libzypp 17.31.23
Go to the documentation of this file.
2| ____ _ __ __ ___ |
3| |__ / \ / / . \ . \ |
4| / / \ V /| _/ _/ |
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6| /_____||_| |_| |_| |
7| |
12#include <zypp-core/Url.h>
13#include <string_view>
14#include <string>
16namespace zyppng {
18 static ProvideMessage::FieldVal fieldValFromProto ( const zypp::proto::DataField &field )
19 {
21 switch ( field.field_val_case () ) {
22 case zypp::proto::DataField::FieldValCase::kBoolVal:
23 v = field.bool_val();
24 break;
25 case zypp::proto::DataField::FieldValCase::kDoubleVal:
26 v = field.double_val();
27 break;
28 case zypp::proto::DataField::FieldValCase::kIntVal:
29 v = field.int_val();
30 break;
31 case zypp::proto::DataField::FieldValCase::kLongVal:
32 v = field.long_val();
33 break;
34 case zypp::proto::DataField::FieldValCase::kStrVal:
35 v = field.str_val();
36 break;
37 case zypp::proto::DataField::FieldValCase::FIELD_VAL_NOT_SET:
38 ZYPP_THROW( std::logic_error("Unexpected DataField type"));
39 break;
40 }
41 return v;
42 }
44 static void fieldValToProto ( const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val, zypp::proto::DataField &field )
45 {
46 if ( val.isString() )
47 field.set_str_val( val.asString () );
48 else if ( val.isInt() )
49 field.set_int_val( val.asInt() );
50 else if ( val.isInt64() )
51 field.set_long_val( val.asInt64() );
52 else if ( val.isDouble() )
53 field.set_double_val( val.asDouble() );
54 else if ( val.isBool() )
55 field.set_bool_val( val.asBool() );
56 else
57 ZYPP_THROW( std::logic_error("Unexpected FieldVal type"));
58 }
60 static expected<void> validateMessage ( const ProvideMessage &msg )
61 {
62 const auto c = msg.code();
63 const auto validCode = ( c >= ProvideMessage::Code::FirstInformalCode && c <= ProvideMessage::Code::LastInformalCode )
64 || ( c >= ProvideMessage::Code::FirstSuccessCode && c <= ProvideMessage::Code::LastSuccessCode )
65 || ( c >= ProvideMessage::Code::FirstRedirCode && c <= ProvideMessage::Code::LastRedirCode )
66 || ( c >= ProvideMessage::Code::FirstClientErrCode && c <= ProvideMessage::Code::LastClientErrCode )
67 || ( c >= ProvideMessage::Code::FirstSrvErrCode && c <= ProvideMessage::Code::LastSrvErrCode )
68 || ( c >= ProvideMessage::Code::FirstControllerCode && c <= ProvideMessage::Code::LastControllerCode)
69 || ( c >= ProvideMessage::Code::FirstWorkerCode && c <= ProvideMessage::Code::LastWorkerCode );
70 if ( !validCode ) {
71 return zyppng::expected<void>::error( ZYPP_EXCPT_PTR ( InvalidMessageReceivedException("Invalid code in ProvideMessage")) );
72 }
74 #define DEF_REQ_FIELD( fname ) bool has_##fname = false
76 #define REQ_FIELD_CHECK( msgtype, fname, ftype ) \
77 if ( name == #fname ) { \
78 if ( !std::holds_alternative<ftype>(val.asVariant()) ) { \
79 error = ZYPP_EXCPT_PTR( InvalidMessageReceivedException( zypp::str::Str() << "Parse error " << #msgtype << ", Field " << #fname << " has invalid type" ) ); \
80 return false; \
81 } \
82 has_##fname = true; \
83 }
85 #define OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK( msgtype, fname, ftype ) else REQ_FIELD_CHECK( msgtype, fname, ftype )
87 #define OPT_FIELD_CHECK( msgtype, fname, ftype ) \
88 if ( name == #fname ) { \
89 if ( !std::holds_alternative<ftype>(val.asVariant() ) ) { \
90 error = ZYPP_EXCPT_PTR( InvalidMessageReceivedException( zypp::str::Str() << "Parse error " << #msgtype << ", Field " << #fname << " has invalid type" ) ); \
91 return false; \
92 } \
93 }
95 #define OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK( msgtype, fname, ftype ) else OPT_FIELD_CHECK( msgtype, fname, ftype )
97 #define FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( msgtype, fname ) \
98 if ( !has_##fname ) \
99 return expected<void>::error( ZYPP_EXCPT_PTR( InvalidMessageReceivedException( zypp::str::Str() << #msgtype <<" message does not contain required " << #fname << " field" ) ) )
101 #define FAIL_IF_ERROR( ) \
102 if ( error ) return expected<void>::error( error )
104 const auto &validateErrorMsg = []( const auto &msg ){
105 std::exception_ptr error;
106 DEF_REQ_FIELD(reason);
107 msg.forEachVal( [&]( const auto &name, const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val ){
108 REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( Error, reason, std::string )
