation object and the FileChecker together |
CFileCheckException | |
CGetPairFirst | Functor taking a std::pair returning std::pair.first |
CGetPairSecond | Functor taking a std::pair returning std::pair.second |
CGpgmeException | |
CGroupInfo | |
Chas_container_begin_end | Whether Tp defines methods Tp::const_iterator begin/end() const |
Chas_type_const_iterator | Whether Tp defines type Tp::const_iterator |
CHistoryActionID | Enumeration of known history actions |
CHistoryLog | Writing the zypp history file |
►CHistoryLogData | A zypp history log line split into fields |
CImpl | |
CHistoryLogDataInstall | A zypp history log line for an installed packaged |
CHistoryLogDataRemove | A zypp history log line for a removed packge |
CHistoryLogDataRepoAdd | A zypp history log line for an added repository |
CHistoryLogDataRepoAliasChange | A zypp history log line for a repo alias change |
CHistoryLogDataRepoRemove | A zypp history log line for a removed repository |
CHistoryLogDataRepoUrlChange | A zypp history log line for a repo url change |
CHistoryLogDataStampCommand | A zypp history log line identifying the program that triggered the following commit |
CHistoryLogPatchStateChange | A zypp history log line for an installed packaged |
CIdString | Access to the sat-pools string space |
CIdStringType | Base class for creating IdString based types |
CInputStream | Helper to create and pass std::istream |
CInstanceId | Build string to identify/retrieve a specific Solvable |
Cis_container | Whether Tp is a container (begin/end iterabel, but not plain std::string) |
CIterable | |
►CJobReport | Generic report for sending messages |
CEMsgTypeDef | Message type (use like 'enum class MsgType') |
CKeyContext | |
►CKeyManagerCtx | |
CImpl | |
►CKeyRing | Gpg key handling |
CImpl | KeyRing implementation |
CKeyRingException | |
CKeyRingReport | Callbacks from signature verification workflow |
CKeyRingSignals | |
CKVMap | A map of (key,value) strings |
CLanguageCode | Language codes (iso639_2/iso639_1) |
CLocale | 'Language[_Country]' codes |
CLocaleGuard | Temorarily change a locale category value |
CLockingOutputIterator | Iterator that takes lock, lock all solvables from query and send query to output iterator |
►CLocks | Singleton class which manipulate with locks file and apply locks on pool |
CImpl | |
CLocksCleanPredicate | |
CLocksRemovePredicate | |
CLogClient | |
CLogThread | |
CMapKVIteratorTraits | Traits for std::map key and value iterators |
CMatch | String matching option flags as used e.g |
CMatchException | Exceptions thrown from attribute matching |
CMatchInvalidRegexException | Invalid regular expression (failed ::regcomp) |
CMatchUnknownModeException | Unknown match mode |
CMediaConfig | |
CMediaConfigPrivate | |
CMediaProductEntry | Represents an available product in media |
►CMediaSetAccess | Media access layer responsible for handling files distributed on a set of media with media change and abort/retry/ingore user callback handling |
CReleaseFileGuard | |
CMyInserter | |
►CNamedValue | Simple value<>name mapping supporting aliases |
CTInserter | |
CNullDeleter | Shared_ptr custom deleter doing nothing |
CNullFileChecker | Checks for nothing Used as the default checker |
►COnMediaLocation | Describes a resource file located on a medium |
CImpl | OnMediaLocation implementation |
COption | Mutable option |
CPackage | Package interface |
CPackageKeyword | Package keywords |
►CPatch | Class representing a patch |
CReferenceIterator | Query class for Patch issue references like bugzilla and security issues the patch is supposed to fix |
►CPattern | Pattern interface |
CContentsSet | |
►CPluginExecutor | Parallel execution of stateful PluginScripts |
CImpl | PluginExecutor implementation |
