libzypp 17.31.23
zypp::str Namespace Reference

String related utilities and Regular expression matching. More...


class  Format
 Convenient building of std::string with boost::format. More...
class  regex
 Regular expression. More...
struct  SafeBuf
 Assert free called for allocated char *. More...
class  smatch
 Regular expression match result. More...
class  Str
 Convenient building of std::string via std::ostringstream Basically a std::ostringstream autoconvertible to std::string for building string arguments. More...


typedef Exception regex_error


std::string form (const char *format,...) __attribute__((format(printf
 Printf style construction of std::string.
bool regex_match (const std::string &s, smatch &matches, const regex &regex)
 \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX
bool regex_match (const char *s, const regex &regex)
 \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX
bool regex_match (const std::string &s, const regex &regex)
 \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX
std::string regex_substitute (const std::string &s, const regex &regex, const std::string &replacement, bool global=true)
 Replaces the matched regex with the string passed in replacement.
std::string strerror (int errno_r)
 Return string describing the error_r code.
const std::string & asString (const std::string &t)
 Global asString() that works with std::string too.
std::string && asString (std::string &&t)
std::string asString (const char *t)
std::string asString (char *t)
template<class Tp >
std::string asString (const Tp &t)
template<class Tp >
std::string asString (const intrusive_ptr< Tp > &p)
template<class Tp >
std::string asString (const weak_ptr< Tp > &p)
std::string asString (const bool &t)
String representation of number as octal value with leading '0'.

Optional second argument sets the minimal string width (0 padded).

Negative values will cause the number to be left adjusted within the string. Default width is 5 (4 for char).

octstring(42)           -> "00052"
octstring(42, 4)        -> "0052"
octstring(42,-4)        -> "052 "
bool strToTrue (const C_Str &str)
 Parsing boolean from string.
bool strToFalse (const C_Str &str)
 Return false if str is 0, false, no, off, never.
TriBool strToTriBool (const C_Str &str)
 Parse str into a bool if it's a legal true or false string; else indeterminate.
std::string gsub (const std::string &str_r, const std::string &from_r, const std::string &to_r)
 Return a string with all occurrences of from_r replaced with to_r.
std::string & replaceAll (std::string &str_r, const std::string &from_r, const std::string &to_r)
 Replace all occurrences of from_r with to_r in str_r (inplace).
std::string gsubFun (const std::string &str_r, const std::string &from_r, function< std::string()> to_r)
std::string & replaceAllFun (std::string &str_r, const std::string &from_r, function< std::string()> to_r)
std::string octstring (char n, int w=4)
std::string octstring (unsigned char n, int w=4)
std::string octstring (short n, int w=5)
std::string octstring (unsigned short n, int w=5)
std::string octstring (int n, int w=5)
std::string octstring (unsigned n, int w=5)
std::string octstring (long n, int w=5)
std::string octstring (unsigned long n, int w=5)
std::string octstring (long long n, int w=0)
std::string octstring (unsigned long long n, int w=0)
template<typename TInt >
std::string binstring (TInt val_r)
 String representation of number as bit-string with leading '0's.
template<typename TInt >
TInt strtonum (const C_Str &str)
 Parsing numbers from string.
short strtonum (const C_Str &str)
int strtonum (const C_Str &str)
long strtonum (const C_Str &str)
long long strtonum (const C_Str &str)
unsigned short strtonum (const C_Str &str)
unsigned strtonum (const C_Str &str)
unsigned long strtonum (const C_Str &str)
unsigned long long strtonum (const C_Str &str)
template<typename TInt >
TInt strtonum (const C_Str &str, TInt &i)
 String to integer type detemined 2nd function arg i.
bool strToBool (const C_Str &str, bool default_r)
 Parse str into a bool depending on the default value.
bool strToBoolNodefault (const C_Str &str, bool &return_r)
 Parse str into a bool if it's a legal true or false string.
std::string gapify (std::string inp_r, std::string::size_type gap_r=1, char gapchar=' ')
 Enhance readability: insert gaps at regular distance.

Encode all characters other than [a-zA-Z0-9] as XX.


