libzypp 17.31.23
Go to the documentation of this file.
2| ____ _ __ __ ___ |
3| |__ / \ / / . \ . \ |
4| / / \ V /| _/ _/ |
5| / /__ | | | | | | |
6| /_____||_| |_| |_| |
7| |
12#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 // for ::getline
14#include <signal.h>
15#include <errno.h>
16#include <unistd.h>
17#include <sys/wait.h>
18#include <fcntl.h>
19#include <pty.h> // openpty
20#include <stdlib.h> // setenv
21#include <sys/prctl.h> // prctl(), PR_SET_PDEATHSIG
23#include <cstring> // strsignal
24#include <iostream>
25#include <sstream>
27#include <zypp-core/AutoDispose.h>
28#include <zypp-core/base/Logger.h>
29#include <zypp-core/base/String.h>
30#include <zypp-core/base/Gettext.h>
31#include <zypp-core/ExternalProgram.h>
34#include <zypp-core/zyppng/base/private/linuxhelpers_p.h>
35#include <zypp-core/zyppng/io/private/forkspawnengine_p.h>
37using std::endl;
40#define ZYPP_BASE_LOGGER_LOGGROUP "zypp::exec"
42namespace zypp {
45 {}
48 ExternalProgram::ExternalProgram( std::string commandline,
49 Stderr_Disposition stderr_disp,
50 bool use_pty,
51 int stderr_fd,
52 bool default_locale,
53 const Pathname & root )
54 {
55 const char *argv[4];
56 argv[0] = "/bin/sh";
57 argv[1] = "-c";
58 argv[2] = commandline.c_str();
59 argv[3] = 0;
61 start_program( argv, Environment(), stderr_disp, stderr_fd, default_locale, root.c_str(), false, false, use_pty );
62 }
65 Stderr_Disposition stderr_disp,
66 bool use_pty,
67 int stderr_fd,
68 bool default_locale,
69 const Pathname & root )
70 {
71 const char * argvp[argv.size() + 1];
72 unsigned c = 0;
73 for_( i, argv.begin(), argv.end() )
74 {
75 argvp[c] = i->c_str();
76 ++c;
77 }
78 argvp[c] = 0;
80 start_program( argvp, Environment(), stderr_disp, stderr_fd, default_locale, root.c_str(), false, false, use_pty );
81 }
84 const Environment & environment,
85 Stderr_Disposition stderr_disp,
86 bool use_pty,
87 int stderr_fd,
88 bool default_locale,
89 const Pathname & root )
90 {
91 const char * argvp[argv.size() + 1];
92 unsigned c = 0;
93 for_( i, argv.begin(), argv.end() )
94 {
95 argvp[c] = i->c_str();
96 ++c;
97 }
98 argvp[c] = 0;
100 start_program( argvp, environment, stderr_disp, stderr_fd, default_locale, root.c_str(), false, false, use_pty );
101 }
103 ExternalProgram::ExternalProgram( const char *const *argv,
104 Stderr_Disposition stderr_disp,
105 bool use_pty,
106 int stderr_fd,
107 bool default_locale,
108 const Pathname & root )
109 {
110 start_program( argv, Environment(), stderr_disp, stderr_fd, default_locale, root.c_str(), false, false, use_pty );
111 }
113 ExternalProgram::ExternalProgram( const char *const * argv,
114 const Environment & environment,
115 Stderr_Disposition stderr_disp,
116 bool use_pty,
117 int stderr_fd,
118 bool default_locale,
119 const Pathname & root )
120 {
121 start_program( argv, environment, stderr_disp, stderr_fd, default_locale, root.c_str(), false, false, use_pty );
122 }
126 const char *const *argv_1,
127 bool use_pty )
128 {
129 int i = 0;
130 while (argv_1[i++])
131 ;
132 const char *argv[i + 1];
133 argv[0] = binpath;
134 memcpy( &argv[1], argv_1, (i - 1) * sizeof (char *) );
135 start_program( argv, Environment(), Normal_Stderr, 1, false, NULL, false, false, use_pty );
136 }
139 const char *const *argv_1,
140 const Environment & environment,
141 bool use_pty )
142 {
143 int i = 0;
144 while (argv_1[i++])
145 ;
146 const char *argv[i + 1];
147 argv[0] = binpath;
148 memcpy( &argv[1], argv_1, (i - 1) * sizeof (char *) );
149 start_program( argv, environment, Normal_Stderr, 1, false, NULL, false, false, use_pty );
150 }
153 { }
157 void ExternalProgram::start_program( const char *const *argv,
158 const Environment & environment,
159 Stderr_Disposition stderr_disp,
160 int stderr_fd,
161 bool default_locale,
162 const char * root , bool switch_pgid, bool die_with_parent , bool usePty )
163 {
164 if ( _backend )
165 return;
167 // usePty is only supported by the forking backend
168 if ( usePty ) {
169 DBG << "usePty was set, forcing the ForkSpawnEngine to start external processes" << std::endl;
170 _backend = std::make_unique<zyppng::ForkSpawnEngine>();
171 static_cast<zyppng::ForkSpawnEngine&>(*_backend).setUsePty( true );
172 } else {
173 _backend = zyppng::AbstractSpawnEngine::createDefaultEngine();
174 }
176 // retrieve options at beginning of arglist
177 const char * redirectStdin = nullptr; // <[file]
178 const char * redirectStdout = nullptr; // >[file]
179 const char * chdirTo = nullptr; // #/[path]
181 if ( root )
182 {
183 if ( root[0] == '\0' )
184 {
185 root = nullptr; // ignore empty root
186 }
187 else if ( root[0] == '/' && root[1] == '\0' )
188 {
189 // If root is '/' do not chroot, but chdir to '/'
190 // unless arglist defines another dir.