►CPluginFrame | Command frame for communication with PluginScript |
CImpl | PluginFrame implementation |
CPluginFrameException | Base class for PluginFrame Exception |
►CPluginScript | Interface to plugin scripts using a Stomp inspired communication protocol |
CImpl | PluginScript implementation |
CPluginScriptException | Base class for PluginScript Exception |
►CPoolItem | Combining sat::Solvable and ResStatus |
CImpl | PoolItem implementation |
►CPoolItemBest | Find the best candidates e.g |
CImpl | PoolItemBest implementation |
CPoolItemSaver | Tem |
►CPoolQuery | Meta-data query API |
CImpl | |
CPoolQueryAttr | All atributes in PoolQuery except SolvAtributes, which are used as is (not needed extend anything if someone adds new solv attr) |
CPoolQueryResult | Helper class to collect (not only) PoolQuery results |
►CProblemSolution | Class representing one possible solution to a problem found during resolving |
CImpl | ProblemSolution implementation |
►CProduct | Product interface |
CUrlList | Helper to iterate a products URL lists |
►CProgressData | Maintain [min,max] and counter (value) for progress counting |
CData | |
CProgressReport | |
CProgressReportAdaptor | |
CProvideDirOperation | |
CProvideDirTreeOperation | |
CProvideFileExistenceOperation | |
CProvideFileOperation | |
CProvideFilePolicy | Policy for provideFile and RepoMediaAccess |
►CPublicKey | Class representing one GPG Public Key (PublicKeyData + ASCII armored in a tempfile) |
CImpl | PublicKey implementation |
►CPublicKeyData | Class representing one GPG Public Keys data |
CImpl | PublicKeyData implementation |
►CPublicKeySignatureData | Class representing a signature on a GPG Public Key |
CImpl | PublicKeySignatureData implementation |
►CPublicSubkeyData | Class representing a GPG Public Keys subkeys |
CImpl | PublicSubkeyData implementation |
►CPurgeKernels | |
CImpl | |
CRange | |
CRel | Relational operators |
►CRepoInfo | What is known about a repository |
CImpl | RepoInfo implementation |
►CRepoManager | Creates and provides information about known sources |
CMatchServiceAlias | Functor thats filter RepoInfo by service which it belongs to |
CRepoManagerOptions | Repo manager settings |
►CRepository | |
CEraseFromPool | Functor removing Repository from its Pool |
CProductInfoIterator | Query class for Repository related products |
►CRepoStatus | Track changing files or directories |
CImpl | RepoStatus implementation |
CResKind | Resolvable kinds |
CResObject | Base for resolvable objects |
CResolvable | Base for resolvable objects |
CResolver | Dependency resolver interface |
►CResolverProblem | Describe a solver problem and offer solutions |
CImpl | ResolverProblem implementation |
►CResPool | Global ResObject pool |
►CEstablishedStates | A copy of the Pools initial ValidateValues of pseudo installed items |
CImpl | Store initial establish status of pseudo installed items |
►CResPoolProxy | ResPool::instance().proxy(); |
CImpl | ResPoolProxy implementation |
►CScopedSaveState | Exception safe scoped save/restore state |
CImpl | |
CResStatus | Status bitfield |
CResTraits | ResTraits |
CResTraits< ResObject > | ResTraits specialisation for ResObject |
CResTraits< Resolvable > | ResTraits specialisation for Resolvable |
CRW_pointer | Wrapper for const correct access via Smart pointer types |
CRWCOW_pointer | RW_pointer supporting 'copy on write' functionality |
CSameFetcherIndex | Std::set ordering (less semantic) |
CSavingLocksReport | This callback handles merging old locks with newly added or removed |
CSerialNumber | Simple serial number provider |
CSerialNumberWatcher | Simple serial number watcher |
►CServiceInfo | Service data |
CImpl | |
CRepoState | |
CShutdownLock | Attempts to create a lock to prevent the system from going into hibernate/shutdown |