109 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( Error, history, std::string )
110 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( Error, transient, bool )
111 return true;
112 });
113 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( Error, reason );
115 return expected<void>::success();
116 };
118 switch ( c )
119 {
120 case ProvideMessage::Code::ProvideStarted: {
121 std::exception_ptr error;
122 DEF_REQ_FIELD(url);
123 msg.forEachVal( [&]( const auto &name, const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val ){
124 REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( ProvideStarted, url, std::string )
125 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( ProvideStarted, local_filename, std::string )
126 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( ProvideStarted, staging_filename, std::string )
127 return true;
128 });
129 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( ProvideStarted, url );
131 break;
132 }
133 case ProvideMessage::Code::ProvideFinished: {
134 std::exception_ptr error;
135 DEF_REQ_FIELD(cacheHit);
136 DEF_REQ_FIELD(local_filename);
137 msg.forEachVal( [&]( const auto &name, const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val ){
138 REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( ProvideFinished, cacheHit, bool )
139 OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( ProvideFinished, local_filename, std::string )
140 return true;
141 });
142 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( ProvideFinished, cacheHit );
143 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( ProvideFinished, local_filename );
145 break;
146 }
147 case ProvideMessage::Code::AttachFinished: {
148 // no fields
149 break;
150 }
151 case ProvideMessage::Code::DetachFinished: {
152 // no fields
153 break;
154 }
155 case ProvideMessage::Code::AuthInfo: {
156 std::exception_ptr error;
157 DEF_REQ_FIELD(username);
158 DEF_REQ_FIELD(password);
159 DEF_REQ_FIELD(auth_timestamp);
160 msg.forEachVal( [&]( const auto &name, const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val ){
161 REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( AuthInfo, username, std::string )
162 OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( AuthInfo, password, std::string )
163 OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( AuthInfo, auth_timestamp, int64_t )
164 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( AuthInfo, authType, std::string )
165 return true;
166 });
167 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( ProvideStarted, username );
168 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( ProvideStarted, password );
169 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( ProvideStarted, auth_timestamp );
171 break;
172 }
173 case ProvideMessage::Code::MediaChanged:
174 /* No Fields */
175 break;
176 case ProvideMessage::Code::Redirect: {
177 std::exception_ptr error;
178 DEF_REQ_FIELD(new_url);
179 msg.forEachVal( [&]( const auto &name, const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val ){
180 REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( Redirect, new_url, std::string )
181 return true;
182 });
183 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( Redirect, new_url );
185 break;
186 }
187 case ProvideMessage::Code::Metalink: {
188 std::exception_ptr error;
189 DEF_REQ_FIELD(new_url);
190 msg.forEachVal( [&]( const auto &name, const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val ){
191 REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( Metalink, new_url, std::string )
192 return true;
193 });
194 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( Metalink, new_url );
196 break;
197 }
198 case ProvideMessage::Code::BadRequest:
199 case ProvideMessage::Code::Unauthorized:
200 case ProvideMessage::Code::Forbidden:
201 case ProvideMessage::Code::PeerCertificateInvalid:
202 case ProvideMessage::Code::NotFound:
203 case ProvideMessage::Code::ExpectedSizeExceeded:
204 case ProvideMessage::Code::ConnectionFailed:
205 case ProvideMessage::Code::Timeout:
206 case ProvideMessage::Code::Cancelled:
207 case ProvideMessage::Code::InvalidChecksum:
208 case ProvideMessage::Code::MountFailed:
209 case ProvideMessage::Code::Jammed:
210 case ProvideMessage::Code::NoAuthData:
