void | stealjob () |
size_t | writefunction (void *ptr, size_t size) |
size_t | headerfunction (char *ptr, size_t size) |
| ZYPP_DECLARE_FLAGS (RequestOptions, RequestOption) |
| MediaCurl (const Url &url_r, const Pathname &attach_point_hint_r) |
virtual | ~MediaCurl () override |
Url | clearQueryString (const Url &url) const |
virtual void | attachTo (bool next=false) override |
| Call concrete handler to attach the media.
virtual void | releaseFrom (const std::string &ejectDev) override |
| Call concrete handler to release the media.
virtual void | getFile (const OnMediaLocation &file) const override |
| Call concrete handler to provide file below attach point.
virtual void | getDir (const Pathname &dirname, bool recurse_r) const override |
| Call concrete handler to provide directory content (not recursive!) below attach point.
virtual void | getDirInfo (std::list< std::string > &retlist, const Pathname &dirname, bool dots=true) const override |
| Call concrete handler to provide a content list of directory on media via retlist.
virtual void | getDirInfo (filesystem::DirContent &retlist, const Pathname &dirname, bool dots=true) const override |
| Basically the same as getDirInfo above.
virtual bool | getDoesFileExist (const Pathname &filename) const override |
| Repeatedly calls doGetDoesFileExist() until it successfully returns, fails unexpectedly, or user cancels the operation.
virtual bool | doGetDoesFileExist (const Pathname &filename) const |
virtual void | disconnectFrom () override |
virtual void | getFileCopy (const OnMediaLocation &srcFile, const Pathname &targetFilename) const override |
virtual void | doGetFileCopy (const OnMediaLocation &srcFile, const Pathname &targetFilename, callback::SendReport< DownloadProgressReport > &_report, RequestOptions options=OPTION_NONE) const |
virtual bool | checkAttachPoint (const Pathname &apoint) const override |
| Verify if the specified directory as attach point (root) as requires by the particular media handler implementation.
void | checkProtocol (const Url &url) const |
| check the url is supported by the curl library
virtual void | setupEasy () |
| initializes the curl easy handle with the data from the url
void | evaluateCurlCode (const zypp::Pathname &filename, CURLcode code, bool timeout) const |
| Evaluates a curl return code and throws the right MediaException filename Filename being downloaded code Code curl returnes timeout Whether we reached timeout, which we need to differentiate in case the codes aborted-by-callback or timeout are returned by curl Otherwise we can't differentiate abort from timeout.
void | doGetFileCopyFile (const OnMediaLocation &srcFile, const Pathname &dest, FILE *file, callback::SendReport< DownloadProgressReport > &report, RequestOptions options=OPTION_NONE) const |
Private Member Functions inherited from zypp::media::MediaNetworkCommonHandler |
| MediaNetworkCommonHandler (const Url &url_r, const Pathname &attach_point_r, const Pathname &urlpath_below_attachpoint_r, const bool does_download_r) |
TransferSettings & | settings () |
Url | getFileUrl (const Pathname &filename) const |
| concatenate the attach url and the filename to a complete download url
Private Member Functions inherited from zypp::media::MediaHandler |
bool | dependsOnParent (MediaAccessId parentId, bool exactIdMatch) |
| Check if the current media handler depends on an another handler specified by media access id.
bool | dependsOnParent () |
void | resetParentId () |
| Called in case, where the media manager takes over the destruction of the parent id (e.g.
Pathname | attachPoint () const |
| Return the currently used attach point.
void | setAttachPoint (const Pathname &path, bool temp) |
| Set a new attach point.
void | setAttachPoint (const AttachPointRef &ref) |
| Set a (shared) attach point.
AttachPoint | attachPointHint () const |
| Get the actual attach point hint.
void | attachPointHint (const Pathname &path, bool temp) |
| Set the attach point hint as specified by the user.
Pathname | createAttachPoint () const |
| Try to create a default / temporary attach point.
Pathname | createAttachPoint (const Pathname &attach_root) const |
| Try to create a temporary attach point in specified root.
void | removeAttachPoint () |
| Remove unused attach point.
virtual bool | checkAttachPoint (const Pathname &apoint) const |
| Verify if the specified directory as attach point (root) as requires by the particular media handler implementation.
bool | isUseableAttachPoint (const Pathname &path, bool mtab=true) const |
| Ask media manager, if the specified path is already used as attach point or if there are another attach points bellow of it.
std::string | mediaSourceName () const |
| Get the media source name or an empty string.
void | setMediaSource (const MediaSourceRef &ref) |
| Set new media source reference.
AttachedMedia | findAttachedMedia (const MediaSourceRef &media) const |
| Ask the media manager if specified media source is already attached.