CSignalSaver | Exception safe signal handler save/restore |
CSignature | |
CSignatureCheckException | |
CSignatureFileChecker | Checks for the validity of a signature |
CSigprocmaskSaver | Exception safe sigprocmask save/restore |
CSpinLock | |
CSrcPackage | SrcPackage interface |
CStringTypeAttr | |
►CStrMatcher | String matching (STRING|SUBSTRING|GLOB|REGEX) |
CImpl | StrMatcher implementation |
►CTarget | |
CDistributionLabel | |
CUByteArray | |
CUpdateNotificationFile | Pair of sat::Solvable and Pathname |
CUrl | Url manipulation class |
CUserDataJobReport | JobReport convenience sending this instance of UserData with each message |
CUserRequestException | Base for exceptions caused by explicit user request |
►CVendorAttr | Definition of vendor equivalence |
CImpl | VendorAttr implementation |
CWatchFile | Remember a files attributes to detect content changes |
►CZConfig | Interim helper class to collect global options and settings |
►CImpl | ZConfig implementation |
CMultiversionMap | |
CTargetDefaults | Settings that follow a changed Target |
CZYpp | |
►CZYppCommitPolicy | Options and policies for ZYpp::commit |
CImpl | |
►CZYppCommitResult | Result returned from ZYpp::commit |
CImpl | |
CZYppFactory | ZYpp factory class (Singleton) |
CZYppFactoryException | |
CZYppGlobalLock | Our broken global lock |
►Nzypp_private | |
►Nrepo | |
CMonitor | |
►CPluginRepoverification | Repository metadata verification beyond GPG |
►CChecker | FileChecker checking all repoverification plugins |
CImpl | PluginRepoverification::Checker data storage |
CImpl | PluginRepoverification implementation |
CPluginRepoverificationCheckException | Exceptiontype thrown if a plugins verification fails |
Nzyppintern | |
►Nzyppng | |
NAttachMsgFields | |
NAuthDataRequestMsgFields | |
NAuthInfoMsgFields | |
Nconstants | |
NDetachMsgFields | |
NEjectMsgFields | |
NErrMsgFields | |
NMediaChangeRequestMsgFields | |
NMetalinkRedirectMsgFields | |
NProvideFinishedMsgFields | |
NProvideMsgFields | |
NProvideStartedMsgFields | |
NRedirectMsgFields | |
►Nworker | |
CAttachedMedia | |
CAttachError | |
CAuthInfo | |
CDevice | |
CDeviceDriver | |
CMountingWorker | |
CProvideWorker | |
CProvideWorkerItem | |
CRequestCancelException | |
CAttachedMediaInfo | |
CAttachMediaItem | |
CBasicDownloaderStateBase | |
CDetectMetalinkState | |
CDlMetaLinkInfoState | |
CDlMetalinkState | |
CDlNormalFileState | |
CDownload | |
CDownloader | The Downloader class |
CDownloaderPrivate | |
CDownloadPrivate | |
►CDownloadPrivateBase | |
CBlock | |
CRequest | |
CDownloadSpec | |
CDownloadSpecPrivate | |
CFinishedState | |
CHeaderValue | |
►CHeaderValueMap | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CInitialState | |
CMediaDataVerifier | |
►CMirrorControl | |
CMirror | |
CPickResult | |
CMirrorHandlingStateBase | |
►CNetworkRequest | |
CRange | |
CTimings | |
CNetworkRequestDispatcherPrivate | |
CNetworkRequestError | The NetworkRequestError class Represents a error that occured in |
CNetworkRequestErrorPrivate | |
►CNetworkRequestPrivate | |
Cfinished_t | |
Cpending_t | |
CprepareNextRangeBatch_t | |
Crunning_t | |
CPrepareMultiState | |
CProvide | |
CProvideFileItem | |
►CProvideFileSpec | |
CImpl | |
►CProvideItem | |
CItemStats | |
CProvideItemPrivate | |
►CProvideMediaHandle | |
CData | |
►CProvideMediaSpec | |
CImpl | |
CProvideMessage | |
►CProvidePrivate | |
CFileCacheItem | |
CQueueItem | |
CProvidePromise | |
►CProvideQueue | |
CItem | |
CProvideRequest | |
CProvideRes | A ProvideRes object is a reference counted ownership of a resource in the cache provided by a Provide instance |
CProvideResourceData | |
CProvideSpecBasePrivate | |
►CProvideStatus | |
CStats | |
CRangeDownloaderBaseState | |
CSuseMediaDataVerifier | |