191 chdirTo = "/";
192 root = nullptr;
193 }
194 }
196 for ( bool strip = false; argv[0] != nullptr; ++argv )
197 {
198 strip = false;
199 switch ( argv[0][0] )
200 {
201 case '<':
202 strip = true;
203 redirectStdin = argv[0]+1;
204 if ( *redirectStdin == '\0' )
205 redirectStdin = "/dev/null";
206 break;
208 case '>':
209 strip = true;
210 redirectStdout = argv[0]+1;
211 if ( *redirectStdout == '\0' )
212 redirectStdout = "/dev/null";
213 break;
215 case '#':
216 strip = true;
217 if ( argv[0][1] == '/' ) // #/[path]
218 chdirTo = argv[0]+1;
219 break;
220 }
221 if ( ! strip )
222 break;
223 }
225 // those are the FDs that the new process will receive
226 // AutoFD will take care of closing them on our side
227 zypp::AutoFD stdinFd = -1;
228 zypp::AutoFD stdoutFd = -1;
229 zypp::AutoFD stderrFd = -1;
231 // those are the fds we will keep, we put them into autofds in case
232 // we need to return early without actually spawning the new process
233 zypp::AutoFD childStdinParentFd = -1;
234 zypp::AutoFD childStdoutParentFd = -1;
236 if ( usePty )
237 {
239 int master_tty, slave_tty; // fds for pair of ttys
241 // Create pair of ttys
242 DBG << "Using ttys for communication with " << argv[0] << endl;
243 if (openpty (&master_tty, &slave_tty, 0, 0, 0) != 0)
244 {
245 _backend->setExecError( str::form( _("Can't open pty (%s)."), strerror(errno) ) );
246 _backend->setExitStatus( 126 );
247 ERR << _backend->execError() << endl;
248 return;
249 }
251 stdinFd = slave_tty;
252 stdoutFd = slave_tty;
253 childStdinParentFd = master_tty;
254 childStdoutParentFd = master_tty;
255 }
256 else
257 {
258 if ( redirectStdin ) {
259 stdinFd = open( redirectStdin, O_RDONLY );
260 } else {
261 int to_external[2];
262 if ( pipe (to_external) != 0 )
263 {
264 _backend->setExecError( str::form( _("Can't open pipe (%s)."), strerror(errno) ) );
265 _backend->setExitStatus( 126 );
266 ERR << _backend->execError() << endl;
267 return;
268 }
269 stdinFd = to_external[0];
270 childStdinParentFd = to_external[1];
271 }
273 if ( redirectStdout ) {
274 stdoutFd = open( redirectStdout, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 0600 );
275 } else {
277 int from_external[2];
278 // Create pair of pipes
279 if ( pipe (from_external) != 0 )
280 {
281 _backend->setExecError( str::form( _("Can't open pipe (%s)."), strerror(errno) ) );
282 _backend->setExitStatus( 126 );
283 ERR << _backend->execError() << endl;
284 return;
285 }
286 stdoutFd = from_external[1];
287 childStdoutParentFd = from_external[0];
288 }
289 }
291 // Handle stderr
292 if (stderr_disp == Discard_Stderr)
293 {
294 stderrFd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
295 }
296 else if (stderr_disp == Stderr_To_Stdout)
297 {
298 stderrFd = *stdoutFd;
299 //no double close
300 stderrFd.resetDispose();
301 }
302 else if (stderr_disp == Stderr_To_FileDesc)
303 {
304 // Note: We don't have to close anything regarding stderr_fd.