211 case ProvideMessage::Code::MediaChangeAbort:
212 case ProvideMessage::Code::MediaChangeSkip:
213 case ProvideMessage::Code::InternalError: {
214 const auto &e = validateErrorMsg(msg);
215 if ( !e )
216 return e;
217 break;
218 }
219 case ProvideMessage::Code::Provide: {
220 std::exception_ptr error;
221 DEF_REQ_FIELD(url);
222 msg.forEachVal( [&]( const auto &name, const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val ){
223 REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( Provide, url, std::string )
224 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( Provide, filename, std::string )
225 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( Provide, delta_file, std::string )
226 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( Provide, expected_filesize, int64_t )
227 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( Provide, check_existance_only, bool )
228 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( Provide, metalink_enabled, bool )
229 return true;
230 });
233 break;
234 }
235 case ProvideMessage::Code::Cancel:
236 /* No Fields */
237 break;
239 case ProvideMessage::Code::Attach: {
240 std::exception_ptr error;
242 DEF_REQ_FIELD(url);
243 DEF_REQ_FIELD(attach_id);
244 DEF_REQ_FIELD(label);
246 // not really required, but this way we can check if all false or all true
247 DEF_REQ_FIELD(verify_type);
248 DEF_REQ_FIELD(verify_data);
249 DEF_REQ_FIELD(media_nr);
251 msg.forEachVal( [&]( const auto &name, const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val ){
252 REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( Attach, url , std::string )
253 OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( Attach, attach_id , std::string )
254 OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( Attach, label , std::string )
255 OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( Attach, verify_type, std::string )
256 OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( Attach, verify_data, std::string )
257 OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( Attach, media_nr , int32_t )
258 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( Attach, device , std::string )
259 return true;
260 });
264 if ( ! ( ( has_verify_data == has_verify_type ) && ( has_verify_type == has_media_nr ) ) )
265 return expected<void>::error( ZYPP_EXCPT_PTR ( InvalidMessageReceivedException("Error in Attach message, one of the following fields is not set or invalid: ( verify_type, verify_data, media_nr ). Either none or all need to be set. ")) );
267 break;
268 }
269 case ProvideMessage::Code::Detach: {
270 std::exception_ptr error;
271 DEF_REQ_FIELD(url);
272 msg.forEachVal( [&]( const auto &name, const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val ){
273 REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( Detach, url, std::string )
274 return true;
275 });
276 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( Detach, url );
278 break;
279 }
280 case ProvideMessage::Code::AuthDataRequest: {
281 std::exception_ptr error;
282 DEF_REQ_FIELD(effective_url);
283 msg.forEachVal( [&]( const auto &name, const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val ){
284 REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( AuthDataRequest, effective_url, std::string )
285 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( AuthDataRequest, last_auth_timestamp, int64_t )
286 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( AuthDataRequest, username, std::string )
287 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( AuthDataRequest, authHint, std::string )
288 return true;
289 });
290 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( AuthDataRequest, effective_url );
292 break;
293 }
294 case ProvideMessage::Code::MediaChangeRequest: {
295 std::exception_ptr error;
296 DEF_REQ_FIELD(label);
297 DEF_REQ_FIELD(media_nr);
298 DEF_REQ_FIELD(device);
299 msg.forEachVal( [&]( const auto &name, const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val ){
300 REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( MediaChangeRequest, label, std::string )
301 OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( MediaChangeRequest, media_nr, int32_t )
302 OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK ( MediaChangeRequest, device, std::string )