This includes the % character itself, which becomes %25.

std::string hexencode (const C_Str &str_r)
 Encode all characters other than [a-zA-Z0-9] as XX.
std::string hexdecode (const C_Str &str_r)
 Decode hexencoded XX sequences.
Case conversion.
std::string toLower (const std::string &s)
 Return lowercase version of s.
std::string toLower (std::string &&s)
std::string toUpper (const std::string &s)
 Return uppercase version of s.
std::string toUpper (std::string &&s)
std::string toLower (const char *s)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
std::string toUpper (const char *s)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Locate substring.
std::string stripFirstWord (std::string &line, const bool ltrim_first)
std::string stripLastWord (std::string &line, const bool rtrim_first)
std::string getline (std::istream &str, const Trim trim_r)
 Return stream content up to (but not returning) the next newline.
std::string getline (std::istream &str, bool trim=false)
 Return stream content up to (but not returning) the next newline.
std::string receiveUpTo (std::istream &str, const char delim_r, bool returnDelim_r=false)
 Return stream content up to the next ocurrence of delim_r or EOF delim_r, if found, is always read from the stream.
bool contains (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &val_r)
 Locate substring case sensitive.
bool containsCI (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &val_r)
 Locate substring case insensitive.
std::string escape (const C_Str &str_r, const char c=' ')
 Escape desired character c using a backslash.
std::string bEscape (std::string str_r, const C_Str &special_r)
 Return str_r with '\'-escaped chars occurring in special_r (and '\').
std::string rxEscapeStr (std::string str_r)
 Escape plain STRING str_r for use in a regex (not anchored by "^" or "$").
std::string rxEscapeGlob (std::string str_r)
 Escape GLOB str_r for use in a regex (not anchored by "^" or "$").
void appendEscaped (std::string &str_r, const C_Str &next_r, const char sep_r=' ')
 Escape next_r and append it to str_r using separator sep_r.
String representation of number.

Optional second argument sets the minimal string width (' ' padded).

Negative values will cause the number to be left adjusted within the string.

Default width is 0.

numstring(42) -> "42"
numstring(42, 4) -> " 42"
numstring(42,-4) -> "42 "
std::string numstring(char n, int w=0)
Definition: String.h:289
std::string numstring (char n, int w=0)
std::string numstring (unsigned char n, int w=0)
std::string numstring (short n, int w=0)
std::string numstring (unsigned short n, int w=0)
std::string numstring (int n, int w=0)
std::string numstring (unsigned n, int w=0)
std::string numstring (long n, int w=0)
std::string numstring (unsigned long n, int w=0)
std::string numstring (long long n, int w=0)
std::string numstring (unsigned long long n, int w=0)
std::string asString (const char &t)
std::string asString (const unsigned char &t)
std::string asString (const short &t)
std::string asString (const unsigned short &t)
std::string asString (const int &t)
std::string asString (const unsigned &t)
std::string asString (const long &t)
std::string asString (const unsigned long &t)
std::string asString (const long long &t)
std::string asString (const unsigned long long &t)
String representation of number as hex value with leading '0x'.

Optional second argument sets the minimal string width (0 padded).

Negative values will cause the number to be left adjusted within the string. Default width is 10 (4 for char).