AttachedMedia | attachedMedia () const |
| Returns the attached media.
bool | isSharedMedia () const |
| Returns a hint if the media is shared or not.
bool | checkAttached (bool matchMountFs) const |
| Check actual mediaSource attachment against the current mount table of the system.
void | forceRelaseAllMedia (bool matchMountFs) |
| Call to this function will try to release all media matching the currenlty attached media source, that it is able to find in the mount table.
void | forceRelaseAllMedia (const MediaSourceRef &ref, bool matchMountFs) |
| MediaHandler (const Url &url_r, const Pathname &attach_point_r, const Pathname &urlpath_below_attachpoint_r, const bool does_download_r) |
| If the concrete media handler provides a nonempty attach_point, it must be an existing directory.
virtual | ~MediaHandler () |
| Contolling MediaAccess takes care, that attached media is released prior to deleting this.
bool | downloads () const |
| Hint if files are downloaded or not.
std::string | protocol () const |
| Protocol hint for MediaAccess.
Url | url () const |
| Url used.
void | attach (bool next) |
| Use concrete handler to attach the media.
virtual bool | isAttached () const |
| True if media is attached.
Pathname | localRoot () const |
| Return the local directory that corresponds to medias url, no matter if media isAttached or not.
Pathname | localPath (const Pathname &pathname) const |
| Files provided will be available at 'localPath(filename)'.
void | disconnect () |
| Use concrete handler to isconnect media.
void | release (const std::string &ejectDev="") |
| Use concrete handler to release the media.
void | provideFile (const OnMediaLocation &file) const |
| Use concrete handler to provide file denoted by path below 'localRoot'.
void | provideFileCopy (const OnMediaLocation &srcFile, Pathname targetFilename) const |
| Call concrete handler to provide a copy of a file under a different place in the file system (usually not under attach point) as a copy.
void | provideDir (Pathname dirname) const |
| Use concrete handler to provide directory denoted by path below 'localRoot' (not recursive!).
void | provideDirTree (Pathname dirname) const |
| Use concrete handler to provide directory tree denoted by path below 'localRoot' (recursive!!).
void | releaseFile (const Pathname &filename) const |
| Remove filename below localRoot IFF handler downloads files to the local filesystem.
void | releaseDir (const Pathname &dirname) const |
| Remove directory tree below localRoot IFF handler downloads files to the local filesystem.
void | releasePath (Pathname pathname) const |
| Remove pathname below localRoot IFF handler downloads files to the local filesystem.
void | dirInfo (std::list< std::string > &retlist, const Pathname &dirname, bool dots=true) const |
| Return content of directory on media via retlist.
void | dirInfo (filesystem::DirContent &retlist, const Pathname &dirname, bool dots=true) const |
| Basically the same as dirInfo above.
bool | doesFileExist (const Pathname &filename) const |
| check if a file exists
virtual bool | hasMoreDevices () |
| Check if the media has one more device available for attach(true).
virtual void | getDetectedDevices (std::vector< std::string > &devices, unsigned int &index) const |
| Fill in a vector of detected ejectable devices and the index of the currently attached device within the vector.
virtual void | precacheFiles (const std::vector< OnMediaLocation > &files) |
| Tries to fetch the given files and precaches them.
virtual void | attachTo (bool next=false)=0 |
| Call concrete handler to attach the media.
virtual void | disconnectFrom () |
| Call concrete handler to disconnect media.
virtual void | releaseFrom (const std::string &ejectDev="")=0 |
| Call concrete handler to release the media.
virtual void | forceEject (const std::string &device) |
| Call concrete handler to physically eject the media (i.e.
virtual void | getFile (const OnMediaLocation &file) const |
| Call concrete handler to provide file below attach point.
virtual void | getFileCopy (const OnMediaLocation &file, const Pathname &targetFilename) const |
| Call concrete handler to provide a file under a different place in the file system (usually not under attach point) as a copy.
virtual void | getDir (const Pathname &dirname, bool recurse_r) const =0 |
| Call concrete handler to provide directory content (not recursive!) below attach point.
virtual void | getDirInfo (std::list< std::string > &retlist, const Pathname &dirname, bool dots=true) const =0 |
| Call concrete handler to provide a content list of directory on media via retlist.
virtual void | getDirInfo (filesystem::DirContent &retlist, const Pathname &dirname, bool dots=true) const =0 |
| Basically the same as getDirInfo above.
virtual bool | getDoesFileExist (const Pathname &filename) const =0 |
| check if a file exists
void | getDirectoryYast (std::list< std::string > &retlist, const Pathname &dirname, bool dots=true) const |
| Retrieve and if available scan dirname/directory.yast.
void | getDirectoryYast (filesystem::DirContent &retlist, const Pathname &dirname, bool dots=true) const |
| Retrieve and if available scan dirname/directory.yast.