303 OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK ( MediaChangeRequest, desc, std::string )
304 return true;
305 });
306 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( MediaChangeRequest, label );
307 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( MediaChangeRequest, media_nr );
308 FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD( MediaChangeRequest, device );
310 break;
311 }
312 default: {
313 // all error messages have the same format
314 if ( c >= ProvideMessage::Code::FirstClientErrCode && c <= ProvideMessage::Code::LastSrvErrCode ) {
315 const auto &e = validateErrorMsg(msg);
316 if ( !e )
317 return e;
318 }
319 break;
320 }
321 }
322 return expected<void>::success();
323 }
326 : _impl ( new zypp::proto::ProvideMessage )
327 { }
329 expected<zyppng::ProvideMessage> ProvideMessage::create(const RpcMessage &message)
330 {
331 ProvideMessage msg;
332 const auto &res = RpcMessageStream::parseMessageInto<zypp::proto::ProvideMessage>( message, *msg._impl );
333 if ( res ) {
334 const auto &valid = validateMessage(msg);
335 if ( !valid ) {
336 ERR << "Invalid message for ID: " << msg._impl->request_id() << std::endl;;
337 return zyppng::expected<zyppng::ProvideMessage>::error( valid.error() );
338 }
340 return zyppng::expected<zyppng::ProvideMessage>::success( std::move(msg) );
341 }
342 ERR << "Failed to parse message" << std::endl;;
343 return zyppng::expected<zyppng::ProvideMessage>::error( res.error() );
344 }
346 expected<ProvideMessage> ProvideMessage::create( const zypp::proto::ProvideMessage &message )
347 {
348 ProvideMessage msg;
349 *msg._impl = std::move(message);
350 const auto &valid = validateMessage(msg);
351 if ( !valid ) {
352 ERR << "Invalid message for ID: " << msg._impl->request_id() << std::endl;;
353 return zyppng::expected<zyppng::ProvideMessage>::error( valid.error() );
354 }
356 return zyppng::expected<zyppng::ProvideMessage>::success( std::move(msg) );
357 }
359 ProvideMessage ProvideMessage::createProvideStarted( const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &url, const std::optional<std::string> &localFilename, const std::optional<std::string> &stagingFilename )
360 {
361 ProvideMessage msg;
362 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::ProvideStarted );
363 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
365 if ( localFilename )
366 msg.setValue ( ProvideStartedMsgFields::LocalFilename, *localFilename );
367 if ( stagingFilename )
368 msg.setValue ( ProvideStartedMsgFields::StagingFilename, *stagingFilename );
370 return msg;
371 }
373 ProvideMessage ProvideMessage::createProvideFinished( const uint32_t reqId, const std::string &localFilename, bool cacheHit )
374 {
375 ProvideMessage msg;
376 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::ProvideFinished );
377 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
381 return msg;
382 }
385 {
386 ProvideMessage msg;
387 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::AttachFinished );
388 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
390 return msg;
391 }
394 {
395 ProvideMessage msg;
396 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::DetachFinished );
397 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
399 return msg;
400 }
402 ProvideMessage ProvideMessage::createAuthInfo( const uint32_t reqId, const std::string &user, const std::string &pw, int64_t timestamp, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &extraValues )
403 {
404 ProvideMessage msg;
405 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::AuthInfo );
406 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
410 for ( auto i : extraValues ) {
411 msg.setValue( i.first, i.second );
412 }
413 return msg;
414 }
417 {
418 ProvideMessage msg;
419 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::MediaChanged );
420 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
422 return msg;
423 }
425 ProvideMessage ProvideMessage::createRedirect( const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &newUrl )
426 {
427 ProvideMessage msg;
428 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::Redirect );
429 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
432 return msg;
433 }
435 ProvideMessage ProvideMessage::createMetalinkRedir( const uint32_t reqId, const std::vector<zypp::Url> &newUrls )