305 // Our caller is responsible for that.
306 stderrFd = stderr_fd;
307 stderrFd.resetDispose();
308 }
310 if ( root )
311 _backend->setChroot( root );
312 if ( chdirTo )
313 _backend->setWorkingDirectory( chdirTo );
315 _backend->setDieWithParent( die_with_parent );
316 _backend->setSwitchPgid( switch_pgid );
317 _backend->setEnvironment( environment );
318 _backend->setUseDefaultLocale( default_locale );
320 if ( _backend->start( argv, stdinFd, stdoutFd, stderrFd ) ) {
321 bool connected = true;
322 if ( childStdoutParentFd != -1 ) {
323 inputfile = fdopen( childStdoutParentFd, "r" );
324 if ( inputfile )
325 childStdoutParentFd.resetDispose();
326 else
327 connected = false;
328 }
329 if ( childStdinParentFd != -1 ) {
330 outputfile = fdopen( childStdinParentFd, "w" );
331 if ( outputfile )
332 childStdinParentFd.resetDispose();
333 else
334 connected = false;
335 }
336 if ( not connected )
337 {
338 ERR << "Cannot create streams to external program " << argv[0] << endl;
340 }
341 } else {
342 // Fork failed, exit code and status was set by backend
343 return;
344 }
345 }
347 bool ExternalProgram::waitForExit(std::optional<uint64_t> timeout)
348 {
349 if ( !_backend ) {
350 // no backend means no running progress, return true
351 return true;
352 }
353 return _backend->waitForExit( timeout );
354 }
356 int
358 {
359 if ( !_backend ) {
360 ExternalDataSource::close();
361 return -1;
362 }
364 if ( _backend->isRunning() )
365 {
366 if ( inputFile() )
367 {
368 // Discard any output instead of closing the pipe,
369 // but watch out for the command exiting while some
370 // subprocess keeps the filedescriptor open.
371 setBlocking( false );
372 FILE * inputfile = inputFile();
373 int inputfileFd = ::fileno( inputfile );
374 long delay = 0;
375 do
376 {
377 /* Watch inputFile to see when it has input. */
378 fd_set rfds;
379 FD_ZERO( &rfds );
380 FD_SET( inputfileFd, &rfds );
382 /* Wait up to 1 seconds. */
383 struct timeval tv;
384 tv.tv_sec = (delay < 0 ? 1 : 0);
385 tv.tv_usec = (delay < 0 ? 0 : delay*100000);
386 if ( delay >= 0 && ++delay > 9 )
387 delay = -1;
388 int retval = select( inputfileFd+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv );
390 if ( retval == -1 )
391 {
392 if ( errno != EINTR ) {
393 ERR << "select error: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
394 break;
395 }
396 }
397 else if ( retval )
398 {
399 // Data is available now.
400 static size_t linebuffer_size = 0; // static because getline allocs
401 static char * linebuffer = 0; // and reallocs if buffer is too small
402 getline( &linebuffer, &linebuffer_size, inputfile );
403 // ::feof check is important as select returns
404 // positive if the file was closed.
405 if ( ::feof( inputfile ) )
406 break;
407 clearerr( inputfile );
408 }
409 else
410 {
411 // No data within time.