hexstring(42)           -> "0x0000002a"
hexstring(42, 4)        -> "0x2a"
hexstring(42,-4)        -> "0x2a"
std::string hexstring (char n, int w=4)
std::string hexstring (unsigned char n, int w=4)
std::string hexstring (short n, int w=10)
std::string hexstring (unsigned short n, int w=10)
std::string hexstring (int n, int w=10)
std::string hexstring (unsigned n, int w=10)
std::string hexstring (long n, int w=10)
std::string hexstring (unsigned long n, int w=10)
std::string hexstring (long long n, int w=0)
std::string hexstring (unsigned long long n, int w=0)
template<class TOutputIterator >
unsigned split (const C_Str &line_r, TOutputIterator result_r, const C_Str &sepchars_r=" \t", const Trim trim_r=NO_TRIM)
 Split line_r into words.
template<class TOutputIterator >
unsigned split (const C_Str &line_r, TOutputIterator result_r, const Trim trim_r)
template<class TOutputIterator >
unsigned splitEscaped (const C_Str &line_r, TOutputIterator result_r, const C_Str &sepchars_r=" \t", bool withEmpty=false)
 Split line_r into words with respect to escape delimeters.
template<class TOutputIterator >
unsigned splitFields (const C_Str &line_r, TOutputIterator result_r, const C_Str &sepchars_r=":")
 Split line_r into fields.
template<class TOutputIterator >
unsigned splitFieldsEscaped (const C_Str &line_r, TOutputIterator result_r, const C_Str &sepchars_r=":")
 Split line_r into fields handling also escaped separators.
template<class TIterator >
std::string join (TIterator begin, TIterator end, const C_Str &sep_r=" ")
 Join strings using separator sep_r (defaults to BLANK).
template<class TContainer >
std::string join (const TContainer &cont_r, const C_Str &sep_r=" ")
 Join strings using separator sep_r (defaults to BLANK).
template<class TIterator >
std::string joinEscaped (TIterator begin, TIterator end, const char sep_r=' ')
 Join strings using separator sep_r, quoting or escaping the values.
std::ostream & printIndented (std::ostream &str, const std::string &text_r, const std::string &indent_r=" ", unsigned maxWitdh_r=0)
 Indent by string [" "] optionally wrap.
std::ostream & printIndented (std::ostream &str, const std::string &text_r, unsigned indent_r, char indentch_r=' ', unsigned maxWitdh_r=0)
std::ostream & printIndented (std::ostream &str, const std::string &text_r, unsigned indent_r, unsigned maxWitdh_r, char indentch_r=' ')
std::ostream & autoPrefix (std::ostream &str, const std::string &text_r, function< std::string(const char *, const char *)> fnc_r)
 Prefix lines by string computed by function taking line begin/end [std::string(const char*, const char*)] Prints nothing for an empty string.
std::ostream & autoPrefix0 (std::ostream &str, const std::string &text_r, function< std::string()> fnc_r)
Case insensitive comparison.
int compareCI (const C_Str &lhs, const C_Str &rhs)
String prefix/suffix handling.
bool hasPrefix (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &prefix_r)
 Return whether str_r has prefix prefix_r.
bool hasPrefixCI (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &prefix_r)
std::string stripPrefix (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &prefix_r)
 Strip a prefix_r from str_r and return the resulting string.
std::string stripPrefixCI (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &prefix_r)
bool hasSuffix (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &suffix_r)
 Return whether str_r has suffix suffix_r.
bool hasSuffixCI (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &suffix_r)
std::string stripSuffix (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &suffix_r)
 Strip a suffix_r from str_r and return the resulting string.
std::string stripSuffixCI (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &suffix_r)
std::string::size_type commonPrefix (const C_Str &lhs, const C_Str &rhs)
 Return size of the common prefix of lhs and rhs.
std::string::size_type commonPrefixCI (const C_Str &lhs, const C_Str &rhs)
bool startsWith (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &prefix_r)
 alias for hasPrefix
bool startsWithCI (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &prefix_r)
bool endsWith (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &prefix_r)
 alias for hasSuffix
bool endsWithCI (const C_Str &str_r, const C_Str &prefix_r)

Trimming whitepace.

optimize l/r trim.
enum  Trim { NO_TRIM = 0x00 , L_TRIM = 0x01 , R_TRIM = 0x02 , TRIM = (L_TRIM|R_TRIM) }
 To define how to trim. More...
std::string trim (const std::string &s, const Trim trim_r)
std::string trim (std::string &&s, const Trim trim_r)
std::string ltrim (const std::string &s)
std::string ltrim (std::string &&s)
std::string rtrim (const std::string &s)
std::string rtrim (std::string &&s)

Detailed Description

String related utilities and Regular expression matching.

See also
Regular expression matching

Typedef Documentation

◆ regex_error

Definition at line 54 of file Regex.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Trim

To define how to trim.


Definition at line 496 of file String.h.

Function Documentation

◆ form()

std::string zypp::str::form ( const char *  format,

Printf style construction of std::string.

Definition at line 36 of file

◆ regex_match() [1/3]

bool zypp::str::regex_match ( const std::string &  s,
smatch matches,
const regex regex 

\relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX

\relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX

Definition at line 70 of file Regex.h.

◆ regex_match() [2/3]

bool zypp::str::regex_match ( const char *  s,
const regex regex 

\relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX

\relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX

Definition at line 83 of file

◆ regex_match() [3/3]

bool zypp::str::regex_match ( const std::string &  s,
const regex regex 

\relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX

\relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX \relates regex \ingroup ZYPP_STR_REGEX

Definition at line 77 of file Regex.h.

◆ regex_substitute()

std::string zypp::str::regex_substitute ( const std::string &  s,
const regex regex,
const std::string &  replacement,
bool  global = true 

Replaces the matched regex with the string passed in replacement.

If global is set the search continues after the first match

Using backreferences in the replacement string is NOT supported.

Definition at line 120 of file

◆ strerror()

std::string std::string zypp::str::strerror ( int  errno_r)

Return string describing the error_r code.