436 {
437 ProvideMessage msg;
438 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::Metalink );
439 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
440 for( const auto &val : newUrls )
441 msg.addValue( MetalinkRedirectMsgFields::NewUrl, val.asCompleteString() );
443 return msg;
444 }
446 ProvideMessage ProvideMessage::createErrorResponse( const uint32_t reqId, const uint code, const std::string &reason, bool transient )
447 {
448 ProvideMessage msg;
449 if ( code < Code::FirstClientErrCode || code > Code::LastSrvErrCode )
450 ZYPP_THROW(std::out_of_range("code must be between 400 and 599"));
451 msg.setCode ( code );
452 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
453 msg.setValue ( ErrMsgFields::Reason, reason );
454 msg.setValue ( ErrMsgFields::Transient, transient );
455 return msg;
456 }
458 ProvideMessage ProvideMessage::createProvide( const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &url, const std::optional<std::string> &filename, const std::optional<std::string> &deltaFile, const std::optional<int64_t> &expFilesize, bool checkExistOnly )
459 {
460 ProvideMessage msg;
461 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::Provide );
462 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
465 if ( filename )
466 msg.setValue ( ProvideMsgFields::Filename, *filename );
467 if ( deltaFile )
468 msg.setValue ( ProvideMsgFields::DeltaFile, *deltaFile );
469 if ( expFilesize )
470 msg.setValue ( ProvideMsgFields::ExpectedFilesize, *expFilesize );
471 msg.setValue ( ProvideMsgFields::CheckExistOnly, checkExistOnly );
473 return msg;
474 }
477 {
478 ProvideMessage msg;
479 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::Cancel );
480 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
482 return msg;
483 }
485 ProvideMessage ProvideMessage::createAttach(const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &url, const std::string attachId, const std::string &label, const std::optional<std::string> &verifyType, const std::optional<std::string> &verifyData, const std::optional<int32_t> &mediaNr )
486 {
487 ProvideMessage msg;
488 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::Attach );
489 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
491 msg.setValue ( AttachMsgFields::AttachId, attachId );
492 msg.setValue ( AttachMsgFields::Label, label );
494 if ( verifyType.has_value() && verifyData.has_value() && mediaNr.has_value() ) {
495 msg.setValue ( AttachMsgFields::VerifyType, *verifyType );
496 msg.setValue ( AttachMsgFields::VerifyData, *verifyData );
497 msg.setValue ( AttachMsgFields::MediaNr, *mediaNr );
498 } else {
499 if ( !( ( verifyType.has_value() == verifyData.has_value() ) && ( verifyData.has_value() == mediaNr.has_value() ) ) )
500 WAR << "Attach message requires verifyType, verifyData and mediaNr either set together or not set at all." << std::endl;
501 }
503 return msg;
504 }
506 ProvideMessage ProvideMessage::createDetach( const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &attachUrl )
507 {
508 ProvideMessage msg;
509 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::Detach );
510 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
513 return msg;
514 }
516 ProvideMessage ProvideMessage::createAuthDataRequest( const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &effectiveUrl, const std::string &lastTriedUser, const std::optional<int64_t> &lastAuthTimestamp, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &extraValues )
517 {
518 ProvideMessage msg;
519 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::AuthDataRequest );
520 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
522 if ( lastTriedUser.size() )
523 msg.setValue( AuthDataRequestMsgFields::LastUser, lastTriedUser );
524 if ( lastAuthTimestamp )
525 msg.setValue ( AuthDataRequestMsgFields::LastAuthTimestamp, *lastAuthTimestamp );
527 return msg;
528 }
530 ProvideMessage ProvideMessage::createMediaChangeRequest( const uint32_t reqId, const std::string &label, int32_t mediaNr, const std::vector<std::string> &devices, const std::optional<std::string> &desc )
531 {
532 ProvideMessage msg;
533 msg.setCode ( ProvideMessage::Code::MediaChangeRequest );
534 msg.setRequestId ( reqId );
537 for ( const auto &device : devices )
539 if ( desc )
542 return msg;
543 }
546 {