412 if ( ! _backend->isRunning() )
413 break;
414 }
415 } while ( true );
416 }
418 // wait for the process to end)
419 _backend->isRunning( true );
420 }
422 ExternalDataSource::close();
423 return _backend->exitStatus();
424 }
426 bool
428 {
429 if ( _backend && _backend->isRunning() )
430 {
431 if ( ::kill( _backend->pid(), SIGKILL) == -1 ) {
432 ERR << "Failed to kill PID " << _backend->pid() << " with error: " << Errno() << std::endl;
433 return false;
434 }
435 close();
436 }
437 return true;
438 }
441 {
442 if ( _backend && _backend->isRunning() )
443 {
444 if ( ::kill( _backend->pid(), sig ) == -1 ) {
445 ERR << "Failed to kill PID " << _backend->pid() << " with error: " << Errno() << std::endl;
446 return false;
447 }
448 }
449 return true;
450 }
452 bool
454 {
455 if ( !_backend ) return false;
456 return _backend->isRunning();
457 }
460 {
461 if ( !running() )
462 return -1;
463 return _backend->pid();
464 }
466 const std::string &ExternalProgram::command() const
467 {
468 if ( !_backend ) {
469 static std::string empty;
470 return empty;
471 }
472 return _backend->executedCommand();
473 }
475 const std::string &ExternalProgram::execError() const
476 {
477 if ( !_backend ) {
478 static std::string empty;
479 return empty;
480 }
481 return _backend->execError();
482 }
484 // origfd will be accessible as newfd and closed (unless they were equal)
485 void ExternalProgram::renumber_fd (int origfd, int newfd)
486 {
487 return zyppng::renumberFd( origfd, newfd );
488 }
490 std::ostream & ExternalProgram::operator>>( std::ostream & out_r )
491 {
492 setBlocking( true );
493 for ( std::string line = receiveLine(); line.length(); line = receiveLine() )
494 out_r << line;
495 return out_r;
496 }
499 //
500 // class ExternalProgramWithStderr
501 //
504 namespace externalprogram
505 {
507 {
508 _fds[R] = _fds[W] = -1;
509#ifdef HAVE_PIPE2
510 ::pipe2( _fds, O_NONBLOCK );
512 ::pipe( _fds );
513 ::fcntl(_fds[R], F_SETFD, O_NONBLOCK );
514 ::fcntl(_fds[W], F_SETFD, O_NONBLOCK );
516 _stderr = ::fdopen( _fds[R], "r" );
517 }
520 {
521 closeW();
522 if ( _stderr )
523 ::fclose( _stderr );
524 }
525 } // namespace externalprogram
527 bool ExternalProgramWithStderr::stderrGetUpTo( std::string & retval_r, const char delim_r, bool returnDelim_r )
528 {
529 if ( ! _stderr )
530 return false;
531 if ( delim_r && ! _buffer.empty() )
532 {
533 // check for delim already in buffer
534 std::string::size_type pos( _buffer.find( delim_r ) );
535 if ( pos != std::string::npos )
536 {
537 retval_r = _buffer.substr( 0, returnDelim_r ? pos+1 : pos );
538 _buffer.erase( 0, pos+1 );
539 return true;
540 }
541 }
542 ::clearerr( _stderr );
543 do {
544 int ch = fgetc( _stderr );
545 if ( ch != EOF )
546 {
547 if ( ch != delim_r || ! delim_r )
548 _buffer.push_back( ch );
549 else
550 {
551 if ( returnDelim_r )
552 _buffer.push_back( delim_r );
553 break;
554 }
555 }
556 else if ( ::feof( _stderr ) )
557 {
558 if ( _buffer.empty() )
559 return false;
560 break;
561 }
562 else if ( errno != EINTR )
563 return false;
564 } while ( true );
565 // HERE: we left after readig at least one char (\n)
566 retval_r.swap( _buffer );
567 _buffer.clear();
568 return true;
569 }
572} // namespace zypp
void resetDispose()
Set no dispose function.
Definition: AutoDispose.h:180
Convenience errno wrapper.
Definition: Errno.h:26
bool stderrGetUpTo(std::string &retval_r, const char delim_r, bool returnDelim_r=false)
Read data up to delim_r from stderr (nonblocking).
Start an external program by giving the arguments as an arry of char *pointers.
const std::string & command() const
The command we're executing.
std::ostream & operator>>(std::ostream &out_r)
Redirect all command output to an ostream.
std::map< std::string, std::string > Environment
For passing additional environment variables to set.
void start_program(const char *const *argv, const Environment &environment, Stderr_Disposition stderr_disp=Normal_Stderr, int stderr_fd=-1, bool default_locale=false, const char *root=NULL, bool switch_pgid=false, bool die_with_parent=false, bool usePty=false)
static void renumber_fd(int origfd, int newfd)
origfd will be accessible as newfd and closed (unless they were equal)
std::vector< std::string > Arguments
bool kill()
Kill the program.
pid_t getpid()
return pid
const std::string & execError() const
Some detail telling why the execution failed, if it failed.
bool running()
Return whether program is running.
int close()
Wait for the progamm to complete.
Define symbols for different policies on the handling of stderr.
std::unique_ptr< zyppng::AbstractSpawnEngine > _backend
void setBlocking(bool mode)
Set the blocking mode of the input stream.
FILE * inputFile() const
Return the input stream.
std::string receiveLine()
Read one line from the input stream.
const char * c_str() const
String representation.
Definition: Pathname.h:110
std::string form(const char *format,...) __attribute__((format(printf
Printf style construction of std::string.
Easy-to use interface to the ZYPP dependency resolver.
Definition: CodePitfalls.doc:2
AutoDispose<int> calling ::close
Definition: AutoDispose.h:302
#define for_(IT, BEG, END)
Convenient for-loops using iterator.
Definition: Easy.h:28
#define _(MSG)
Definition: Gettext.h:37
#define DBG
Definition: Logger.h:95
#define ERR
Definition: Logger.h:98