Like strerror, but the numerical value is included in the string as well.

Definition at line 53 of file

◆ strToTrue()

bool zypp::str::strToTrue ( const C_Str str)

Parsing boolean from string.

Return true if str is 1, true, yes, on, always (or a nonzero number).

Definition at line 63 of file

◆ strToFalse()

bool zypp::str::strToFalse ( const C_Str str)

Return false if str is 0, false, no, off, never.

Definition at line 81 of file

◆ strToTriBool()

TriBool zypp::str::strToTriBool ( const C_Str str)

Parse str into a bool if it's a legal true or false string; else indeterminate.

Definition at line 93 of file

◆ hexencode()

std::string zypp::str::hexencode ( const C_Str str_r)

Encode all characters other than [a-zA-Z0-9] as XX.

This includes the % character itself, which becomes %25.

Definition at line 124 of file

◆ hexdecode()

std::string zypp::str::hexdecode ( const C_Str str_r)

Decode hexencoded XX sequences.

Definition at line 145 of file

◆ toLower() [1/3]

std::string zypp::str::toLower ( const std::string &  s)

Return lowercase version of s.


Definition at line 177 of file

◆ toLower() [2/3]

std::string zypp::str::toLower ( std::string &&  s)

Definition at line 180 of file

◆ toUpper() [1/3]

std::string zypp::str::toUpper ( const std::string &  s)

Return uppercase version of s.


Definition at line 200 of file

◆ toUpper() [2/3]

std::string zypp::str::toUpper ( std::string &&  s)

Definition at line 203 of file

◆ trim() [1/2]

std::string zypp::str::trim ( const std::string &  s,
const Trim  trim_r 

Definition at line 223 of file

◆ trim() [2/2]

std::string zypp::str::trim ( std::string &&  s,
const Trim  trim_r 

Definition at line 226 of file

◆ stripFirstWord()

std::string zypp::str::stripFirstWord ( std::string &  line,
const bool  ltrim_first 

Definition at line 263 of file

◆ stripLastWord()

std::string zypp::str::stripLastWord ( std::string &  line,
const bool  rtrim_first 

Definition at line 296 of file

◆ gsub()

std::string zypp::str::gsub ( const std::string &  str_r,
const std::string &  from_r,
const std::string &  to_r 

Return a string with all occurrences of from_r replaced with to_r.

Definition at line 324 of file

◆ replaceAll()

std::string & zypp::str::replaceAll ( std::string &  str_r,
const std::string &  from_r,
const std::string &  to_r 

Replace all occurrences of from_r with to_r in str_r (inplace).

A reference to str_r is also returned for convenience.

Definition at line 330 of file

◆ gsubFun()

std::string zypp::str::gsubFun ( const std::string &  str_r,
const std::string &  from_r,
function< std::string()>  to_r 

Definition at line 347 of file

◆ replaceAllFun()

std::string & zypp::str::replaceAllFun ( std::string &  str_r,
const std::string &  from_r,
function< std::string()>  to_r 

Definition at line 353 of file

◆ escape()

std::string zypp::str::escape ( const C_Str str_r,
const char  c = ' ' 

Escape desired character c using a backslash.

For use when printing c separated values, and where joinEscaped() is too heavy.

Definition at line 371 of file

◆ bEscape()

std::string zypp::str::bEscape ( std::string  str_r,
const C_Str special_r 

Return str_r with '\'-escaped chars occurring in special_r (and '\').

Definition at line 394 of file

◆ rxEscapeStr()

std::string zypp::str::rxEscapeStr ( std::string  str_r)

Escape plain STRING str_r for use in a regex (not anchored by "^" or "$").

Definition at line 415 of file

◆ rxEscapeGlob()

std::string zypp::str::rxEscapeGlob ( std::string  str_r)

Escape GLOB str_r for use in a regex (not anchored by "^" or "$").

Definition at line 420 of file

◆ getline() [1/2]

std::string zypp::str::getline ( std::istream &  str,
const Trim  trim_r 

Return stream content up to (but not returning) the next newline.

See also

Definition at line 478 of file

◆ getline() [2/2]

std::string zypp::str::getline ( std::istream &  str,
bool  trim = false 

Return stream content up to (but not returning) the next newline.

See also

Definition at line 483 of file

◆ receiveUpTo()

std::string zypp::str::receiveUpTo ( std::istream &  str,
const char  delim_r,
bool  returnDelim_r = false 

Return stream content up to the next ocurrence of delim_r or EOF delim_r, if found, is always read from the stream.

