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Applies to openSUSE Leap 15.6

15 Setting up your system keyboard layout Edit source

The YaST System Keyboard Layout module lets you define the default keyboard layout for the system (also used for the console). Users can modify the keyboard layout in their individual X sessions, using the desktop's tools.

  1. Start the YaST System Keyboard Configuration dialog by clicking Hardware › System Keyboard Layout in YaST. Alternatively, start the module from the command line with sudo yast2 keyboard.

  2. Select the desired Keyboard Layout from the list.

  3. Try the selected keyboard layout in the Test text box.

  4. If the result is as expected, confirm your changes and close the dialog.

  5. The result is stored in the files /etc/vconsole.conf (for text consoles) and /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf (for X11).

  6. Advanced keyboard settings can be configured in System › Sysconfig Editor › Hardware › Keyboard. Here you can specify the keyboard rate and delay settings, and enable or disable NumLock, CapsLock, and ScrollLock. These settings are stored in /etc/sysconfig/keyboard.

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