#Edit sourcelibvirtd
The communication between the virtualization solutions (KVM, Xen) and the libvirt API is managed by the libvirtd daemon. It needs to run on the VM Host Server. libvirt client applications such as virt-manager, possibly running on a remote machine, communicate with libvirtd running on the VM Host Ser…
Before you can install guest virtual machines, you need to prepare the VM Host Server to provide the guests with the resources that they need for their operation. Specifically, you need to configure:
A VM Guest consists of an image containing an operating system and data files and a configuration file describing the VM Guest's virtual hardware resources. VM Guests are hosted on and controlled by the VM Host Server. This section provides generalized instructions for installing a VM Guest.
Most management tasks, such as starting or stopping a VM Guest, can either
be done using the graphical application Virtual Machine Manager or on the command line using
. Connecting to the graphical console via VNC is only
possible from a graphical user interface.
Managing several VM Host Servers, each hosting multiple VM Guests, quickly
becomes difficult. One benefit of libvirt
is the ability to connect to
several VM Host Servers at once, providing a single interface to manage all
VM Guests and to connect to their graphical console.
This chapter introduces advanced topics about manipulating storage from the perspective of the VM Host Server.
Virtual Machine Manager's
view offers in-depth information about the VM Guest's complete configuration and hardware equipment. Using this view, you can also change the guest configuration or add and modify virtual hardware. To access this view, open the guest's console in Virtual Machine Manager and either choose › from the menu, or click in the toolbar.virsh
You can use virsh
to configure virtual machines (VM) on the command line
as an alternative to using the Virtual Machine Manager. With virsh
, you can control the
state of a VM, edit the configuration of a VM or even migrate a VM to
another host. The following sections describe how to manage VMs by using
Vagrant is a tool that provides a unified workflow for the creation, deployment and management of virtual development environments. The following sections describe how to manage virtual machines by using Vagrant.
As the KVM virtualization solution is becoming more and more popular among server administrators, many of them need a path to migrate their existing Xen based environments to KVM. As of now, there are no mature tools to automatically convert Xen VMs to KVM. There is, however, a technical solution th…