Whether it is also returned in the string depends on returnDelim_r. If the stream status is good, delim_r was found in the stream. If we reached EOF while looking for delim_r, eof is set; and also fail, if we did not read any data before.

Definition at line 488 of file

◆ asString() [1/18]

const std::string & zypp::str::asString ( const std::string &  t)

Global asString() that works with std::string too.

Definition at line 139 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [2/18]

std::string && zypp::str::asString ( std::string &&  t)

Definition at line 142 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [3/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const char *  t)

Definition at line 145 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [4/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( char *  t)

Definition at line 148 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [5/18]

template<class Tp >
std::string zypp::str::asString ( const Tp &  t)

Definition at line 152 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [6/18]

template<class Tp >
std::string zypp::str::asString ( const intrusive_ptr< Tp > &  p)

Definition at line 156 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [7/18]

template<class Tp >
std::string zypp::str::asString ( const weak_ptr< Tp > &  p)

Definition at line 160 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [8/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const bool t)

Definition at line 164 of file String.h.

◆ numstring() [1/10]

std::string zypp::str::numstring ( char  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 289 of file String.h.

◆ numstring() [2/10]

std::string zypp::str::numstring ( unsigned char  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 290 of file String.h.

◆ numstring() [3/10]

std::string zypp::str::numstring ( short  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 291 of file String.h.

◆ numstring() [4/10]

std::string zypp::str::numstring ( unsigned short  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 292 of file String.h.

◆ numstring() [5/10]

std::string zypp::str::numstring ( int  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 293 of file String.h.

◆ numstring() [6/10]

std::string zypp::str::numstring ( unsigned  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 294 of file String.h.

◆ numstring() [7/10]

std::string zypp::str::numstring ( long  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 295 of file String.h.

◆ numstring() [8/10]

std::string zypp::str::numstring ( unsigned long  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 296 of file String.h.

◆ numstring() [9/10]

std::string zypp::str::numstring ( long long  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 297 of file String.h.

◆ numstring() [10/10]

std::string zypp::str::numstring ( unsigned long long  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 298 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [9/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const char &  t)

Definition at line 300 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [10/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const unsigned char &  t)

Definition at line 301 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [11/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const short &  t)

Definition at line 302 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [12/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const unsigned short &  t)

Definition at line 303 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [13/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const int &  t)

Definition at line 304 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [14/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const unsigned &  t)

Definition at line 305 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [15/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const long &  t)

Definition at line 306 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [16/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const unsigned long &  t)

Definition at line 307 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [17/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const long long &  t)

Definition at line 308 of file String.h.

◆ asString() [18/18]

std::string zypp::str::asString ( const unsigned long long &  t)

Definition at line 309 of file String.h.

◆ hexstring() [1/10]

std::string zypp::str::hexstring ( char  n,
int  w = 4 

Definition at line 324 of file String.h.

◆ hexstring() [2/10]

std::string zypp::str::hexstring ( unsigned char  n,
int  w = 4 

Definition at line 325 of file String.h.

◆ hexstring() [3/10]

std::string zypp::str::hexstring ( short  n,
int  w = 10 

Definition at line 326 of file String.h.

◆ hexstring() [4/10]

std::string zypp::str::hexstring ( unsigned short  n,
int  w = 10 

Definition at line 327 of file String.h.

◆ hexstring() [5/10]

std::string zypp::str::hexstring ( int  n,
int  w = 10 

Definition at line 328 of file String.h.

◆ hexstring() [6/10]

std::string zypp::str::hexstring ( unsigned  n,
int  w = 10 

Definition at line 329 of file String.h.

◆ hexstring() [7/10]

std::string zypp::str::hexstring ( long  n,
int  w = 10 

Definition at line 330 of file String.h.

◆ hexstring() [8/10]

std::string zypp::str::hexstring ( unsigned long  n,
int  w = 10 

Definition at line 331 of file String.h.

◆ hexstring() [9/10]

std::string zypp::str::hexstring ( long long  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 332 of file String.h.

◆ hexstring() [10/10]

std::string zypp::str::hexstring ( unsigned long long  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 333 of file String.h.

◆ octstring() [1/10]

std::string zypp::str::octstring ( char  n,
int  w = 4 

Definition at line 348 of file String.h.

◆ octstring() [2/10]

std::string zypp::str::octstring ( unsigned char  n,
int  w = 4 

Definition at line 349 of file String.h.