547 return _impl->request_id();
548 }
551 {
552 _impl->set_request_id( id );
553 }
556 {
557 return _impl->message_code();
558 }
560 void ProvideMessage::setCode( const uint newCode )
561 {
562 _impl->set_message_code ( newCode );
563 }
565 std::vector<ProvideMessage::FieldVal> ProvideMessage::values( const std::string_view &str ) const
566 {
567 std::vector<ProvideMessage::FieldVal> values;
568 const auto &fields = _impl->fields();
569 for ( const auto &field : fields ) {
570 if ( field.key() != str )
571 continue;
572 values.push_back( fieldValFromProto(field) );
573 }
574 return values;
575 }
577 std::vector<ProvideMessage::FieldVal> ProvideMessage::values( const std::string &str ) const
578 {
579 return values( std::string_view(str));
580 }
582 ProvideMessage::FieldVal ProvideMessage::value( const std::string_view &str, const FieldVal &defaultVal ) const
583 {
584 const auto &fields = _impl->fields();
585 auto i = std::find_if( fields.rbegin(), fields.rend(), [&str]( const auto &val ){ return val.key() == str; } );
586 if ( i == fields.rend() )
587 return defaultVal;
588 return fieldValFromProto(*i);
589 }
593 {
594 HeaderValueMap res;
595 auto &fields = _impl->fields();
596 for ( const auto &val : fields ) {
597 res.add( val.key() ,fieldValFromProto(val) );
598 }
599 return res;
600 }
602 ProvideMessage::FieldVal ProvideMessage::value( const std::string &str, const FieldVal &defaultVal ) const
603 {
604 return value( std::string_view(str), defaultVal );
605 }
607 void ProvideMessage::setValue( const std::string &name, const FieldVal &value )
608 {
609 setValue( std::string_view(name), value );
610 }
612 void ProvideMessage::setValue( const std::string_view &name, const FieldVal &value )
613 {
614 auto &fields = *_impl->mutable_fields();
615 auto i = std::find_if( fields.rbegin(), fields.rend(), [&name]( const auto &val ){ return val.key() == name; } );
616 if ( i == fields.rend() ) {
617 auto &newVal = *_impl->add_fields();
618 newVal.set_key( );
619 fieldValToProto( value, newVal );
620 } else
621 fieldValToProto( value, *i );
622 }
624 void ProvideMessage::addValue( const std::string &name, const FieldVal &value )
625 {
626 return addValue( std::string_view(name), value );
627 }
629 void ProvideMessage::addValue( const std::string_view &name, const FieldVal &value )
630 {
631 auto &newVal = *_impl->add_fields();
632 newVal.set_key( );
633 fieldValToProto( value, newVal );
634 }
636 void ProvideMessage::forEachVal( const std::function<bool (const std::string &, const FieldVal &)> &cb ) const
637 {
638 auto &fields = _impl->fields();
639 for ( const auto &val : fields ) {
640 if ( !cb( val.key(), fieldValFromProto(val) ) ) {
641 return;
642 }
643 }
644 }
646 zypp::proto::ProvideMessage &ProvideMessage::impl()
647 {
648 return *_impl.get();
649 }
651 const zypp::proto::ProvideMessage &ProvideMessage::impl() const
652 {
653 return *_impl.get();
654 }
Url manipulation class.
Definition: Url.h:92
std::string asCompleteString() const
Returns a complete string representation of the Url object.
void add(const std::string &key, const Value &val)
double asDouble() const
int32_t asInt() const
bool isInt64() const
const std::string & asString() const
bool isString() const
bool isDouble() const
int64_t asInt64() const
static ProvideMessage createProvideStarted(const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &url, const std::optional< std::string > &localFilename={}, const std::optional< std::string > &stagingFilename={})
static ProvideMessage createAuthInfo(const uint32_t reqId, const std::string &user, const std::string &pw, int64_t timestamp, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &extraValues={})
zypp::RWCOW_pointer< zypp::proto::ProvideMessage > _impl
static ProvideMessage createRedirect(const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &newUrl)
static ProvideMessage createMetalinkRedir(const uint32_t reqId, const std::vector< zypp::Url > &newUrls)
static ProvideMessage createCancel(const uint32_t reqId)
void forEachVal(const std::function< bool(const std::string &name, const FieldVal &val)> &cb) const
HeaderValueMap headers() const
static ProvideMessage createMediaChanged(const uint32_t reqId)
static ProvideMessage createProvideFinished(const uint32_t reqId, const std::string &localFilename, bool cacheHit)