◆ octstring() [3/10]

std::string zypp::str::octstring ( short  n,
int  w = 5 

Definition at line 350 of file String.h.

◆ octstring() [4/10]

std::string zypp::str::octstring ( unsigned short  n,
int  w = 5 

Definition at line 351 of file String.h.

◆ octstring() [5/10]

std::string zypp::str::octstring ( int  n,
int  w = 5 

Definition at line 352 of file String.h.

◆ octstring() [6/10]

std::string zypp::str::octstring ( unsigned  n,
int  w = 5 

Definition at line 353 of file String.h.

◆ octstring() [7/10]

std::string zypp::str::octstring ( long  n,
int  w = 5 

Definition at line 354 of file String.h.

◆ octstring() [8/10]

std::string zypp::str::octstring ( unsigned long  n,
int  w = 5 

Definition at line 355 of file String.h.

◆ octstring() [9/10]

std::string zypp::str::octstring ( long long  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 356 of file String.h.

◆ octstring() [10/10]

std::string zypp::str::octstring ( unsigned long long  n,
int  w = 0 

Definition at line 357 of file String.h.

◆ binstring()

template<typename TInt >
std::string zypp::str::binstring ( TInt  val_r)

String representation of number as bit-string with leading '0's.

Definition at line 364 of file String.h.

◆ strtonum() [1/10]

template<typename TInt >
TInt zypp::str::strtonum ( const C_Str str)

Parsing numbers from string.

String to integer type determined by template arg.

Only specializations are defined.
time_t t = strtonum<time_t>( "42" );

◆ strtonum() [2/10]

short zypp::str::strtonum ( const C_Str str)

Definition at line 388 of file String.h.

◆ strtonum() [3/10]

int zypp::str::strtonum ( const C_Str str)

Definition at line 390 of file String.h.

◆ strtonum() [4/10]

long zypp::str::strtonum ( const C_Str str)

Definition at line 392 of file String.h.

◆ strtonum() [5/10]

long long zypp::str::strtonum ( const C_Str str)

Definition at line 394 of file String.h.

◆ strtonum() [6/10]

unsigned short zypp::str::strtonum ( const C_Str str)

Definition at line 397 of file String.h.

◆ strtonum() [7/10]

unsigned zypp::str::strtonum ( const C_Str str)

Definition at line 399 of file String.h.

◆ strtonum() [8/10]

unsigned long zypp::str::strtonum ( const C_Str str)

Definition at line 401 of file String.h.

◆ strtonum() [9/10]

unsigned long long zypp::str::strtonum ( const C_Str str)

Definition at line 403 of file String.h.

◆ strtonum() [10/10]

template<typename TInt >
TInt zypp::str::strtonum ( const C_Str str,
TInt &  i 

String to integer type detemined 2nd function arg i.

time_t t; strtonum( "42", t );
TInt strtonum(const C_Str &str)
Parsing numbers from string.

Definition at line 411 of file String.h.

◆ strToBool()

bool zypp::str::strToBool ( const C_Str str,
bool  default_r 

Parse str into a bool depending on the default value.

If the default is true, look for a legal false string. If the default is false, look for a legal true string.

Definition at line 429 of file String.h.

◆ strToBoolNodefault()

bool zypp::str::strToBoolNodefault ( const C_Str str,
bool return_r 

Parse str into a bool if it's a legal true or false string.

If str is not a recognized true or false string, return_r is left unchanged.

Definition at line 436 of file String.h.

◆ gapify()

std::string zypp::str::gapify ( std::string  inp_r,
std::string::size_type  gap_r = 1,
char  gapchar = ' ' 

Enhance readability: insert gaps at regular distance.

// no gaps
Key Fingerprint: 22C07BA534178CD02EFE22AAB88B2FD43DBDC284
// gapify 8
Key Fingerprint: 22C07BA5 34178CD0 2EFE22AA B88B2FD4 3DBDC284
// gapify 4
Key Fingerprint: 22C0 7BA5 3417 8CD0 2EFE 22AA B88B 2FD4 3DBD C284
// gapify 4, '-'
Key Fingerprint: 22C0-7BA5-3417-8CD0-2EFE-22AA-B88B-2FD4-3DBD-C284

Definition at line 479 of file String.h.

◆ ltrim() [1/2]

std::string zypp::str::ltrim ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 506 of file String.h.

◆ ltrim() [2/2]

std::string zypp::str::ltrim ( std::string &&  s)

Definition at line 508 of file String.h.

◆ rtrim() [1/2]

std::string zypp::str::rtrim ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 511 of file String.h.

◆ rtrim() [2/2]

std::string zypp::str::rtrim ( std::string &&  s)

Definition at line 513 of file String.h.

◆ split() [1/2]

template<class TOutputIterator >
unsigned zypp::str::split ( const C_Str line_r,
TOutputIterator  result_r,
const C_Str sepchars_r = " \t",
const Trim  trim_r = NO_TRIM 

Split line_r into words.

Any sequence of characters in sepchars_r is treated as delimiter. The words are passed to OutputIterator result_r.

std::vector<std::string> words;
str::split( "some line", std::back_inserter(words) )
unsigned split(const C_Str &line_r, TOutputIterator result_r, const C_Str &sepchars_r=" \t", const Trim trim_r=NO_TRIM)
Split line_r into words.
Definition: String.h:531

Definition at line 531 of file String.h.

◆ split() [2/2]

template<class TOutputIterator >
unsigned zypp::str::split ( const C_Str line_r,
TOutputIterator  result_r,
const Trim  trim_r 

Definition at line 554 of file String.h.

◆ splitEscaped()

template<class TOutputIterator >
unsigned zypp::str::splitEscaped ( const C_Str line_r,
TOutputIterator  result_r,
const C_Str sepchars_r = " \t",
bool  withEmpty = false 

Split line_r into words with respect to escape delimeters.

Any sequence of characters in sepchars_r is treated as delimiter if not inside "" or '' or escaped by .

  • A non-quoted backslash () preserves the literal value of the next character.
  • Enclosing characters in single quotes preserves the literal value of each character within the quotes. A single quote may not occur between single quotes, even when preceded by a backslash.
  • Enclosing characters in double quotes preserves the literal value of all characters within the quotes, with the exception of . The backslash retains its special meaning only when followed by " or \c \. The words are passed to OutputIterator \a result_r. \see \ref splitEscaped @code std::vector<std::string> words; str::splitEscaped( "some line", std::back_inserter(words) ) \endcode @code example splitted strings normal line -> 2 elements ( "normal", "line" ) escaped\ line -> 1 element(escaped line) "quoted line" -> 1 element same as above 'quoted line' -> 1 element same as above "escaped quote"" -> 1 element (escaped quote")
line_rThe string to parse.
sepchars_rString of separator characters.
withEmptyWhether to include empty fields between separators in the result.

Definition at line 595 of file String.h.

◆ splitFields()

template<class TOutputIterator >
unsigned zypp::str::splitFields ( const C_Str line_r,
TOutputIterator  result_r,
const C_Str sepchars_r = ":" 

Split line_r into fields.

Any single character in sepchars_r is treated as a field separator unless -escaped. The words are passed to OutputIterator. result_r.

"" -> words 0
":" -> words 2 |||
"a" -> words 1 |a|
":a" -> words 2 ||a|
"a:" -> words 2 |a||
":a:" -> words 3 ||a||
unsigned short a
std::vector<std::string> words;
str::split( "some line", std::back_inserter(words) )

Definition at line 725 of file String.h.

◆ splitFieldsEscaped()

template<class TOutputIterator >
unsigned zypp::str::splitFieldsEscaped ( const C_Str line_r,
TOutputIterator  result_r,
const C_Str sepchars_r = ":" 

Split line_r into fields handling also escaped separators.

See also

Definition at line 764 of file String.h.

◆ join() [1/2]

template<class TIterator >
std::string zypp::str::join ( TIterator  begin,
TIterator  end,
const C_Str sep_r = " " 

Join strings using separator sep_r (defaults to BLANK).

Definition at line 776 of file String.h.

◆ join() [2/2]

template<class TContainer >
std::string zypp::str::join ( const TContainer &  cont_r,
const C_Str sep_r = " " 

Join strings using separator sep_r (defaults to BLANK).

Definition at line 790 of file String.h.

◆ joinEscaped()

template<class TIterator >
std::string zypp::str::joinEscaped ( TIterator  begin,
TIterator  end,
const char  sep_r = ' ' 

Join strings using separator sep_r, quoting or escaping the values.

Separator defaults to BLANK. Use splitEscaped to restore the values.

Definition at line 798 of file String.h.

◆ printIndented() [1/3]

std::ostream & zypp::str::printIndented ( std::ostream &  str,
const std::string &  text_r,
const std::string &  indent_r = "  ",
unsigned  maxWitdh_r = 0 

Indent by string [" "] optionally wrap.