static expected< ProvideMessage > create(const zyppng::RpcMessage &message)
std::vector< FieldVal > values(const std::string_view &str) const
static ProvideMessage createMediaChangeRequest(const uint32_t reqId, const std::string &label, int32_t mediaNr, const std::vector< std::string > &devices, const std::optional< std::string > &desc)
static ProvideMessage createAttachFinished(const uint32_t reqId)
zypp::proto::ProvideMessage & impl()
FieldVal value(const std::string_view &str, const FieldVal &defaultVal=FieldVal()) const
void setCode(const uint newCode)
void setValue(const std::string &name, const FieldVal &value)
static ProvideMessage createAuthDataRequest(const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &effectiveUrl, const std::string &lastTriedUser="", const std::optional< int64_t > &lastAuthTimestamp={}, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &extraValues={})
static ProvideMessage createProvide(const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &url, const std::optional< std::string > &filename={}, const std::optional< std::string > &deltaFile={}, const std::optional< int64_t > &expFilesize={}, bool checkExistOnly=false)
void setRequestId(const uint id)
static ProvideMessage createDetachFinished(const uint32_t reqId)
void addValue(const std::string &name, const FieldVal &value)
static ProvideMessage createDetach(const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &attachUrl)
static ProvideMessage createErrorResponse(const uint32_t reqId, const uint code, const std::string &reason, bool transient=false)
static ProvideMessage createAttach(const uint32_t reqId, const zypp::Url &url, const std::string attachId, const std::string &label, const std::optional< std::string > &verifyType={}, const std::optional< std::string > &verifyData={}, const std::optional< int32_t > &mediaNr={})
String related utilities and Regular expression matching.
Easy-to use interface to the ZYPP dependency resolver.
Definition: CodePitfalls.doc:2
constexpr std::string_view AttachId("attach_id")
constexpr std::string_view VerifyData("verify_data")
constexpr std::string_view VerifyType("verify_type")
constexpr std::string_view Label("label")
constexpr std::string_view MediaNr("media_nr")
constexpr std::string_view Url("url")
constexpr std::string_view LastUser("username")
constexpr std::string_view EffectiveUrl("effective_url")
constexpr std::string_view LastAuthTimestamp("last_auth_timestamp")
constexpr std::string_view Password("password")
constexpr std::string_view Username("username")
constexpr std::string_view AuthTimestamp("auth_timestamp")
constexpr std::string_view Url("url")
constexpr std::string_view Reason("reason")
constexpr std::string_view Transient("transient")
constexpr std::string_view Label("label")
constexpr std::string_view Desc("desc")
constexpr std::string_view MediaNr("media_nr")
constexpr std::string_view Device("device")
constexpr std::string_view NewUrl("new_url")
constexpr std::string_view LocalFilename("local_filename")
constexpr std::string_view CacheHit("cacheHit")
constexpr std::string_view Url("url")
constexpr std::string_view ExpectedFilesize("expected_filesize")
constexpr std::string_view DeltaFile("delta_file")
constexpr std::string_view CheckExistOnly("check_existance_only")
constexpr std::string_view Filename("filename")
constexpr std::string_view StagingFilename("staging_filename")
constexpr std::string_view Url("url")
constexpr std::string_view LocalFilename("local_filename")
constexpr std::string_view NewUrl("new_url")
static void fieldValToProto(const ProvideMessage::FieldVal &val, zypp::proto::DataField &field)
static expected< void > validateMessage(const ProvideMessage &msg)
static ProvideMessage::FieldVal fieldValFromProto(const zypp::proto::DataField &field)
#define FAIL_IF_NOT_SEEN_REQ_FIELD(msgtype, fname)
#define DEF_REQ_FIELD(fname)
#define OR_OPT_FIELD_CHECK(msgtype, fname, ftype)
#define FAIL_IF_ERROR()
#define REQ_FIELD_CHECK(msgtype, fname, ftype)
#define OR_REQ_FIELD_CHECK(msgtype, fname, ftype)
const D * get() const
Definition: PtrTypes.h:503
Drops a logline and returns Exception as a std::exception_ptr.
Definition: Exception.h:432
Drops a logline and throws the Exception.
Definition: Exception.h:428
#define ERR
Definition: Logger.h:98
#define WAR
Definition: Logger.h:97