Prints nothing for an empty string. Asserts a trainling '
' on the last line. Optionally wrap lines at ' ' at a given length.

Definition at line 845 of file String.h.

◆ printIndented() [2/3]

std::ostream & zypp::str::printIndented ( std::ostream &  str,
const std::string &  text_r,
unsigned  indent_r,
char  indentch_r = ' ',
unsigned  maxWitdh_r = 0 

Definition at line 878 of file String.h.

◆ printIndented() [3/3]

std::ostream & zypp::str::printIndented ( std::ostream &  str,
const std::string &  text_r,
unsigned  indent_r,
unsigned  maxWitdh_r,
char  indentch_r = ' ' 

Definition at line 881 of file String.h.

◆ autoPrefix()

std::ostream & zypp::str::autoPrefix ( std::ostream &  str,
const std::string &  text_r,
function< std::string(const char *, const char *)>  fnc_r 

Prefix lines by string computed by function taking line begin/end [std::string(const char*, const char*)] Prints nothing for an empty string.

Asserts a trainling '
' on the last line.

Definition at line 887 of file String.h.

◆ autoPrefix0()

std::ostream & zypp::str::autoPrefix0 ( std::ostream &  str,
const std::string &  text_r,
function< std::string()>  fnc_r 

Definition at line 902 of file String.h.

◆ appendEscaped()

void zypp::str::appendEscaped ( std::string &  str_r,
const C_Str next_r,
const char  sep_r = ' ' 

Escape next_r and append it to str_r using separator sep_r.

Definition at line 922 of file String.h.

◆ toLower() [3/3]

std::string zypp::str::toLower ( const char *  s)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 968 of file String.h.

◆ toUpper() [3/3]

std::string zypp::str::toUpper ( const char *  s)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 977 of file String.h.

◆ compareCI()

int zypp::str::compareCI ( const C_Str lhs,
const C_Str rhs 

Definition at line 984 of file String.h.

◆ contains()

bool zypp::str::contains ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str val_r 

Locate substring case sensitive.

Definition at line 991 of file String.h.

◆ containsCI()

bool zypp::str::containsCI ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str val_r 

Locate substring case insensitive.

Definition at line 994 of file String.h.

◆ hasPrefix()

bool zypp::str::hasPrefix ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str prefix_r 

Return whether str_r has prefix prefix_r.

Definition at line 1027 of file String.h.

◆ hasPrefixCI()

bool zypp::str::hasPrefixCI ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str prefix_r 

Definition at line 1030 of file String.h.

◆ stripPrefix()

std::string zypp::str::stripPrefix ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str prefix_r 

Strip a prefix_r from str_r and return the resulting string.

Definition at line 1034 of file String.h.

◆ stripPrefixCI()

std::string zypp::str::stripPrefixCI ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str prefix_r 

Definition at line 1037 of file String.h.

◆ hasSuffix()

bool zypp::str::hasSuffix ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str suffix_r 

Return whether str_r has suffix suffix_r.

Definition at line 1041 of file String.h.

◆ hasSuffixCI()

bool zypp::str::hasSuffixCI ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str suffix_r 

Definition at line 1044 of file String.h.

◆ stripSuffix()

std::string zypp::str::stripSuffix ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str suffix_r 

Strip a suffix_r from str_r and return the resulting string.

Definition at line 1048 of file String.h.

◆ stripSuffixCI()

std::string zypp::str::stripSuffixCI ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str suffix_r 

Definition at line 1055 of file String.h.

◆ commonPrefix()

std::string::size_type zypp::str::commonPrefix ( const C_Str lhs,
const C_Str rhs 

Return size of the common prefix of lhs and rhs.

Definition at line 1063 of file String.h.

◆ commonPrefixCI()

std::string::size_type zypp::str::commonPrefixCI ( const C_Str lhs,
const C_Str rhs 

Definition at line 1073 of file String.h.

◆ startsWith()

bool zypp::str::startsWith ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str prefix_r 

alias for hasPrefix

Definition at line 1085 of file String.h.

◆ startsWithCI()

bool zypp::str::startsWithCI ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str prefix_r 

Definition at line 1088 of file String.h.

◆ endsWith()

bool zypp::str::endsWith ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str prefix_r 

alias for hasSuffix

Definition at line 1092 of file String.h.

◆ endsWithCI()

bool zypp::str::endsWithCI ( const C_Str str_r,
const C_Str prefix_r 

Definition at line 1095 of file String.h.